An irreplaceable weapon in the fight against an invisible enemy - herb Veronica officinalis
The unique herb Veronica officinalis is known to lovers of greenery as a creeping perennial. In nature, it grows in forests in small clearings, wet plains near rivers, steppe zones and among wild bushes. The height of the shoots reaches about 15 cm, which does not prevent them from completely covering the ground with a dense green carpet. Flowering begins with the arrival of May heat and continues until the onset of August. On the tips of delicate shoots, buds of blue or pale lilac appear. At the end of the season, the plant is adorned with miniature bicellular fruits in the form of capsules. There are stored many flat-convex seeds, ready to fly in different directions to fill the earth with flowers.
The people know the grass under different names. Some of them especially attract attention: the head of a snake, a forest oak grove, the grass of free gypsies.
Veronica officinalis herb: unique composition and main characteristics
- various essential oils;
- organic acids;
- alkaloids;
- vitamin C;
- carotene;
- glycoside;
- vitamins;
- aucubin;
- tannins.
The list of useful elements of Veronica officinalis herb indicates its beneficial effects on the human body.
It is desirable to procure raw materials during its active growth. For this, only the ground part of the plant is used - flowers and foliage. Raw materials do not lose their valuable elements for 2 years.
Observation of patients who took decoctions of Veronica officinalis showed its high healing potential. It has a beneficial effect on the body in the following directions:
- stops all kinds of bleeding;
- removes phlegm from the body;
- relieves inflammation;
- relieves pain;
- accelerates wound healing;
- stimulates the withdrawal of fluid from the body;
- promotes active work of the gallbladder.
Due to the medicinal properties of Veronica's herb, many drugs have been created on its basis, which are prescribed for the prevention of various diseases and pathologies in the body.
Herbal treatment should not be taken lightly, as they, like any chemical drug, have side effects. In each case, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
The active use of veronica herb in traditional medicine
When a person loses strength, feels unwell and pain, he understands that the disease has declared war on him. Is it wise to sit back during this period? Only active participation will help to defeat the invisible enemy, if you use effective weapons. Often these can be tablets, injections, droppers and various tinctures from plants. Only by mobilizing all forces can one really defeat the disease.
The widespread use of veronica herb in folk medicine helps to solve problems in a gentle way for the body.The main requirement is to properly prepare the "medicine", to prescribe a course of treatment and doses. Consider popular recipes for potions from this wonderful plant.
To eliminate pain symptoms, traditional healers recommend making juice. It is squeezed out of the fresh foliage and buds of the plant. The drink is taken before meals 3 times a day. The dosage is a quarter of a glass.
In this case, the use of Veronica officinalis is allowed only in a company with a river string, fragrant burdock, chopped wheatgrass root and flowers violets... Each component is taken in a tablespoon (dry), mixed and poured with hot water. Boil for about 15 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth is filtered through cheesecloth. It is taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
First, the juice is squeezed out of the fresh plant. For dosage, it will take 200 ml. Then it is mixed with alcohol (40%), tightly closed and insisted in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate for 10 days. Used to lubricate the skin affected by the fungus 2 times a day (morning and evening).
Various diseases of the throat
To prepare the drug, take about 20 grams of Veronica officinalis. Then it is poured with boiling water (0.5 l). Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, after which they insist for an hour. The finished broth is filtered through a double ball of gauze. It is taken after meals 3 times a day.
Menopause symptoms
Often, women of Balzac's age endure discomfort during physiological changes in the body. To reduce stress and ease the symptoms of menopause, traditional healers suggest preparing a decoction from the following components:
- medical veronica;
- wormwood;
- violet;
- birch leaves;
- corn silk;
- licorice rhizome;
- chamomile;
- petals peony;
- yarrow.
Approximately 20 g of the mixture is poured with hot water (300 ml), covered with a lid, wrapped and insisted in a warm place for 2 hours. The filtered drug is taken 100 ml three times a day. The therapeutic period of treatment lasts no more than 4 months.
A decoction consisting of herbs will help get rid of annoying headaches:
- Veronica officinalis;
- eucalyptus;
- pepper highlander;
- thyme;
- Linden blossom;
- fireweed.
The components are mixed in a glass or enamel bowl and poured with hot liquid. Insist 3 hours. It is taken 4 times a day for three months. The acceptable dose is one third of a standard glass.
Possible contraindications
It is naive to think that there is a magic drug that would not have side effects. Each organism has its own characteristics, so it is important to listen to it and apply an individual approach. Like other medicinal plants, Veronica herb has contraindications that have emerged during its use:
- low blood pressure;
- high levels of stomach acidity;
- heart diseases;
- intolerance to the components contained in the plant;
- children under 3 years old.
A reasonable approach to the use of decoctions or juice of Veronica officinalis will help to achieve success in the fight against an invisible enemy. The main thing is to follow the recipe and dosage of the drug, prescribed by a specialist.