Cozy corner for relaxation - tree house

tree rest corner We live at a frantic pace, constantly striving to earn more, spend less and still choose only the best. There is no place for a fairy tale among the mundane things they do every day. But after all, not only children, but also adults can dream. And what adult didn't want their own treehouse as a child? This structure can combine not only an entertainment function, but also become a full-fledged recreation area at a summer cottage.

Purpose of a tree house

tree gazebo

It should be understood that materials for construction on wood should be lightweight and durable. It is not recommended to use bricks and tiles, as the building may collapse from excess weight.

path to the tree houseDesignate for yourself the function that the miniature house should perform. It can be a children's play area or a tea house, where it is pleasant to spend a few hours with friends on warm evenings. It is worth noting that some Europeans use the tree house as a permanent residence.

Children's house

playgrounds at heightEvery child will be delighted with such a building on the site. You can limit yourself to a small structure with a rope ladder or create a real suspended city.

arrangement of the house insideAs a support, you can use both a large tree and several small trunks. In the second case, you can make several sites by connecting them with cable cars and trolleys. An excellent solution would be to build a sleeping place inside a tree house. There, the child can relax in the fresh air or read a book.

secluded place for a childTo make the building look harmonious on the site, we recommend making it in the same style as the main residential building. But do not forget to decorate it with bright colored elements, since this is, first of all, an orphanage.

It will not be superfluous to think about the safety of the child in case he falls out of a window or doorway. To do this, you can stretch a net between the house platform and the ground to soften the fall.

Tree rest area

recreation area for adultsImagine how pleasant it is to sit with your family under the spreading crown of a green tree, far from the hustle and bustle of the events below. To get to the top easily, you need a good, reliable ladder. Decorate the interior with wicker furniture with cushions and cozy throws.summer bedroom on a tree

If the building has a balcony, then a small table can be taken out on it, on which you can easily place soft drinks and light snacks.

Alone with natureSometimes the recreation area turns into the main place where a person spends the most time. Such a house becomes the main building on the site, where you can relax after a hard day. Choose a secluded place for him, where the street noise and voices will not fly. In size, this building will surpass all other types of tree houses, because this is almost a full-fledged dwelling. For easy access to the interior, install a wooden staircase that can be pulled upward if desired for an even greater sense of privacy.

High-tech tree house

high-tech house at a heightIn such a building, you can equip a study or a sleeping area. The variety of straight lines, strict geometric shapes and aluminum panel siding will give the structure a fashionable and expensive look. Conduct electricity and install hidden lights inside.

comfortable housesA high-tech tree dwelling can inspire every visitor and make you want to live inside for at least a few days.This is a qualitatively new level of life that allows you to feel harmony with nature, without losing the level of comfort. Often, such houses are not built on the tree trunk itself, but next to it on their own support, inside which communications are carried out. At the same time, they are closely adjacent to the branches, creating the illusion of complete unity with the plant world.

tree houseIt should be understood that such a house will cost the owner a lot, but it will definitely become the pearl of any suburban area.

What to look for

interior decoration of the treehouseIt is very important to properly furnish the interior in order to achieve complete comfort and functionality. At the same time, all elements should be as light as possible, since this is the main requirement when choosing furniture and other filling of a tree house.

If the area allows you to zone the space, make several rooms. In one you can arrange a sleeping place, and in the other place for tea drinking.

If you thoroughly study the issue, you can create a building yourself, although without the special skills of a carpenter, this will be quite problematic. The simplest houses can be put together in a couple of days, since there are many visual aids and assembly instructions on the Internet. far from civilizationHowever, if you want to see a real work of art on your site that will evoke the feeling of a fairy tale and mystery, we recommend that you contact an experienced designer to create a project.


