We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
Thuja Globoza (Thuja occidentalis Globosa) is an evergreen dwarf shrub from the cypress family. Thuja reaches a height of 1 m and a diameter of 1 m.It grows very slowly, adding only five centimeters in height per year. Twenty-year-old thuja reaches 1.5 m in height.
For its spherical shape it is widely used in landscape design. Dense needles in the form of small scales change color throughout the year from light green in spring to brown in winter. Flat shoots stretching upwards, crossing, form a dense crown. To maintain a decorative look and give the shrub the desired shape, it is recommended to cut twice a year. In summer, the shrub is dark green in color. On the shoots there are brown cones, reaching a size of 1 cm. It perfectly tolerates the Russian winter. Thuja is a long-liver among shrubs, there are specimens of 200 years of age.
Planting thuja Globoza
Planting and leaving thuja western Globoses are easy to implement in the conditions of the Russian climate and are not difficult.
For planting, they choose a site, clear it of weeds, loosen the soil. Saplings should be planted in spring or August-September. Pits are prepared in advance according to the size of an earthen coma around the plant, pouring crushed stone or sand on the bottom with a layer of up to 15 cm for drainage. The seedling does not need to go deep into the ground, the place from which the roots begin should be at the level of the soil.
The seedlings bought in the store do not need fertilization, since they are already present in the root coma.
Before planting, the plant must be carefully examined, pay attention to the color of the roots: they must be white. Seedlings are covered with a pre-prepared earthen mixture from peat, sand and turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Ideal soil for thuja loamy soil serves.
The plant is watered twice a week, it loves spraying the crown. Sprinkling is carried out in the morning or evening. Spraying is moderate, because if water remains on the shoots, this can lead to fungal diseases.
They are fed after three years. Every spring, the soil is loosened, doing this carefully to avoid damage to the root system of the thuja. Recommended mulch soil with peat or wood chips up to seven cm thick. In winter, you can replace it with coniferous branches to avoid the appearance of small rodents. Prune branches for better growth, forming the crown of the shrub.
In the first year after planting, it is recommended to cover the bush with a construction mesh from exposure to sunlight. Since the root system is weak and plant tips may get burned. Young bushes should be covered with a frame during a snowy winter to avoid breaking fragile branches. The branches are tightly pulled together with a ribbon. Otherwise, if the bush breaks, irregularities remain in the crown, which are difficult to align even when cutting.
Thuja Globoza care
Thuja care involves:
- watering;
- loosening the soil;
- mulching;
- timely pruning of branches;
- crown formation;
- fertilizer;
Thuja Globoza is disease resistant.But if the conditions of care are violated, infection with late blight is possible, the appearance false shields... The use of insecticides Fufanon, Aktara, Aktellik helps to get rid of diseases.
If the branches dry, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with Topaz, Abiga-Peak, Hom fungicides.
Tuya Globoza on a personal plot
In landscape design, varieties of thuja are widely used: Aurea and Compact.
Thuja Globoza Aurea is distinguished by a slightly elongated crown shape, reaching a height of 1.2 m. The egg-shaped crown of light green color allows the use of a shrub in landscape design to create compositions and for separate planting.
Planting and care requirements are the same as for all types of thuja. Top dressing is carried out in spring complex fertilizers... Thuya Aurea tolerates Russian frosts well. In the spring after planting, the bush is shaded from direct sunlight so as not to cause the needles to dry out.
Thuja Globoza Compact has a spherical shape. The height of the bush is up to sixty centimeters. Dense crown of yellow-green color. A low-growing bush is used for planting in rock gardens, slides. Go well in combination with trees and shrubs, allowing you to create a variety of compositions.
Looks good in indoor pots. Suitable for landscaping balconies, verandas, roofs. Thuja Kompakta gained great popularity in landscaping the urban landscape adjacent to offices, cafes, and institutions. Not demanding on soil and maintenance. Thuja of this type grows slowly, the crown retains its natural spherical shape, therefore, does not require a haircut.
Grows on loamy soil. Grows well both in sunny and shaded places. It is advisable not to plant on the windy side. In the spring, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizing. Well tolerates winter.