Home care for jasmine gardenia

Gardenia blooms The area of ​​flowering evergreen gardenia shrub is the tropics and subtropics of China, Asia and Africa. Gardenia jasmine home care requires special care. The slightest miss leads to shedding of foliage, fading and even the death of a flower. On the windowsill, a plant can live from a year to seven years, depending on the observance of agricultural technology.

How do you recognize you, gardenia jasmine?

Gardenia jasmine in a pot

At home, an adult bush can grow from 50 to 180 cm tall. It has strong ligneous shoots with shiny leaves and fragrant large flowers. Blooms gardenia photo in nature twice a year. In culture, large-flowered forms with a long flowering period have been bred.

However, it is not easy to grow and wait for the flowering of a capricious beauty. It is difficult to create the desired microclimate and maintain it unchanged at home. The slightest deviation in the care of gardenia jasmine responds by changing the color of the leaves, fading, dropping flowers and cover. Read about monkey loosestrife!

Improper care leads to shedding of leavesEven prolonged bad weather can spoil the mood of a tropical guest. Lack of light leads to plant fading. It is important to arrange for the sissy backlight to relieve stress. Moreover, now there are special additional lighting lamps. Plant does not tolerate:

  • prolonged exposure to direct midday sunlight;
  • dry air;
  • improper watering and nutrition;
  • uncomfortable temperature.

Gardenia should not be placed in the bedroomFlowering occurs at the tips of the shoots and axillary, closer to the light. Therefore, the annual pruning of lignified twigs allows you to make the bush decorative and provides planting material for propagation - cuttings.

In the caring hands of a skilled mistress, jasmine gardenia, a photo, will delight with a radiant look and exquisite aroma of flowers. The scent is strong and there is no place for a flower in the bedroom.

When caring for a plant, you need to know that all parts of the flower are poisonous and you should work with protective gloves.

How to care for your gardenia jasmine

Gardenia blooms on the windowsillPlant care is about creating a comfortable environment for it. In a living space, the desired microclimate in a limited volume is achieved by constant care for the flower. In this case, it is necessary to create:

  • correct lighting;
  • temperature conditions;
  • watering and microclimate;
  • substrate and nutrition;
  • transplant.

The main condition is the absence of sharp climatic changes, to which the jasmine gardenia reacts painfully.

A place with good diffused light is chosen for a long time. The flower is not only rearranged, you cannot turn it, otherwise it will drop the buds. Therefore, the south-west and south window on hot days with shading will be just right. The flower favorably refers to the open balcony and loggia and even the terrace in front of the house. In winter, gardenias need illumination with a fluorescent or LED lamp; an incandescent lamp heats up the air.

In winter, gardenia needs lightingObservance of the temperature regime of gardenia jasmine in care is strictly required. In summer, the plant blooms at temperatures no higher than 22-240 C. A plant exposed to fresh air is brought into the room before flowering and the required temperature is created. In winter, buds are formed on the shoots. At a temperature of 16-180 there will be many. And if the temperature is higher, branches will begin to grow to the detriment of the formation of fruit buds.

The subtropical plant needs moist air. In caring for jasmine gardenia at home, this is achieved by spraying the leaves, but the buds and flowers must remain dry. The evaporator, a nearby aquarium or a tray with a damp substrate and stones, on which the pot is installed, will save the day.

Special requirements for irrigation water. Hard water, which builds up scale on the kettle, is not suitable. Only soft, settled, river or rainwater can be used to moisten a clod of earth. In summer, the flower is watered often. If the drainage allows excess moisture to pass through, there should be no stagnation. In winter, watering is carried out in moderation, but without drying out the coma.

The plant needs moderate wateringThe moisture content and nutrition of the root system depend on the composition of the soil. Therefore, after buying a plant, and every time the land is depleted, the jasmine gardenia needs a transplant. The substrate is prepared sour, based on heather or peat-coniferous soil.

You can take ready-made soil for azalea, or you can make up in equal parts:

  • riding red peat;
  • coniferous forest land;
  • deciduous land;
  • coarse sand;
  • sod land.

Drainage is carried out from expanded clay, which must first be boiled, removing salts from the pores. The soil should be acidified and a little natural lemon juice is added to the irrigation water 2 times a month.

