Chrysanthemum care at home
Two types of chrysanthemums are grown in pots - Chinese and shrub. In contrast to the garden type, caring for chrysanthemums in pots is more difficult.
The main and most important rule of growing is that the flower should be placed in a cool room with fresh air. Chrysanthemum does not like direct sunlight and grows well only when the air temperature does not exceed 18 degrees. The most optimal temperature for the content is 10-15 degrees. The flower does not tolerate heat very well, so if your indoor chrysanthemum has dropped its leaves and stopped blooming, it must be removed to a cool room.
Chrysanthemum indoor - care and growing conditions
To get a lush blooming chrysanthemum, you need to create certain conditions for it.
Many growers consider this plant to be unpretentious and, nevertheless, you will have to adhere to some rules for caring for chrysanthemums at home:
- Lighting... The chrysanthemum pot should not be placed in direct sunlight. The best place for him will be a well-lit window sill, and in hot weather the flowerpot is shaded.
- Air humidity... The plant does not require regular spraying from a spray bottle, but this should be done periodically. Such a light shower is arranged for a flower in the morning or in the evening. There should be no dust on the chrysanthemum leaves.
- Watering... Abundant watering is essential for chrysanthemums, but the soil should not be soggy. During the period of active growth of the plant, it should be watered twice a week so that the soil is constantly moist.
- The soil... To facilitate the care of domestic chrysanthemums, initially you need to make the right soil for planting. To do this, mix sod land, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Chrysanthemum does not like acidic soil.
Chrysanthemum potted care: transplantation and reproduction
Many consider chrysanthemum an annual plant and throw it away after flowering. In vain. You can save the chrysanthemum and even multiply it.
How to care for indoor chrysanthemum after flowering?
There is nothing difficult here - the stems need to be cut and the pot placed in a cool and dark place. At the time of pruning, the plant can give young shoots, they are left in a pot. The pot with chrysanthemum is placed in the basement, periodically watered. In the spring, you can start breeding chrysanthemums.
You can dilute your favorite indoor chrysanthemum using cuttings or dividing the bush. Moreover, the latter method is the most preferable due to the reliability and success of the event.
During the period of intensive growth of shoots, you can begin to reproduce the flower. One indoor chrysanthemum bush can give up to 6 young shoots. Prepare planting pots filled with soil in advance. Having carefully separated the root system of a young shoot, it is planted in a pot and watered abundantly. Subject to the rules of caring for indoor chrysanthemums, the plant will bloom in the first year after planting.
Cutting chrysanthemums takes more time. Cuttings 10 cm long are cut from the bush, which are treated with heteroauxin or root root and planted in a pot.
The stalk is buried 1.5 cm, and the pot is covered with foil. Seedlings are kept in a warm room with a temperature of about 20 degrees. Periodically, the pots need to be ventilated to prevent the development of fungal diseases. When the chrysanthemum grows to 15 cm, its top must be pinched to form a bush.
Chrysanthemum feeding
It is not enough just to plant an indoor chrysanthemum in good soil and water it periodically with water. Like any plant, chrysanthemum quickly selects nutrients from the soil. Therefore, if you have a room chrysanthemum, care must necessarily include periodic feeding.
Chrysanthemum responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers. With an untimely feeding with phosphorus and potassium, the chrysanthemum blooms later than usual. To prevent this from happening, the flower is fed with a solution of potassium monophosphate (1:10) or another multicomponent fertilizer is used, where the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will be 1: 3: 2.
An adult plant is fed every 10 days during the active growth of shoots and leaves. It is best to use liquid organics. If the soil in the pot is depleted, top dressing is carried out every 4 days with a mullein (1:10). You need to feed the chrysanthemum until the buds form.
Fighting disease
Indoor chrysanthemum is a tasty flower for pests and diseases. Especially often, a spider mite settles on the bushes of indoor chrysanthemums. If, while caring for indoor chrysanthemums, you find a white cobweb, you need to urgently take action. The leaves and stem of the plant are wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water, after which the bush is rinsed under a warm shower. A solution of actellic or pyrethrum will help get rid of the spider mite.
Powdery mildew is another, most common disease of indoor chrysanthemums. A gray bloom forms on the leaves and peduncles. Such a fungal disease occurs due to high humidity. The affected flower is treated with a fungicide and taken out to a dry room.
Sometimes flower growers notice a fluffy, ash-colored bloom on their room chrysanthemum. This gray rot multiplies, causing the edges of the chrysanthemum leaf to turn brown and brown. For treatment, the flower is sprayed with a foundation, and the pot is placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place.
If the room is too dry, a red spider mite can settle on the room chrysanthemum. Brown spots with a yellow border on the leaves indicate the defeat of the flower with septoria. Treatment with foundation and reduction of watering of the plant will help to cope with diseases.
Chrysanthemums are very beautiful flowers. I have been growing them in a flower garden for about 10 years. During this period, different varieties have grown, probably 30-40. I also love indoor chrysanthemums, and I bought them several times. But I never managed to breed them. Thanks for the good advice. I will definitely use them. I especially liked the material, which describes how to breed indoor chrysanthemums from cuttings. At first glance, there is nothing complicated. I think I will succeed this time.
I bought a chrysanthemum in a pot, after a short time it began to fade ... how to save a flower?
As a rule, after purchasing a potted chrysanthemum, it must be transplanted into nutrient soil. The land in which flowers grow in the store very quickly becomes poor in nutrients. Change the potting soil and check the indoor temperature. Chrysanthemums feel good at temperatures up to 15 degrees Celsius. If the room is too hot, the plant reacts to this by wilting.In this case, the pot must be taken out to a cooler room.
I also really want to have a chrysanthemum at home, it is very beautiful and I like its smell, but the first growing experience was deplorable, literally two days later it began to dry, the new flowers were small, not juicy, and changed color from lilac to white, then I threw it away. And now, having picked up knowledge from the sites, I want to try to grow again.