Three rules for growing gladioli
Gladioli are bulbous flowers. They propagate by corms, so the tubers can be divided in half and half of the onion can be planted in the ground. With this cultivation, some gladioli may not bloom, but half of the bulbous tuber will form a large number of children. Such reproduction is used in industrial greenhouses. Consider the three most important rules for growing gladioli.
Read: how to prepare gladioli for planting in spring?
Preparing the bulbs for planting
In order for gladioli to form flower stalks as early as possible, the bulbs must be processed before planting in open ground. They are immersed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Also, the set can be placed in hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes. Such treatment will destroy all fungal spores, and the bulbs will begin their development faster. Sevok can be planted in grooves; for adult gladiolus bulbs, separate holes must be made.
Before planting in open ground, gladiolus bulbs are also treated with insecticidal preparations. Insecticide treatment is carried out in order to protect gladioli from small insect pests - thrips.
Pest control
Thrips are small black insects that live outdoors. They lay their eggs in a bed of bulbous plants. In May, the larvae of these insect pests move to the bottom of the gladiolus bulb and gnaw it. With their jaws, the larvae stick to the bulb and feed on its juice. Thrips multiply very quickly. If the bulbs are not processed gladiolus insecticide before planting in open ground, insects can destroy the entire bed of this flower in a few days. Treatment with insecticidal preparations is repeated in May.
In summer, gladioli are treated with insecticides from the flower beetle and leafworm. Gladiolus very well protect funds from the Colorado potato beetle. In the summer, flowers are processed at the same time as potatoes.
Cutting gladioli
Cut off the stem of the gladiolus two months before digging up the bulbs.
It is important to remember that gladioli are flowers grown for cutting. They bloom beautifully in a pot of water. Even a gladiolus bud will bloom on the cut stem. Gladiolus blooms to the last bud.
After winter storage, the bulbs can be planted back in the ground. Before spring planting, it is necessary to treat the bulbs again with a solution of potassium permanganate.