Rooting the shoots of gardeniaChelated iron salts are used as a flower feed, since the plant needs this element more. All dressings exclude calcium and magnesium, since they will make the soil unusable, the plant will have to be replanted. During the growing season, the jasmine gardenia needs phosphorus - potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen is needed to build up green mass. But everything is good in moderation. Excess salts, not absorbed by the plant, poison the soil.

Gradually, the root system grows, the soil becomes poor, the drainage pores are silted up, and a gardenia jasmine-like transplant is required.

Any transplanting of the plant during the growing season will result in shedding of the buds. Therefore, even a purchased flower is transplanted at a time when the buds and flowers have not yet appeared. But if you need to save the jasmine gardenia, then the flowering will have to be sacrificed.

Gardenia transplant neededThe plant is transplanted after autumn flowering, that is, in late autumn and until early February. For small bushes, use the transshipment method. It is not necessary to reload it annually, the main thing is that the lump is completely shrouded in roots and retains its shape.

Large bushes free the old earth from the coma, shaking it off. The roots are pruned, treated with activated charcoal, a root formation stimulant and placed in the same dish, after replacing the substrate. You need to install the pot in a permanent place.Young gardenia plants

Gardenia jasmine, leaves turn black and fall

The signal to take a closer look at the plant will be the blackening of the leaves and their dropping. The reason may be poor work of the root system, which does not provide the bush with food.

Gardenia leaves turn blackIf the lower leaves turn black, you need to check:

  • the earth in the pot has not compacted and become airtight;
  • drainage holes are clogged, creating stagnant water;
  • excess fertilizer can give the same reaction.

Dry spots on the leavesIf the top of the head is black, you need to look for pests. Perhaps a bacterial or viral disease has appeared on the plant and the supply of nutrients to the upper part is disrupted. If the leaves fall off, then this can be caused by any deviations in the care of the jasmine gardenia at home.

The appearance of fungal diseases is accompanied by spots, bloom and death of leaves. The fight is fungicide treatment. The best way is to pick diseased plants and burn them, and process the plant, including roots and transplant it into fresh soil or other dishes.

Gardenia jasmine leaves turn yellow

Gardenia is sick - leaves turn yellowAn indicator of the health of a houseplant is the condition of the leaves.If the gardenia leaves turn yellow, an urgent need to look for the cause:

  1. The yellowing of the lower layer of leaves suggests whether the moisture balance is disturbed or the plant is standing in a draft. It is necessary to reduce watering, remove the pallet with pebbles.
  2. The yellowness of the upper leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen or its poor absorption. This is also a sign of watering with hard water, as a result, the acidity of the soil is disturbed.
  3. In low light, the jasmine gardenia turns yellow and sheds buds and leaves. The plant lacks chelated iron or nitrogen. Only you need to restore balance gradually, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Spider mite on the leavesThe cause of yellowing may be the colonization of leaves with a spider mite. Any deviation in the gardenia content leads to a stop of flowering and shedding of buds.

Reproduction of gardenia jasmine at home

There are two ways of reproduction - seed and vegetative. For seed propagation, the freshness of the seeds is essential. They can be obtained independently in room conditions, after waiting for ripening. It must be recalled that gardenia seeds are poisonous.

Vegetative propagation method for gardeniaCuttings are the upper parts of lignified shoots. They take root in a greenhouse, in a sand-peat mixture in summer, when a bush is formed by removing part of the stems. The rooted plants are later transplanted into the prepared substrate, and after six months the young plant can bloom.

How to properly grow gardenia jasmine from seeds

Expanded clay or coarse sand with small pebbles is poured into a wide bowl with drainage holes by a third. The soil for growing a school consists of equal parts of peat, sand and coniferous land.

Gardenia seed podsThe seeds are soaked for a day in growth stimulants. For growing from seeds, gardenia jasmine is laid out over the surface of the substrate and sprinkled on top with a mixture of half a centimeter thick. The earth is moistened from above with a spray bottle, covered and set in a warm, bright place. Soil temperature should be stable at 25 degrees. The shelter is periodically cleaned and the soil is moistened. The sprouts will appear in a month.

Reproduction of gardenia seedsWhen the plant grows stronger and real leaves appear, they need to be planted in the smallest cups one by one and covered until they take root. In the future, you will have to transplant more than once, until after two years the bush will bloom.

It is more profitable to propagate gardenia by jasmine cuttings, since flowering occurs faster, after six months.

Gardenia care videos


