Recommendations and tips for caring for honeysuckle in autumn
Honeysuckle is known to many. The inhabitants of our country plant it in their personal plots. The value lies not only in the taste of the berries, but also in their healing properties... Honeysuckle fruits can help cope with many ailments. They are especially valuable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Berries strengthen the walls of the capillaries, help with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and many other problems with the body. People who live in areas with a high background radiation, they are simply necessary.
But many of those who plants honeysuckle on their site, they face a problem - low yield of berries. The thing is that the cultivation of this shrub has its own characteristics. All the main stages must be done in the autumn, when the plant enters a state of dormancy. This article will discuss how to properly care for honeysuckle in the fall, as well as planting and transplanting it. Why is it necessary to carry out all work with this shrub in the fall? In spring, honeysuckle actively grows and forms new branches. Therefore, transplantation and pruning during this period are contraindicated for her. Otherwise, you won't have to wait for the berry harvest.
Honeysuckle care in autumn
The care of the owner is needed both for a newly planted shrub and one that has been growing on the site for many years. And in fact, and in another case, leaving includes the following stages.
The soil around the shrub must be constantly moistened, especially during the fruiting period. The required amount of water is 1-1.5 buckets, and in a dry summer it will be needed for glaze 2-2.5 buckets for one bush.
The soil should be moist, but too much water is not desirable. Honeysuckle categorically does not like dryness or excessive moisture.
This is an important stage in the cultivation of a shrub, which has its own characteristics. Honeysuckle is pruned differently depending on the variety. Shrubs that serve as hedges on the site are especially in need of rejuvenation. Pruning gives decorative varieties a beautiful appearance, helps the intensive growth of green mass, heals and gives strength. In this case, it must be carried out every autumn. During the summer, cut off only the protruding branches that spoil the appearance. The first time, pruning is carried out to the required size, then as it grows to maintain shape. It also helps the shrub bloom more intensively. For edible varieties, pruning is required for best fruiting.
It is best not to trim the edible honeysuckle until it is 5-7 years old. In addition, pruning must be carried out very carefully in this case, because the shrub grows very slowly.
After eight years of life, it is necessary to rejuvenate honeysuckle after a season, while carrying out intensive thinning. To rejuvenate edible honeysuckle, you need to cut off the upper old part of the skeletal branches, also remove dry branches and lying on the ground. Pruning is carried out only in the fall and after the shrub has thrown off all the leaves. To understand this issue and not make mistakes, it is better to watch a thematic video on pruning honeysuckle in the fall.
Top dressing
In order for the honeysuckle to produce an intense green mass and fruits, every three to four years it is necessary to make organic fertilizers... For this, manure, compost, humus or chicken droppings are perfect.
Loosening and weeding
Every time after watering, the soil around the bushes must be loosened. You also need to remove all weeds. However, when caring for honeysuckle in the fall, do not remove foliage from the soil around the root system. It helps the shrubs to cope well with the cold, and also provides additional nutrition.
How to properly plant honeysuckle in the fall
If you have not previously planted this shrub on your personal plot, then the information below will come in handy. Indeed, as mentioned above, not everyone succeeds in getting a good harvest of honeysuckle. Most often it is a few berries from a bush. The thing is that the cultivation of this crop has its own characteristics.
So, the next question to be answered is how to properly plant honeysuckle in the fall. To do this, the following recommendations must be observed:
- The first thing to do is find a suitable location. Honeysuckle does not like wet soil, areas with poor sunlight penetration. If you want your shrub to produce both green mass and a good harvest of fruits, then try to find a place on an area where the upper part of the honeysuckle will be in the sun, and the lower part in partial shade.
- The soil. Honeysuckle does not like poorly ventilated and poor soils. It is best if the soil is well-drained, sandy and slightly acidic. If there is none, then during planting you need to pour a mixture of peat, sand and sod land into the pit.
- Neighborhood. The third point means that honeysuckle belongs to those crops that cannot independently form fruits. To harvest berries, you need to plant several shrubs nearby.
- Time. The best time to plant is mid-September.
How to plant honeysuckle?
