Fertilizer magnesium sulfate: application features for tomatoes

Tomatoes are the most favorite vegetable in our family, so I always plant a lot of them. However, it was not possible to get a big harvest last year. I heard that magnesium sulfate raises yields well. Tell me how to properly use magnesium sulfate for fertilizing tomatoes?

magnesium sulfate Magnesium sulfate is a complex fertilizer that is used for growing all types of plants. The drug has proven itself especially well as a top dressing for garden crops, in particular tomato... The fertilizer contains magnesium and sulfur, which are necessary for the growth and good productivity of plants.

Signs of a lack of magnesium in tomatoes are light spots on the leaf plate, while the leaves curl upward. With a sulfur deficiency, the veins on the leaves brighten and the stems weaken.

Features of using the drug for tomatoes

Magnesium sulfate can be used to fertilize tomatoes at various stages of growing:

  1. When preparing the soil... For 1 sq. m. add 10 g of the preparation and water the beds well. Do this both in the fall and immediately before planting tomatoes.
  2. During the growing season... For root feeding, dissolve 30 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water. For spraying on a leaf, reduce the proportion by half. Carry out no more than 2 dressings per month.

Experienced gardeners advise adding urea (5 g) to the solution for foliar treatment so as not to burn the leaves.

When fertilizing tomatoes with magnesium sulfate, you must strictly follow the instructions regarding the frequency of fertilizing and the dosage of use. Excess magnesium also contributes to a decrease in calcium, which negatively affects the growth of tomatoes.

watering tomatoes

After applying dry magnesium sulfate to the soil, it is imperative to water the site, since the drug is not active in dry soil. In addition, the powder dissolves better in warm water and in this form is completely absorbed by plants.

The drug is well combined with other fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

The effect of the drug on garden crops

spraying tomatoes

As a result of fertilization of tomatoes with magnesium sulfate:

  • plants absorb calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus better;
  • the palatability of fruits improves;
  • yield increases;
  • growth is activated;
  • ripening of tomatoes accelerates.

The most effective application of magnesium sulfate on sandy soil. The acidic soil must be limed before applying the drug, since the increased acidity simply will not allow the plants to absorb magnesium.

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes - video


