Extravagant garden decoration amazingly beautiful Pink Intuition rose

rose Pink Intuition Rose Pink Intuition is one of the most popular French varieties with lush, luxurious flowers and original multicolored coloration. This variety is very popular among European flower growers, it is grown both in personal plots and is used to create beautiful landscape compositions in squares and park areas.

Rose Pink Intuition - variety description

hybrid tea rose Pink Intuition

The creator of the Pink Intuition hybrid tea rose was the French company Delbar, specializing in breeding work. The variety is based on a natural, natural mutation of this variety of roses. As a result, in 2003, an unusual marble rose was obtained, belonging to the two-color, densely doubled varieties.

Description of Pink Intuition rose:

  1. Bushes are powerful, up to 80-120 cm high, up to 50-75 cm in diameter.
  2. Stems are erect, strong, unbranched, with large flower buds at the top and few thorns.
  3. The foliage is dense, large, rich green with a glossy surface. Young leaves are oblong, with sharp teeth at the edges, have a reddish-brown tint.
  4. The flower buds are large, double, the multicolor color resembles marble - a creamy pink background, covered with numerous veins of dark pink, crimson or burgundy.
  5. The buds are large, up to 10-13 cm in diameter and 8-9 cm in height. The flowers consist of 25-45 petals that are rounded and slightly curved outward at the tips.

The Pink Intuition hybrid tea rose belongs to the remontant varieties - it can bloom twice during the season with a short interval of time. The plant is distinguished by long flowering. It can take up to 15-25 days from the moment the flower buds form before they bloom.

rose bloomsThe variety tolerates sharp temperature drops, direct sunlight, heavy rains and the first autumn frosts. The plant tolerates air temperatures up to -24 ° C well.

Duration of flowering pink Intuition rose - from the beginning of June to the last weeks of September.

Planting and caring for Pink Intuition rose

planting and caring for a rose on the sitePink Intuition roses are planted in private gardens, parks and recreation areas as hedges and to decorate flower beds. The flower is very beautiful when cut, therefore it is often used to create magnificent bouquets and compositions.

Planting and caring for Pink Intuition rose requires knowledge of all the nuances of growing a hybrid tea culture. Only in this case, you can get lush bushes covered with large flowers of the original color.

Soil selection

nutritious loose soilThe best option for growing a rose is a nutritious substrate made from sand, humus, peat and garden (or sod) soil. These components must be mixed in a 2: 3: 1: 2 ratio. The soil should be weak or neutral in acidity.

For planting a flower, it is best to choose sunny, evenly lit areas, but they should not be in direct sunlight, otherwise the rose petals may fade and lose their rich color.

They must be well protected from drafts and cold. Nearby trees or buildings are perfect for protection.

Landing features

planting a purchased seedlingPlanting Pink Intuition roses is best done in early or mid-May, since by this time the soil is already warming up enough.Before that, you need to carefully examine the seedlings - their roots must be strong and healthy, without traces of rot, mold and damage.

planting a rose seedling Pink IntuitionBefore planting the plant, you need to prepare the holes - their depth should be at least 50-70 cm, the diameter is about 40-50 cm. The holes should correspond to the width of the root system and not deform it.

Step-by-step landing:

  • a drainage layer should be covered at the bottom of the hole;
  • pour over the drainage soil substrate from river sand, garden soil, peat and rotted manure (in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 3);pit preparation
  • the rose seedling must be placed vertically in the hole;
  • gently straighten the roots;
  • the root collar should be deepened into the ground by 3-4 cm;seedling placement
  • the hole should be covered with soil and lightly tamped so that no voids remain.

In the case of planting several Pink Intuition roses, leave a distance of at least 60-70 cm between the plants, up to 80-100 cm between the flower rows.

Rose Care Pink Intuition

caring for a rose in the gardenCaring for a Pink Intuition rose consists of standard activities - watering, fertilizing, prevention and control of diseases and pests.

watering roses in the gardenPlant feeding must be carried out twice a season. The first - in early April, immediately after the removal of the winter shelter, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. The second feeding is carried out after the first flowering with the help of complex mineral fertilizers. During flowering, you do not need to make additional fertilizing - this leads to a rapid withering of the buds.

Rosa Pink Intuition needs regular watering, which is carried out every 7 days. At least 2 buckets of clean, settled water should be poured under each bush. The frequency of watering depends on the weather conditions - with a prolonged drought, the flower is watered more often, with rainy weather, once every 2 weeks.

Preparing for winter

preparing the rose for winterYou can start preparing roses for winter in the second half of September or early October. To do this, remove all the lower dried and withered leaves, flower buds, broken, diseased branches.

sheltering a young bushAfter that, spud the plant and cover with coniferous spruce branches. Experienced gardeners do not recommend using sawdust, sand or soil for winter protection of Pink English roses. They retain moisture well, as a result of which, under such a shelter, the flowers begin to rot.

covering roses with spunbondIt is advisable to cover tall bushes with agrofibre stretched over a specially installed frame. The ends of this structure must be left open - this will provide full ventilation of the plants. Covering the ends is possible only when the air temperature drops below -10 ° C.

Diseases and pests

rose diseasePink Intuition rose has a strong immune system, therefore it is practically not exposed to bacterial and fungal diseases. In extremely rare cases, with excessively frequent and abundant watering, the plant may suffer from root rot.

When growing a rose, timely prevention of powdery mildew is very important. This fungal infection not only affects the entire ground part of the bush, but can also lead to its death. It is carried out using copper sulfate 3%, potassium sulfate or ferrous sulfate. If the plant is already infected with powdery mildew, highly effective insecticides are used - Fundazim, Topaz, Baktofit, Quadris.

The flower can be affected by pests, one of which is aphids. Its appearance leads to the rapid weakening and wilting of the plant. To combat aphids, wide-spectrum insecticides are used - Karbofos, Actellic, Metathion. It is very important to timely deal with anthills in the personal plot, as it is the ants that are the main carriers of aphids.

An equally common problem is the defeat of the rose bush with spider mites. To destroy pests, spraying with Isofen 0.05% or Akrex 0.08% is carried out.

rose Pink IntuitionRose Pink Intuition is a hybrid variety that has gained popularity among many European gardeners and landscape designers.If you follow all the rules of cultivation and regular care, you can grow a strong and healthy plant, which will become a luxurious decoration of any garden or park.

Pink Intuition hybrid tea rose blooms - video


