Caring for bokarnea at home in the photo
Beaucarnea - Beaucarnea belongs to the asparagus family. The thick seven-meter barrel, reminiscent of a bottle, is a reservoir of water supplies. The bark is similar to the skin of an elephant and prevents evaporation. Breeding and care at home, the bakery, as in the photo, was turned into a houseplant.
Caring for sideknot at home
The cultivated plant has lost its growth, the trunk of indoor plants resembles a bottle up to half a meter high. Above is a sultan of feathery leaves that hang down like a ponytail. Old leaves do not fall off when dry, creating a brown halo. The leaf is rough, like a belt with a jagged edge.
Bocarnea transplant after purchase
Often, there is not a single plant on sale, but several copies. In any case, a transplant is required, but especially in this. First of all, the plant must adapt to the conditions of detention. A week will allow signs of disease or pest infestation to appear. After quarantine, the plants need to be planted.
The composition of the soil includes:
- sod land - 2 hours;
- leaf land - 1 hour;
- humus - 1 hour;
- peat - 1 hour;
- sand and vermiculite for about 5 parts.
Add crushed charcoal, add a layer of pebbles on top.
Use expanded clay balls for drainage. The pot should be wide and shallow, as in nature the palm tree grows on rocky slab bases.
When transferring a plant to a new pot, leave the thickened part at the same level. The roots of the plant are fragile and need to be handled carefully.
You cannot water the plant when transplanting. A diseased plant will not be able to take advantage of moisture and will rot.
After transplanting, put on a bag with air access. Keep until the growth of leaves appears.
Young plants must be transplanted annually for three years, observing the same sequence of operations, but each time increasing the size of the bowl by 4 cm. Initially, the trunk of a young plant looks like a bulb. An adult plant needs a transplant if it has fully used the volume of the pot.
Bocarnea, how to care?
In summer, water the plant after the clod of earth has completely dried out through the pallet. In winter, if the plant has retired, watering is not required. The water is used separated, without traces of chlorine. You can use water passed through a charcoal filter.
In winter, when watering the plant is excluded, the leaves can be washed under a warm shower, ridding them of dust and insect pests.
The formation of the bokarnea crown depends on the conditions of the plant. Will the plant have a luxurious "mane" or a long "elephant's leg" depends on the light and watering. If the conditions of keeping are normal, average lighting and regular watering, the biological cycle will go to the development of leaf plates. In this case, the trunk will be flat.
In drought conditions, the plant has adapted to be content with a meager supply of moisture in the air. Grooved leaves collect drops of morning dew and send it to a reservoir called caudex.
If you put the plant on the south window and water it after the clod of earth has dried out, the situation is stressful, reminiscent of the homeland.In this case, a decorative leg will appear with lingering scars and cracks from unevenly expanding tissues. At the same time, the crest at the top will thin out and wilt.
In order for the plant to develop in the desired decorative direction, a balance must be observed. In summer, the palm tree benefits from sunbathing without rain and wind. In winter it is necessary supplementary lighting.
The plant accumulates mass slowly, does not need nitrogenous fertilizing. With an excess of nitrogen, the leaves become soft, decorativeness decreases. Once a month you can add phosphorus-potassium half dose composition. In winter, top dressing should not be done.
Plant care problems
The appearance of the bokarnei will tell about problems. The leaves of the plant are usually not susceptible to pest infestation. However, they can be populated by:
- spider mites;
- scabbards;
- thrips.
They are removed using well-known insecticides, the safest is Fitoverm.
If you notice that the leaves of the bokarnea are drying, you need to create conditions for favorable growth:
- light should not be direct, diffused, but abundant;
- eliminate drafts;
- remove the plant from the heating battery;
- adjust watering.
At the same time, drying of the leaves is a natural process, and a beard is formed on older plants. But the tips should not dry out, this is due to a violation of the conditions of detention.
Leaves may dry out when the trunk of a bokarnea rots. Lack of nutrition will affect, make the plant sacrifice hair. Decay is possible only if the irrigation regime is violated. You can not water the plant without waiting for the clod of earth to dry. In winter, all the more, watering is not needed if the plant is kept cool.
In case of minor damage, rotten places must be trimmed and sprinkled with crushed coal. After drying, plant the plant again in the substrate. A sign for revision of the roots will be a pale leaf blade and a softening of caudex, a thickened part of the stem.
You can save a plant if it is partially damaged. If most of the trunk becomes soft, the plant will die.
The bottle palm grows slowly. At 20-25 years old, it will completely form the trunk. At home, plants almost never bloom. In nature, they throw out a beautiful panicle about a meter high. At home, the plant is considered unpretentious. It does not require any special care.
Young plants are often kept in a common container for several years. A sign that the plants are cramped will be the cessation of the growth of the green mass. If the conditions of detention have not changed, and the plants have frozen, then they need to be planted in separate cells.