Arrangement of a garden plot according to Kurdyumov
Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov, an agronomist by education and popularizer of knowledge on practical agriculture, has many followers. They call their land plots, arranged according to his method - a garden according to Kurdyumov. What is the secret of the success of truck farming using Nikolai Ivanovich's technology. Our country portal will try to answer all these questions!
about the author
The scientist-agronomist regularly publishes his works in many reprinted books. The most famous of them are:
- "Smart Garden";
- "Smart vegetable garden";
- "Smart Vineyard";
- "Smart greenhouse";
- "The Mastery of Fertility";
- "Protection instead of struggle" and others.
The great merit of Nikolai Ivanovich is that, to a good theoretical basis and world experience in agriculture, he adds invaluable grains of national experience.
Four conditions of fertility
The main components of his success Kurdyumov considers four conditions of fertility:
- maintaining a stable level of optimal humidity;
- maintaining good breathability;
- prevention of soil overheating in summer;
- maintaining a high level of carbonic acid in the soil.
Let's consider each of the conditions in more detail.
Optimal and stable humidity
The productive life of microorganisms in the soil is possible only at normal humidity. In too dry soil, bacteria are suppressed, and decomposition of organic matter practically stops in it. In waterlogged, instead of decomposition, harmful putrefactive processes begin. (cm. potato pancakes with minced meat - recipe).
Soil air permeability
On too compacted soil, plants practically do not grow. If you dig, worms and insects that process organic matter into humus will not be found in it.
All processes in the soil occur due to oxygen - nitrification of nitrogen, dissolution of phosphorus and potassium with acids. Structured soil, which is rich in soil tubules, receives much more moisture than compacted soil. This process can be observed in the forest. Even after prolonged rains, there are almost no small puddles in it. All moisture is absorbed deep into the ground.
In summer, the soil should not overheat
And ideally, it should be colder than the air, then internal dew will form on the walls of the soil tubules, which regulates humidity. Sharp jumps in daytime and nighttime temperatures negatively affect the growth and development of plants.
Large amounts of carbonic acid
The following biological chain can be traced here: soil with a high content of undecomposed organic matter attracts many insects and worms, which decompose organic matter into mineral (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and others) and emit carbon dioxide.The latter, combining with water in the presence of oxygen in the soil, forms carbonic acid, capable of converting minerals into forms assimilable for plants. Thus, there is an accumulation of humus - the fertile layer of the earth.
How can we ensure that all the above conditions are met?
Nikolai Ivanovich is sure that this is easy to achieve by performing the following agronomic techniques:
- using flat cutters and weeders instead of digging;
- mulching the surface of the earth in the beds and aisles;
- sowing green manure;
- installation of drip irrigation systems;
- composting of all organic residues;
- arrangement of high fenced beds.
Kurdyumov describes in detail how to carry out these techniques correctly.
How to avoid digging
Digging up a vegetable garden is hard work that discourages most people from farming. In addition, we consider it obligatory to dig twice a year - in spring and in autumn. As a result of digging in the soil, all natural holes, a kind of "pores" of the earth, are disturbed. After this procedure, the earth does not remain loose for long - after the very first rains, it becomes compacted and covered with a crust. The vital activity of microorganisms and worms in such conditions sharply decreases, therefore, its fertility decreases.
The arrangement of a garden according to Kurdyumov involves replacing tedious and harmful digging with the use of a flat cutter. It does not disturb the structure of the soil, is easy to use, excellently pruns weed roots and slightly loosens the top layer.
There are many tools for such an action:
- the famous Fokin plane cutter (small and large);
- various weeders, or flat cutters, loops;
- hand cultivators, similar to flat cutters of different shapes with a wheel that makes work easier.
For quick and efficient processing of a large area from weeds, gardeners make homemade tools by welding a flat cutter or weeder to a frame with a wheel from a wheelbarrow, children's bike or stroller.
Benefits of mulching
Mulch is any material that lies on the surface of the soil and shades it from the sun. To create a mulch layer, use:
- newspapers,
- sawdust,
- mowed grass
- chopped bark
- vegetable peelings,
- semi-rotten compost or manure.
A thick layer of mulch solves several problems for the gardener at once:
- significantly reduces the growth of weeds;
- prevents soil overheating;
- helps to retain soil moisture;
- decomposing, it provides nutrition to microorganisms, increasing fertility.
The most useful mulch Kurdyumov considers the one in which there is a lot of carbon - chips, tree branches, foliage.
It is advisable to grind large particles using a special device - a garden grinder. It creates an optimal fraction - the mulch does not cake and does not dry out.
We sow siderates
Kurdyumov has repeatedly noticed that bare earth, devoid of a vegetative "blanket", quickly loses its structure and fertile layer. In nature, bare land does not exist; it is quickly covered with vegetation. Nikolai Ivanovich proposes to do the same: after harvesting an early harvest, sow fast-growing crops and prune them without waiting for flowering and seed formation. Thus, three problems are solved:
- the land is always covered with vegetation;
- cut green manure enrich the soil with organic matter;
- green manure is used as mulch.
Fast growing grasses and herbs are used for soil green manure. Of these, the following are popular:
- winter rye;
- mustard;
- oil radish;
- Vika;
- peas-pelushka;
- annual lupine;
- alfalfa and others.
