Caring for an avocado tree at home

grown from avocado seed Avocado is an exotic fruit that grows on a tall tropical tree. From the seed of this fruit, you can grow a strong seedling, which, with proper care, grows up to 2.5 m in height, depending on the volume of the pot.

You will not get fruits from such a tree. For it to bear fruit, it is necessary to graft a fruiting branch onto the stock, which is why many exotic plant lovers grow avocados as a green houseplant.

Read also the article: how to grow an avocado from a stone at home?

A place to grow avocados

An avocado seedling requires a lot of sunlight and warmth for normal growth and development, so the pot with the plant is placed on the southern windowsill. Root system avocado does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, when planting a seed, several conditions must be taken into account:

  • the planting pot must be filled with loose sandy loam soil: the basis for the soil mixture is sand and leafy soil;
  • in order to retain moisture, the soil is mulched;
  • in winter, watering is reduced so that the leaves of the tree do not begin to turn yellow and fall off.

You can use hay, garden perlite, or vermiculite as mulch. To decorate a pot with an avocado tree, you can plant herbaceous plants around the perimeter of the container.

Avocado feeding and processing

The avocado tree responds very well to feeding. In the summer, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied to the soil, and foliar treatment is carried out with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. After processing, the leaves of the plant will acquire a rich green color, the tree will form new strong shoots.

It is not worth picking off leaves with dried edges, since the tree may die due to insufficient formation of chlorophyll. Such leaves are removed only after healthy shoots are formed.

In winter, a little nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the soil to maintain the normal color of the leaves. All dressings are applied in the form of warm solutions. In ten parts of water, it is necessary to dissolve one part of a nitrogen-containing organic fertilizer. This proportion must also be observed when preparing a hydrogen peroxide solution.

In autumn, you can add wood ash... After six months of this maintenance, the avocado tree will grow up to 2 m in height. It needs to be transplanted into a larger pot every three months. For additional drainage of water, broken brick, garden perlite or vermiculite must be poured into the bottom of the pot with drainage holes.


