Home care for bougainvillea

Bougainvillea Vera Wait A guest from the tropics of the American continent, bougainvillea is a tall shrub. It is not the flowers that create the charm, but their bracts. In nature, they are lilac in color, in culture - multicolor. It is not easy to grow bougainvillea at home, special care is needed.

Bougainvillea flower indoor

Like many tropical captive plants, bougainvillea at home requires special conditions. In good conditions, the bush and houses can grow up to three meters high. Only three varieties of bougainvillea succumbed to breeding - beautiful, Peruvian and naked.

Indoor bougainvillea

It should be noted that in nature the branches of the plant are liana-shaped and prickly. The collectors were unable to remove the thorns of domestic plants. The dream of amateurs is to get a flower with blue bracts.

Plant care involves the following steps:

  • creating conditions for flowering;
  • wintering bougainvillea;
  • transplantation and reproduction;
  • possible problems in case of violation of the containment regime.

Subject to agricultural technology, such a plant can be grown.At home, as in the photo, the bougainvillea flower will delight only if agricultural technology is followed.

Home content bougainvillea

A tropical plant needs careful fulfillment of all requirements. The plant is placed on a south window, directly in direct sunlight. Bougainvillea does not like a change of residence even within the window, protests by dropping foliage. Drafts should not touch the plant. If the bougainvillea at home is located on a warm glazed loggia or a flower greenhouse - the ideal solution.

The beauty of bougainvillea bractsIf the bush is watered and fed on time, it will bloom from May to November. Flowers are inconspicuous, fade quickly. Bracts of various shapes and colors are decorative. They retain their shape and beauty for a long time. Leaves are hidden behind a riot of bracts, and the bush looks like a large flower basket.

It is very important that during the flowering period the temperature is maintained at 22-250 C. At rest, it is optimal to have in a cool room 5-100 C. At 00 From degrees the plant dies, above 100 C - vegetation begins. In winter, in a warm place with sufficient illumination, the plant will not go into hibernation, it will bloom weakly. Then, in the summer, you will not expect a violent flowering.

Watering mode and other subtleties of courting are important for bougainvillea video:

It is unacceptable during flowering to completely dry out the clod of earth. However, stagnant moisture will immediately lead to root rot. Therefore, it is important, having saturated a clod of earth through the pallet, to allow the excess to drain. In winter time watering cut, but drying out the soil in the pot is unacceptable. Even in a cool place, it is necessary to moisten the soil every 10-14 days.

In the summer, you need to systematically moisten the bougainvillea leaves, necessarily on both sides, but so that droplets do not fall on the bracts. Watering and moistening should only be done with soft, settled water.

The plant grows rapidly and needs frequent replanting. In a greenhouse, the growth per year can be three meters. The size of a room bougainvillea flower under normal conditions depends on the volume of the pot. The closer to the roots, the less growth and more abundant flowering. Accordingly, you will have to transplant more often so that there is enough food.

Bougainvillea naked bonsaiThe main condition for transplanting is not to disturb the root system. Therefore, handling into a larger pot is done with care. The remaining 2 cm from the walls to the root are carefully covered with the composition:

  • sheet land - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

In addition, vermiculite, ceramic chips, and crushed charcoal are mixed into the soil. A thick drainage layer of expanded clay or broken shards of ceramic dishes is laid on the bottom. It is important that the acidity of the soil is close to neutral reaction.

The best time to transplant when the plant awakens from winter dormancy is in early spring. At the same time, transplanting and pruning cannot be combined.

By pruning, they form a bush and get cuttings for rooting. Young branches are cut to a length of up to 13 cm. The bush grows well. It is better not to touch old branches. There will be no effect, and the injury to the plant is more noticeable.

You can propagate bougainvilleas at home by rooting a lignified shoot obtained by pruning. It is easier to get a new plant in a hole by pinning a branch to the ground. This is how the plant is propagated during breeding work in greenhouses.

Rooting a lignified shootFor rooting, a sterile composition is used as a substrate - sand, charcoal, crushed sphagnum moss. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 21-23 degrees. Bottom heating will speed up rooting. It is necessary to maintain moderate humidity in the soil and provide regular ventilation.

The cessation of flowering or shedding of leaves is a signal to a capricious tropical slave that she does not like the conditions of detention.

Bougainvillea at home can get sick from over-watering with stagnant areas. Root rot will begin, which will destroy the plant. The temperature of the earth clod below +5 degrees is detrimental to the plant.

Over-watering can lead to plant deathThe flower can inhabit aphids or mealybugs. A sooty mushroom settles on sweet secretions and the leaves turn black. Such leaves need to be picked, the plant should be washed and treated with a strong insecticide - Aktellik.

Bougainvillea of ​​Siberia - video