To do this, you need to prepare a hole, measuring 45 by 45 cm. Add humus to it, after which planting is carried out. Further, the shrub must be well watered. Mulch from above. It is advisable to plant neighboring bushes at least one meter apart. In this case, no more than one and a half.
In order for honeysuckle to produce a good harvest, the root system must be soaked in a fertilizer solution before planting. When planting, be sure to straighten all the roots so that they do not intertwine or bend.
Honeysuckle transplant in autumn
All actions during the transfer are similar to those that you do when landing. Shrubs must be located so that the distance between them is at least a meter. Dig a hole from 45 to 50 cm deep. Then add superphosphate or potassium salt to it. Organic fertilizers can be added in advance.
Be sure to keep the root collar at ground level.
Honeysuckle transplant in autumn is best done in late summer or early September. At this point, the shrub outgrows to grow. That's all the basic recommendations, following which you can get a good harvest of honeysuckle. Also have an excellent hedge on the site.
I did a honeysuckle transplant in the fall. Last year bore fruit for the first time. Transplanted to a permanent place, but it did not even bloom.
Perhaps during the transplant you made a mistake somewhere. Be sure to apply fertilizer and position the plant roots correctly. Try to feed the plant well this season. The honeysuckle will strengthen, put down new roots and grow. There will be a harvest next year. Read the article again and try to follow all the recommendations. The plant responds well to caring care.
Can a honeysuckle bush be divided and transplanted in the fall?
The resting period for honeysuckle begins already in mid-August. Dividing the bush and replanting is best done from mid-September until the first frost. Try to split the bush as neatly as possible with minimal damage.Add wood ash to the new holes. It is better not to use manure (possible root burn). Spread mulch around the plant, which will help the plant take root faster and more easily endure frost.
Hello! In the spring I planted 2 honeysuckle bushes, in the same year they gave 2-3 berries. Now you need to prepare the bushes for winter. I looked at them. One bush is pretty, and on the second the leaves are curled up. What should I do? Can I sprinkle something? Than?
The honeysuckle is now dormant. There may be aphids on the twisted leaves. In any case, treat with contact action fungicide. Pay particular attention to the back of the plate. The weakened plant needs to be fed.
Hello! I decided to do the pruning myself, well, and cut the ends of the branches, What should I do now? What will happen to honeysuckle?
In the first two years, honeysuckle is usually not pruned. Nothing terrible happened. It's just that the bush will be more lush and slightly lower than its peers without pruning.
Hello. I grew honeysuckle from seeds. The yield is good. The bushes are about 15 years old. My question is: "How can I transplant it to another region?" It's a pity to quit. I don't have time with layering. And the cuttings will have to wait for a very long time. I would like to hear the answer of a specialist. Helena. Thank you in advance.
Examine the bush carefully. There may be separate shoots from the root. Of course, this is stressful for a plant, but shoots with their own roots can be carefully separated and planted in a new place. If the bushes are not too big, you can try to do the transshipment together with a lump of soil. We'll have to tinker with digging. For larger bushes, prune beforehand to help the plant adapt faster to the new location.
Hello! Honeysuckle 13 years old. Bushes were never cut (except for dry or diseased branches). The bark on all branches is cracked. I did not find young growth from the roots. Can you please tell me if it makes sense to rejuvenate the bushes and how? Thanks in advance for now the answer.
Rejuvenating pruning had to be done in the fall, after the foliage had fallen before the frost began. The fruit species of honeysuckle cannot be cut in spring. Even if you just shorten the branch, then there will be no fruit on this shoot. It is necessary to rejuvenate the bush infrequently - once every two to three years. In this situation, this spring, do not touch the bush yet, you can again only remove the openly dead branches. But in the fall, thoroughly shorten the old shoots, leaving no more than 50 cm from the soil level. In addition, you need to clean the crown and remove the branches that thicken it. At the same time, the honeysuckle is given the desired shape.
The articles are very helpful. I decided to plant Tomsk seedlings in our Volga region. One sapling produced leafy shoots. The rest are sleeping. What to do? Dig in until spring or plant with the rest? Thanks in advance!
Plant the seedling immediately in a permanent place so that you do not transplant later. Provide shelter for the winter to help preserve tender young shoots.