Unique tomato Pepper in the gardener's beds

pepper tomato A new type of mid-season brightly colored tomatoes The Pepper Tomato stands out for its unusual shape of the fruit. Outwardly, it cannot be distinguished from sweet pepper. Various varieties are distinguished by good yield and taste.

Tomato Pepper is grown in a greenhouse and in the open field. In regions with a warm mild climate, the culture bears fruit until mid-October.

One bush gives about 30 kg of fruit per season. They are sweetish in taste, fleshy, covered with a dense skin. There are few seeds inside the fruit. This feature is popular with culinary specialists and frustrates growers who have to work hard to collect seeds for planting next year.

The process of growing tomatoes depends on their characteristics. Distinguish between tomatoes: Pepper-shaped undersized and tall. Some require pinching and a garter, while others do not need support at all.

Indeterminate and determinant species are distinguished by the shape of the berry and its color:

  • black;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

Let's consider in more detail the best varieties of pepper-shaped tomatoes and the features of their cultivation.

Krepysh grade

tomato pepper-shaped sturdy

An early variety well suited to the harsh climate of Western Siberia. Created by Siberian scientists for open field cultivation. Well adapted to cold weather.

Features of the variety

Tomato Pepper Fortress has the following advantages:

  • begins to bear fruit early, about 105 days after planting;
  • not susceptible to many diseases;
  • has a compact rounded shape;
  • does not need a garter (the height of the bush is not more than 35 cm);
  • large raspberry-colored fruits are suitable for canning and fresh consumption.


Seeds are planted in a nutrient substrate at least 50 days before transplanting to the garden. To obtain seedlings, it is necessary to ensure a temperature regime within 22 - 25 ° C. Before planting in the ground, the young are necessarily hardened. For 1 sq. m. place no more than 3 - 4 plants. During the season, seedlings are fertilized mineral fertilizers... Abundant watering is combined with loosening the dried topsoil for good aeration of the roots.

Variety Striped

striped tomatoStriped Pepper Crimson - a tomato with a variegated color. Combining stripes of yellow, orange, red, the berry looks beautiful in fresh vegetable slices, but is especially good for canning as a whole.

Variety characteristics

The striped tomato is classified as a determinant plant species. It has the following characteristics:

  • the bush has a standard shape, grows up to 70 cm (in the greenhouse it stretches and higher, on the ground it reaches 60 cm in height);
  • the fruits ripen early - on the 105th day from the moment of sowing;
  • have a characteristic shape, bright color, weight up to 120 g;
  • fruits are formed on bushes in clusters of up to 7 pieces;
  • the size of each reaches 15 cm.


Seeds are germinated in March using ready-made soil based on peat... Seedlings dive for the first time when two true leaves appear. Before planting in the ground, seedlings are fertilized with complex compositions at least twice. Before planting in a permanent place of growth, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air for several hours during the week. When stable warm weather sets in, tomatoes are planted on a ridge and watered with warm water. Further care combines watering, feeding and loosening.

Variety Red

red pepper tomatoTomato Pepper Red is a versatile variety that works well in the middle lane and southern regions. Its distinctive feature is abundant fruiting until mid-autumn. Outwardly, the fruits are very similar to sweet peppers of bright red color with a pointed tip.


The distinctive features of the plant are as follows:

  • early ripening of fruits - 105 days after planting;
  • high stem growth (up to almost 2 m);
  • good fruiting in greenhouse conditions and on the ridge;
  • fruits up to 120 g of deep red color with dense skin.

Due to the abundant harvest and bright color, summer residents prefer this type for cooking tomatoes, pasta, and salting in general. It is also eaten fresh, but it has the most ordinary taste.


Tomato Pepper Red grows well in fertile soils. It is desirable that legumes, cucumbers or cabbage... You should not plant a crop in the place where the potatoes grew. Before planting, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then deepened by 1.5 cm into a container prepared for seedlings. Seedlings dive as they grow and harden before planting in the garden. Culture requires compulsory pinching and tying.

Variety Pink

tomato pink pepperThe Pink Pepper Tomato is an early type cultivated exclusively in glass or plastic greenhouses. It grows well, reaching a height of over one and a half meters. Subject to the irrigation and top dressing regime, it grows up to 2 m.

This species is also grown outdoors, but only the conditions of the southern regions are suitable for this.

Features of the view

The advantages of pink tomatoes include good yield and high taste. In addition, they are distinguished by the following features:

  • high immunity, not susceptibility to many viral and fungal diseases;
  • long fruiting (in greenhouses and regions with a warm climate from July to September);
  • good transporting qualities of fruits (due to the elastic pulp and dense skin that does not crack and does not lose its aesthetic appearance).

Fruits weighing from 80 to 120 g are recommended to be preserved as a whole, they do not change color and remain elastic after heat treatment.

Variety Orange

orange pepper tomatoTomato Orange Pepper is grown in greenhouse conditions. It begins to bear fruit quite early, already on the 85th day after seed germination. The species is classified as tall. The plant grows up to 1.6 - 1.8 meters in height, requires pinching and a garter to the support.


Valuable features include:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • early fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • the possibility of growing in the shade;
  • disease resistance.

Tomatoes Pepper varieties Orange also differ in very large fruits, tied in clusters of 4 pieces. Their weight in greenhouse conditions reaches 170 g. Records grow up to 300 g. Small berries are suitable for whole-fruited pickling, do not lose color, remain dense.

The various categories of Orange Pepper Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and carotene.


A tall plant is grown from seedlings, which are planted under a film for 50 days. Young growth grows in warm humid air, in open ground it does not develop well and does not bear fruit. When forming a bush, pinch the top until two stems are obtained.

Yellow variety

yellow pepper tomatoTomato Pepper Yellow is a domestic medium variety. The harvest begins on day 115. The beautiful yellow fruits are cylindrical and medium in size. They are especially good for salting.


The plant is resistant to the appearance of fungal diseases, has good immunity. Summer residents plant it with pleasure because of the taste of the berry: all tomatoes grow to the same size, attract with golden juicy pulp.Salads and assorted preserves (with orange, red and yellow fruits) look especially appetizing with yellow tomatoes.

Growing features

The plant is universal: it can be planted on the ground and in the greenhouse. It responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers. Grown in one stem. In the greenhouse, it reaches 180 cm in height.

Variety Cuban Black

tomato cuban blackThe Cuban Black Pepper tomato is distinguished by a very tall bush shape, often exceeding 2 m. Its appearance is characterized by hanging stems with drooping bunches of dark fruits. One inflorescence grows up to 8 pieces. The crop ripens late, after 120 days.


In addition to the unique color of the fruit, the Cuban Black Pepper tomato has the following characteristics:

  • brownish black berries grow up to 180 g;
  • there are practically no seeds in the pulp;
  • the taste is sweet and juicy.

Hugo variety

hugo gradeCzech tomato is a late tall variety. The crop ripens on day 120. Due to the high fertility and size of the berries, the bushes need good support, which will not allow the stems to break under the weight of a bunch of 6 - 8 tomatoes.

Tomato Hugo is distinguished by the characteristic of delicious fruits:

  • they exceed a weight of 200 g;
  • stored for a long time in a torn form;
  • transported without damage;
  • differ in delicate pulp with a pleasant taste;
  • suitable for making tomato paste and puree.

Pepper tomato varieties are suitable for greenhouse and ground cultivation. Fruits are brightly colored, well kept, have excellent taste characteristics. Thanks to the abundant harvest, the cultivation of this type of tomato is beneficial and effective.

Tomato Pepper Giant - video


