We decorate our site with herbaceous hibiscus
Herbaceous hibiscus for mid-latitudes is more suitable than tree and shrub varieties. It is frost-resistant, decorative double and simple flowers are many large sizes. The flower is called hybrid, since it was obtained as a result of selection, the ancestors were North American varieties.
Hibiscus herbaceous photo
During the summer, the plant creates thickets up to 3 meters high with abundant and varied flowering. A single flower can be up to 40 cm in diameter. If the root is injured during wintering or in spring, the plant will die. Otherwise, the requirements for the care and cultivation of herb hibiscus do not differ from other garden forms.
Agrotechnics of hybrid hibiscus
The place for planting flowers is chosen light and protected from the cold wind. It should be noted that each bush consists of several erect trunks, on which additional branching is created by pruning. Therefore, initially the bushes are planted at a distance of a meter from each other. This is lovely hedge and background for other colors. The bushes are perennial, with the replacement of the top layer of the earth in one place, they can grow for many years. The plant loves well-drained loam. Does not tolerate close standing groundwater and calcareous soil.
A plant planted in a lowland will certainly get wet in the spring. If the site leaves no options, the landing site must be raised and a drainage substrate must be arranged below.
Herb hibiscus loves:
- shower by leaves, but only in the mornings and evenings, when the sun is weak;
- watering in moderation, without overdrying the soil;
- feeding once every two weeks with full fertilizer taking into account biology in each period;
- loosening is frequent, but superficial.
If all the conditions are met, the flower will delight for a long time with an unprecedented size of tropical flowers.
Preparing a plant for wintering
Back in the second half of summer potash fertilizers change the composition of the juice and begin to prepare the plant for wintering. At this time, nitrogen fertilization should be eliminated.
With the first fall frosts, hibiscus stops flowering and begins to prepare for winter. You cannot cut off the ground part, it must dry out and give the supply of food to the roots. At this time, the plants are raked, sand is added to the ground. After the stems have dried, they are cut off. When stable frosts are established, loose vegetable insulation is poured over the roots. It can be sawdust, straw, leaves. The shelter should be loose and let in air. Above the bump is covered with non-woven material and a frame is created on top with poles in order to throw a sack on top in the coldest frosts.
In the spring, the excess layers are gradually removed, the mound is raked and a transparent film is installed over the planting. The plant, closed from night frosts, will quickly throw out shoots, and there a steady heat will come. When young shoots appear, they need to be pinched so that the trunk branches.
How to propagate hybrid hibiscus
Propagating hibiscus is easy.All cuttings root easily. For reproduction used:
- seeds;
- autumn cuttings;
- spring young shoots.
Seeing the photo hibiscus grassy, planting and caring for a handsome man will not seem burdensome for a gardener. It is possible from autumn, after the cessation of color and before the branches die off, ask the cuttings from the lucky owner of the plant. This is the top of the young stems. They need to be put in water, wait until a thick root lobe appears, then plant them in small cups in winter and leave them to grow in the room. The bushes planted in spring will bloom in August in their permanent place.
Growing herbaceous hibiscus from seeds allows for new flower forms. But seeds germinate after stratification. If you sow them in a garden bed, and then grow them, the plants will bloom in 3-4 years.
In winter, plant in a school, with lower heating of the earth, and later plant in separate cups. When the heat comes, the plants are planted in a prepared place. The flowering of such plants will come in the second year. Seed propagation is more often used to obtain new varieties by breeders.
Spring reproduction of herbaceous hibiscus and caring for it from cuttings is not particularly difficult. Cut branches for rooting should be planted in a greenhouse with wet sand. Young plants are left under cover in the winter. The next spring, hybrid hibiscus is planted in a permanent place.
A bush growing in a permanent place grows rapidly and requires division. In the spring, when the ground melts, the root is carefully dug up and halved. Each slice is sprinkled with crushed charcoal. A neatly planted, divided shrub blooms with a slight delay.