Organomineral fertilizer Signor Tomato to help the summer resident

fertilizer Signor Tomato Fertilizer Signor Tomato is a complex action agent that helps to regulate the process of plant growth and stimulate fruit ripening. Differs in a multicomponent composition containing organic and mineral substances, as well as beneficial soil bacteria. Suitable for vegetables belonging to the nightshade family.

Composition of the preparation

complex fertilizer

Fertilizer Signor Tomato includes a set of elements necessary for soil nutrition. Their ideal ratio allows to achieve an increase in the vegetative mass of the plant to an optimal level, excluding possible damage to flowering.

The tool is based on the following components:

  1. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in a ratio of 1: 4: 2. This is the most suitable ratio for tomato crops, eggplant, vegetable peppers. Representatives of the nightshade are distinguished by an increased demand for the composition of the soil, in particular for the content of phosphorus and potassium. Both components help to increase the resistance of vegetables to temperature extremes and various kinds of stress. In addition to this, these substances favor the formation of buds, and also ensure the timely growth and ripening of fruits.
  2. Bacteria of the genus Azotobacter. The importance of these microorganisms is quite large, since they enrich the soil with useful elements and improve its physiological qualities. In addition, these bacteria secrete biologically active substances that have a stimulating effect on the process of plant growth.
  3. Humic acids. They are a source of beneficial microelements necessary for healthy plant growth. The presence of humic acids in the soil has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, provides soil nutrition for plants, and increases their resistance to weather changes.

Thanks to the complex composition of the Signor Tomato fertilizer, the yield of the crop is significantly increased, the ripening of fruits is accelerated, and the likelihood of infection with fungal and viral infections is reduced.

All members of the nightshade family should not be given excess nitrogen until the first ovaries appear. Otherwise, there is a possibility of dropping buds and flowers in the initial period of development.

Fertilizer application Signor Tomato

fertilizing the hole during planting

It is necessary to apply the tool as follows:

  1. To prepare soil for seedlings, you should take 3 tbsp. spoons and fertilizers and 5 liters of soil, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Water the plants with the finished composition.
  2. When planting seedlings in a permanent place, 1 tbsp. place a spoonful of the product in the planting hole and mix well with the ground. After the performed actions, water should be watered.
  3. To feed the root system, you need 5 tbsp. pour spoons of fertilizer into a ten-liter container with water and mix thoroughly. Leave the resulting composition to infuse for three hours. After the time has elapsed with the ready-made solution water plants under the root in a proportion of 1 liter of the product per plant.

The recommended amount of application of Signor Tomato fertilizer is 1 time in 7-10 days.

The high acidity of the soil significantly reduces the vital activity of the Azotobacter bacteria. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the acidity of the soil is most optimal for each type of plant.

The effectiveness of the drug directly depends on:

  • the quality of the events;
  • following the recommendations given in the instructions;
  • timeliness of manipulations.

Fertilizer Signor Tomato is a real assistant to the gardener when used correctly and correctly.

Secrets of tomato productivity - video


