Early and fruitful Yamal tomato - characteristics and description of the variety

How tall the Yamal tomato grows is, the characteristics and description of the variety are very interesting. A friend gave the seeds, but he will also grow this variety for the first time, so we study with him. We were promised that the harvest will be early, but when exactly will the fruits ripen? And yet, I would like to plant tomatoes in the open field and be sure that they will grow in our middle lane.

Yamal tomato characteristics and description of the variety Many of us want early tomatoes, but most of them finish fruiting quickly and have little flavor. The exception is the Yamal tomato - the characteristics and description of the variety only confirm its advantages over other early species of this crop. The fruits of Yamal are not only tasty, with sweet fleshy pulp, but they will also be tied until autumn. Having such a variety, you can not even plant others. All summer you will have versatile tomatoes, suitable for both salads and canning.

Yamal tomato - characteristics and description of the variety

Yamal tomato bush

Yamal is one of the best varieties of domestic selection, although it is not included in the State Register. Despite this, tomato is very popular and surpasses other early varieties, both in taste and in yield.

One of the main advantages of the variety is its early maturity and high plant resistance. You can harvest the crop after 90 days, in the month of June, while fruiting lasts until frost hits. The variety tolerates adverse growing conditions well. It is successfully cultivated outdoors even in the middle lane and to the north, but is also suitable for greenhouses.

The bushes themselves are compact in size - their average height is 35 cm, but they are spreading, with large foliage. You can find out Yamal already when buying seedlings - the seedlings will have strong and thick stems.

The resistance of the variety to late blight and other diseases of tomatoes. This allows you to do without additional expenditures of effort and resources for preventive treatment of plantings.

Taste qualities

yamal tomato fruitYamal's fruits are not very large, weighing no more than 120 g, rounded and slightly flattened. But their pulp is aromatic, sweet and sour, fleshy, although a little dry. The dense skin reliably protects tomatoes from damage during transportation.

The variety has a good yield, allowing you to collect more than 10 kg of tomatoes from 1 sq. m. Moreover, they are suitable for fresh consumption and for conservation.

Pros and cons of the variety

Of the advantages of the Yamal tomato, it is worth noting, first of all:

  • early maturity and high yield over time;
  • compact size of bushes that do not require pinching;
  • disease resistance;
  • the ability to form an ovary in a cold snap;
  • excellent taste and versatility of the fruit.

The variety does not have significant drawbacks, except perhaps very large fruits. However, there are other tomatoes for this purpose. But the fact that Yamal is still not officially recognized is often used by unscrupulous sellers and distributing ordinary varieties under its brand.

Video review of the Yamal tomato


