Sagan-daila herb medicinal properties of natural energy

What diseases does the sagan-daila herb help with? Can you tell me the medicinal properties of this plant? Recently, she began to get very tired, a neighbor advised me to buy this weed and drink. She says she gives strength, besides, it is good for the heart. Does she have any contraindications? I have hypertension, I drink pills all the time.

sagan dail herb medicinal properties The secrets of this plant were first discovered by Tibetan monks, and since then it has been widely used, especially in folk medicine. The sagan-daila herb, popular in the Far East, whose medicinal properties are known to every local healer, has found its audience in our country. And it is not surprising, because it is this plant that is credited with a lot of healing properties. The herb is especially useful for the nervous system, being a natural sedative. And its anti-inflammatory effect allows the plant to be used for the treatment of other diseases. What is this gift of nature and where is it used?

What is sagan-daila herb

Sagan Daila

The scientific name of the plant is Adams' rhododendron. This is a short shrub up to 40 cm in height with small elongated leaves. From the middle to almost the end of summer, it blooms beautifully with pale pink flowers, collected in inflorescences-shields. It is the leaves and flowers of rhododendron that are used to prepare medicinal decoctions. Its natural habitat is the territory of the Far East with a temperate climate. The shrub is also found in India, Japan and China.

adams' rhodendron or sagan dail

The name “sagan-daila” was given to the rhododendron by the Buryats, who also call it “Buryat tea”. On the territory of this republic, the grass is collected and used so massively that it began to disappear. To preserve the culture, it was even included in the Red Book.

Sagan-daila herb - medicinal properties

dried herb sagan dailaFor the preparation of infusions and decoctions, inflorescences and leaves from the tops of the shoots are collected and dried. This is done around the middle of the flowering period, at the end of July. It is at this time that the leaves and buds accumulate many useful substances. Especially rich rhododendron Adams on essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, resins, vitamin C, and organic acids.

The dried grass is covered with a light white bloom, for which it received another popular name - "white wing".

Sagan-daila has a number of medicinal properties, namely:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves headache and swelling;
  • neutralizes inflammatory processes;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • increases overall immunity and body tone;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • promotes the outflow of urine and the removal of stones and sand from the kidneys;
  • reduces the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle;
  • improves bowel function.

Water decoctions, infusions and teas, as well as alcoholic tinctures of sagan-daila are used to treat diseases of the genitourinary, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Grass also helps with viral infections and colds in the winter season. It also relieves painful symptoms and swelling in case of joint problems.

Contraindications for use

Sagan Dail brothConsidering some properties of sagan-dail, not everyone can use it. So, due to the lowering effect, such decoctions are not suitable for hypotonic patients, as well as for those who have hyperactivity. In addition, it is not recommended to drink the herb for pregnant women, lactating women and children. And also take it at night, taking into account the tonic effect. And it is imperative to observe the dosage and not exceed it.This can lead to side effects such as hallucinations, nausea, and even poisoning.

Properties and uses of sagan-dail