Before sowing green manure, it is necessary to consider some subtleties.
For example, after harvesting cruciferous crops, radish and mustard should not be sown, as they also belong to the cruciferous family. Even when sowing siderates, it is advisable to use crop rotation - not to sow crops of the same family for more than one year on one bed.
They sow green manure densely so that they stand as a wall and cover the whole land.Before winter, they are sown a little less often.
The lawn is also considered as a permanent green manure, appropriate everywhere, except for mulched beds and near-stem circles of very young plants.
Why do you need drip irrigation
Drip irrigation differs from the usual one in that it does not erode the top layer of the earth, after which it becomes covered with a crust. Frequent small drops from a special hose with holes fall deep into the soil directly to the roots, and the surface remains loose. The drip irrigation system is bought in specialized stores or made independently. They look something like the photo below:
The water warmed up in the container flows under a small pressure through pipes to the beds, where hoses with holes are laid. Using the method of tests, it is easy to determine for how long to turn on the tap so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture. If necessary, liquid fertilizers are added to the barrel - fermented infusion of weeds, which is pre-filtered so that the holes are not clogged. Thus, growing vegetables on the advice of Kurdyumov, the gardener is relieved of the need to carry heavy buckets and watering cans.
Kurdyumov advises to grind all organic waste and use it instead of mulch in the beds. But it is advisable to compost fresh manure or the contents of dry closets first so that the level of nitrates does not sharply increase in the soil. When setting up a compost, the following points should be taken into account:
- build walls from mesh material so that air exchange is not disturbed and decay processes do not begin instead of overheating;
- cover the compost with a lid to regulate the moisture content of the compost;
- regularly stir the contents with a pitchfork so that the upper layer does not dry out and the lower ones get enough air;
- to accelerate the decomposition of compost, use the preparations "Baikal" and "Shining";
- the addition of ash makes the compost more balanced in terms of nutrient content.
It is advisable to use such fertilizer on the beds according to Kurdyumov in a year, so that all the weed seeds hatch and re-hatch in it.
Gardening lessons from Kurdyumov - video
High warm beds
According to Kurdyumov, stationary bed-boxes are much more convenient than ordinary flat beds. There are several reasons for this:
- The fertile soil layer, which forms when mulch and organic residues are overheated, does not crumble into the paths.
- On a permanent bed, it is more convenient to equip drip irrigation, it does not have to be transferred from place to place every year.
- On stationary beds, it is more convenient to monitor compliance with crop rotation. To do this, all plantings are recorded every year in a separate notebook, and the beds are numbered.
- When arranging warm beds, the sides will not let the layers fall apart.
The beds according to Kurdyumov are made in the following sequence:
- knock down a box of the right size from any suitable material - boards, slate, remnants of a profiled sheet;
- mark a place for a garden bed and remove a layer of earth by 30–40 cm;
- cover the bottom of the future garden with cardboard so that perennial weeds do not break through;
- pour a layer of drainage from crushed branches, chips, bark, leaves, reeds, flavored with ash and watered with fermented herbal infusion;
- lay semi-rotten material - compost, rotten forest litter;
- finish forming with a layer of finished compost.
A warm bed arranged in this way will provide crops with all the necessary elements for several years. After a few years, the bed is re-formed.
In conclusion, Nikolai Ivanovich gives the last advice:
Each region of Russia has its own climate and weather conditions. Therefore, do not use all the tips thoughtlessly - some of them may not suit your conditions. Watch your garden carefully and change your farming techniques so that the plants feel great. Then you will get a real garden according to Kurdyumov.
Hello, tell me what kind of attack this is on my tomatoes and how to fight, they wither, the leaves are in a tube, and some gray little sores have appeared, tell me how to be saved, thanks in advance ..
This is late blight. The disease affects tomatoes in extreme heat and morning fog. We practice processing with iodine solution. For 10 liters of oxen, 30 drops of iodine and 1 cup of milk. We carry out the treatment after each rain and fog. Chemicals can be used. 30-40 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. l of hydrogen pareoxide per 10 l of water. Set the spray gun for foggy spraying and process tomatoes.
Hello! In one of your books, you advise pepper tincture for pest control. How to cook it correctly? And you also mention that Zheleznov processes fruit trees several times during the spring from aphids, too, with some kind of solution of his own. Do not specify what exactly? This summer I had such a problem on young apple trees in the middle of summer. What is it?
Dear Nikolai Ivanovich, I am very grateful to you for the books, which have become, practically, my reference books. I sincerely wish you and your entire family health, luck, patience, Wisdom and Love. Now I have a question for you, we live in the north of the Omsk region, not far from the city of Tara, we have a plot of 27 acres, the family is large, and we need to plant a lot, but if we plant each crop separately, then there will be nowhere to plant potatoes. I ask you for advice on what crops can you plant on potatoes? I will be very grateful to you for your answer.
I am going to buy land in the Taganrog region, frosts reach -20, is it worth creating high beds under such conditions?
Yellow dots appeared on the leaves of the pear, and then turned into spots. Now it is all yellow, but the leaves are not crumbling. What is it and how do we fight. I was told that this is from the thuja, which grows near the pear, they have common pests. Is this true? Send the answer to email mail.