Bright herb goldenrod: useful properties and contraindications for use

goldenrod useful properties and contraindications Among the many plants on planet Earth, there is one unusual thing - goldenrod, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are of interest to many enterprising healers. Today, this pretty plant is found almost throughout Europe, in the Caucasus and even in Siberia. It is easy to find in spacious meadows, forest glades and among low bushes. Another name for the plant is "Golden Rod", "Rabbit Down" and "Yellow Flower". To begin with, let's note the external features of the herb, and then we will figure out what is the secret of its beneficial effect on the body.

General information about the culture

flowers the color of the sun

Goldenrod is a perennial plant that belongs to the "Astrovye" family. His shoots are erect, not branching. The next leaves are located on them. Although they are ovoid, the edges are slightly pointed. The basal plates are collected in a winged petiole and are slightly larger in size than those at the top.

Inflorescences are miniature baskets. They are compactly collected in brushes or panicles. Appears on the plant in mid-August. They emit a pleasant aroma, so the flower belongs to melliferous plants. After successful pollination, fruits are formed on the shoots in the form of a cylindrical achene with pronounced protrusions. They are decorated with a brown crest. The culture grows to about 1 m in height.

harvesting goldenrodGoldenrod is considered an aggressive herb, as it grows rapidly, displacing neighboring plants. It reproduces by self-seeding, occupying more and more new territories, which causes controversy among biologists.

The goldenrod is harvested during the flowering period. Panicles that do not lign are suitable. They are dried in small bunches in a room where direct sunlight does not fall.

An invisible storehouse of valuable elements

natural healerTo get a good understanding of the beneficial properties and contraindications of goldenrod, we first get to know its chemical composition. The bright yellow flowers are just a shell behind which many valuable components are hidden.

Specialist research shows that the flower contains:

  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • a number of phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • saponins;
  • glucosides.

Thanks to this original set, the plant is widely used in folk medicine. And judging by the results, quite successfully.

Goldenrod herb: useful properties and contraindications

goldenrod at their summer cottageBiologists distinguish between several basic types of the golden rod. The most popular varieties are ordinary and Canadian. Despite this, each of them has its own characteristics.

For example, the healing properties of common goldenrod are manifested in the treatment of common diseases:

  • gout;
  • dermatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • early stage hepatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • thrush in children and women;
  • fungal infections;
  • renal impairment.

The plant has been observed to have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body.goldenrod broth

A number of problems can be solved with the help of various decoctions:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • bleeding gums;
  • various skin rashes on the body;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • excess fluid in the body.

They are prepared in different ways, taking into account the degree of the disease, the advice of the attending physician, the individuality of the organism.

The traditional option involves simple steps:

  • 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured with boiling water (1 glass);
  • Keep under the lid for 2 minutes;
  • soar in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  • insist for about 3 hours;
  • the cooled mixture is filtered.

To determine how long to drink the golden rod herb, you should take into account the concentration of the substance and the severity of the disease. There is no single rule, since the herb is used to treat various ailments. In addition, goldenrod is considered an unsafe crop.

It is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • mothers during lactation;
  • people with kidney failure;
  • to those whose heart is failing.

Canadian goldenrod is especially harmful when it is taken in violation of the dosage. The result is intestinal cramps, headaches, nausea, and frequent urination. As you can see, overdose causes the opposite effect.

Goldenrod can be used to remove stones from the body only under the supervision of a physician. The broth can change the acidity of urine.

Popular recipes for a healing potion

dry holotarnikFor the treatment of various inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, a decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of a dry product. First, it is poured with hot water (200 ml). Insist for 60 minutes. Take 3 times a day for rinsing.

pharmacy collection of goldenrodTo strengthen the immune system, medicinal tea is made. For this, 4 tsp. pour 400 ml of hot water. The mixture is brought to a boil and the heat is turned off. The liquid is left for about 5 minutes. The finished drink is filtered, after which it is taken 3 times a day.

The dose must be selected individually, taking into account the unique characteristics of the organism.

In addition, special ointments, decoctions and tinctures were prepared from dry raw materials. Consider a few recipes:

  1. A fragrant bathing broth is prepared by pouring 50 g of dry raw materials with 10 liters of water. Bring to a boil, then incubate for another 10 minutes. Infuse the liquid for 2 hours.
  2. For a healing ointment, dry goldenrod buds are first ground into powder. Then mix with cream or fat sour cream. Used in the treatment of skin rashes.
  3. Tincture for compresses is obtained by steaming herbs with boiling water. After cooling, filter. The product is applied to the wounds, the boils are washed.

If you mix the grated inflorescences with sea ​​buckthorn or olive oil, you get a healing balm to treat the affected skin.

A sweet medicine for all occasions

autumn honey plant goldenrodGoldenrod honey has long been used in folk medicine.

The beneficial properties of the product are manifested in antimicrobial reactions, since it contains:

  • a whole arsenal of vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • minerals:
  • a number of organic acids.

goldenrod honeyIt contains fructose, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, sucrose and proteins. Such a storehouse of valuable components allows you to use honey goldenrod to strengthen immunity and stimulate metabolic processes. Compresses made from amber liquid are applied to wounds and skin irritations. Healing ointments are prepared from it, which are used in folk medicine. When treating the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to adhere to the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

goldenrod honey with a slight bitternessWhen choosing a product, experts advise paying attention to its color and taste. Only a bright yellow liquid with a delicate fruity odor and a delicate bitterness is suitable. Healing treats are prepared in various ways. Kidney ailments are treated with a mixture of honey and lemon juice (100 g of product + half a lemon). A very simple option: warm mineral water is mixed with an amber delicacy (1 spoon per glass of water). If you dilute currant jam with goldenrod honey and take 1 tbsp before meals. l. you can stimulate the liver. For the treatment of the bladder, prepare a drink: dissolve 1 tbsp in 500 ml of cold boiled water. l honey. Drink before eating, 0.5 cups.

The product is contraindicated for people with diabetes or a tendency to food allergies.

Having considered the beneficial properties of goldenrod and contraindications, you can notice the power of this bright herb for the body. Various recipes and ways of using a medicinal drug help fight ailments. Giving preference to goldenrod, do not forget to consult with a specialist and listen to your body.

The benefits of goldenrod for a summer residence - video


