Caring for a palm tree at home - the subtleties of growing exotics
Many types of palm trees feel great indoors, but for this it is important to know how to care for a palm tree at home. This applies not only to watering, but also to the conditions of keeping exotic chic beauties. Among them there are both thermophilic plants and species that prefer a cool winter.
The subtleties of growing domestic palm trees - lighting and temperature
But the temperature requirements for indoor palms are different:
- The most thermophilic palms will not tolerate a cold snap below 18 ° C: hamedorea, caryote, Robelini date, Livistona round-leaved.
- They need a cool wintering with a temperature of no higher than 13 ° C of the warmth of hoveya, rapis, sabal, klinostigma. The rest of the year, they are comfortable at 21 ° C heat.
- Summer coolness is not higher than + 18 ° С and wintering at + 10 ° С warmth is needed by Washingtonia, Trachikarpus Fortune, and low hamerops.
Caring for a palm tree at home
No amount of care will help a palm tree planted in the wrong soil. Young plants are especially demanding in this regard. They need a looser soil, for which 3 shares of peat soil or humus and 1 share of sod soil are added to the substrate. To improve air permeability, a proportion of sand is added to them.
With age, the proportions of sand remain, but the sod component is increased due to a decrease in the proportion of light peat soil.
Having chosen the right soil, in the future it will only be necessary to support the development of the palm tree with competent care, namely:
- Frequent watering, of all kinds. The exception is palm trees, which winter in the cool - they need rare watering in winter.
- Sprays to maintain humidity and remove dust from leaves.
- Top dressing with special mineral complexes for palms. They are carried out twice a month for all plants. But, again, palm trees wintering in the coolness slow down their development during this period and do not need fertilization.
With regard to pruning, most palms shape themselves perfectly and do not need this procedure. Moreover, it is at the top of the trunk that their growth point is located. But some species that are capable of acquiring lateral branches, it is quite acceptable to force them to do it forcibly. To do this, just cut off the top to awaken the dormant lateral buds.