Harvest tomato Maryina Roshcha for growing in a greenhouse
Early ripe tall tomato Maryina Roshcha is preferably cultivated on a closed ground. Requires breaking off the lower leaves, systematic tying of the stem to the support. The indeterminate variety is classified as a carpal high-yielding hybrid. In the summer, about 4 - 5 kg of fruits are removed from one bush.
Tomato Maryina Roshcha: variety description
Among the main characteristics of tomatoes are:
- the height of the bush is from 170 to 190 cm;
- leaves are large, carved, rich green;
- the stems are strong, require formation and attachment to the support;
- fruits are round in shape, weight up to 200 g;
- the variety is classified as shade-tolerant.
Tomato Maryina Roshcha bred for canning. The size of the fruit allows pickling and pickling as a whole. They do not change color during heat treatment and do not crack. The tomato comes out of a beautiful red color. Housewives are happy to use the fruits to prepare the first and second hot dishes. Fresh tomatoes are consumed, but their taste is normal, not distinguished by high characteristics.
Tomatoes ripen 95 - 105 days from the moment of seed germination. The ovary is formed on the hand. Tomatoes blush together with a brush of 7 - 9 pieces.
During ripening, the leaves growing below the fruit are advised to be torn off. This improves the access of moisture and nutrients to the tomatoes.
In greenhouse conditions, the crop is harvested all summer and autumn before the onset of frost. Maryina Roshcha is suitable for commercial cultivation. High yield, hardiness, good transport tolerance make this variety profitable for sale.
Plucked in a brown form, tomatoes ripen during transportation and storage, acquiring a uniform red color.
Conditions for growing tomato Maryina Roshcha
The variety is cultivated exclusively from purchased seeds. It will not be possible to grow a hybrid from self-collected material. To obtain tall, healthy bushes with a bountiful harvest, the following agricultural conditions are used.
Seed sowing dates
To plant seedlings in a greenhouse in early May, seeds are sown in March. Until the expected date of transplanting plants into greenhouses, you need to count back about 65 days. Seeds do not need to be treated or treated before planting. The manufacturer usually takes care of this himself.
Prepared soil containing a large amount of nutrients is poured into the seedling container. To prepare it, you will need the following components:
- one part of the sod substrate, humus and peat;
- 10 g of ash (charcoal) and potassium sulfate;
- sand or perlite about 500 g per 10 kg of mixture.
The composition is mixed well and steamed with boiling water to get rid of insects and viruses. The prepared mixture is laid out in seedling containers and allowed to dry. When the mixture becomes slightly damp, start planting. The seeds are planted one at a time to a depth of 1.5 cm. Sprinkle with earth on top, but do not tamp much.
To keep the soil moisture longer, and to create a suitable microclimate for germination, the container is covered with plastic on top.
Growing conditions for healthy seedlings
After planting, the containers are removed to a place with a temperature of at least 21 ° C. In such conditions, the sprouts will appear in a week. Then the film is removed, and they begin to water at least once a week with warm water. Fertilizer can be applied after two weeks. For this, a weak solution of nitrophore is used.
When two leaves (real, not cotyledons) appear, Maryina Grove is dived for the first time.
If the seedlings are stretched, then when transplanting it can be slightly deepened.
Tomato Maryina Roscha, cultivation, which is properly cared for from the first days, gives good results. It must be properly prepared for moving to the greenhouse. To do this, 10 days before transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings are taken out to a cooler place. At night, they bring it into the usual warmth. So tomatoes are hardened gradually, they tolerate transplanting better.
Planting tomato Maryina Roshcha in closed ground
The two-month-old hardened seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse. They allow you to get used to the conditions. Holes are made in the ground, placing no more than 4 plants per meter. The lower leaves of tomatoes are removed, they are sprayed with a weak solution of Bordeaux liquid. Deepen into the ground and press the soil tightly from above. Watering is done with water 21 - 25 ° C.
Planting a tomato at Maryina Roscha is stress-free if you use a rooting agent. For example, Heteroauxin.
The first two weeks of fertilization are not applied so that the root system gets stronger. When it becomes able to absorb mineral and organic feeding, fertilizers are applied according to the scheme.
Fertilization frequency
Indeterminate tomatoes respond well to nutritional input. The first feeding is started directly into the ground during planting.
In the first days of growth of young plants, nutrients continue to be applied in the greenhouse:
- Two weeks after rooting, Maryina grove is watered with a solution superphosphate to form the ovary. One spoonful of fertilizer is diluted in a bucket of water.
- After another 14 days, the bushes are poured with a solution of nitrophores. The solution is made standard, according to the instructions.
Before applying top dressing, the bushes are watered abundantly. So the likelihood of burning the root system is lower, and nutrients are absorbed better.
Hybrid tomato Maryina Roshcha is unpretentious in care, resistant to many diseases. Among its positive characteristics: early ripening and high yield. The disadvantages of the variety are the inability to collect seeds (they only need to be purchased) and planting exclusively in a greenhouse. When the requirements for agricultural technology are met, the crop gives a bountiful harvest, which is suitable for mass marketing, use in cooking and canning.