What is the use of Swiss chard beetroot

the benefits of Swiss chard Many people don't even know about the benefits of Swiss chard beet. For most people, the vegetable is associated with a burgundy root vegetable that has a sweetish taste. But few people know about the existence of leaf beets, which have a lot of useful qualities and properties.

What is Swiss chard

leaf beets in the garden

Chard is a type of beet that is not a root vegetable, but large green leaves with red or yellow petioles. The second name of the plant is "leaf beet". The culture belongs to the amaranth family. Chard is not only fragrant, but also a very healthy plant with a slightly bitter taste.

Chard is considered both a vegetable and a herb at the same time.

This type of beet was developed in the Mediterranean regions. Over time, it began to be grown all over the world: in Europe, America, Japan, Latin America and India.

Swiss chard contains:

  • vitamins (A, B, C);
  • important for humans macronutrients (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium);
  • trace elements (copper, zinc, iron).

In addition to these components, the vegetable has many more useful substances that are simply necessary for the proper development of the human body.

There are two common beet varieties:

  1. Swiss. An early look that has a rich aroma. The variety differs in red veins.
  2. Schnitt. It is a frost-resistant plant. The plant is characterized by rapid growth.

If you plant beets in a flowerpot, you need to provide them with additional lighting.

beetroot chard in a potAs for cultivation, chard can be grown not only on garden bed, but also on the window, in a flowerpot. The plant looks very impressive and will become a real decoration of the site.

The vegetable is propagated by seeds. Chard is a frost-resistant plant. Therefore, in the spring you can get the first harvest.

Benefits of Swiss chard beetroot and contraindications

unique properties of Swiss chard leavesThe advantages of chard are described even in the manuscripts of Aristotle, which means that the plant was used as early as the 4th century BC. e. In the modern world, most people grow leaf beets as a decorative element and do not even realize that they have incredible beneficial qualities. The French compare the taste of leafy plates with spinach, and the cuttings of a plant with asparagus.

vitamin composition of chardChard is especially useful in spring. It is able to compensate for the lack of vitamins and helps to invigorate the body after the long winter months.

Useful features:

  1. The product contains a lot of calcium and other vitamins, which helps to strengthen bone tissue, renew the structure of hair and teeth.
  2. Iron is present in chard leaves, which means that their use will save you from anemia and normalize hemoglobin.
  3. The product has an excellent effect on the cardiovascular system, relieves bruises on the body, prevents internal bleeding, controls normal blood clotting and helps to create new blood cells.
  4. Beets help to normalize blood sugar levels, thanks to the acids and fiber present in the plant.
  5. With the help of antioxidants, Swiss chard prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  6. The plant activates the brain. This is due to the B vitamins.
  7. Improves vision, helps with eye diseases.
  8. Chard can be used to relieve inflammation.
  9. Promotes the production of sebum, which nourishes the hair follicles. As a result, the hair becomes strong and shiny.

Like all plants, chard has its own contraindications. It is not recommended for people who have an individual intolerance to the vegetable.

Freshly squeezed juice can cause nausea, drowsiness, and hypotension. Therefore, before starting to use, it is better to let it brew.

It is not advisable to overuse beetroot for people with kidney and gallbladder problems. Beet Swiss chard can accumulate natural nitrates. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you need to thoroughly wash the leaves under running water.

Where are leaf beets used?

vitamin Swiss chardThe vegetable is widely used in alternative medicine and cooking. Mangold helps with purulent abscesses and burns. It is also indicated for eye inflammation. For this, rubbed leaves of the culture are applied to the problem area.

Swiss chard compresses improve vision and prevent cataracts. It also helps with pain in the teeth.

With the help of juice, freckles and warts are removed. The grated Swiss chard root promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Chard in cooking

Swiss chard leavesDue to its pleasant taste, beets are widely used in the culinary industry. The vegetable is prepared in most of the world's countries. Mostly young leaves, cuttings of the plant are added to salads. The calorie content of the product is low, so you can safely put it in diet meals.

It is better to use freshly harvested leaves, because during storage they will lose their attractive appearance.

Cooking a vegetable is similar to working with spinach. It is important to remember that you need to take more time to prepare the petioles than for the leaves. Beets go well with other vegetables, cereals and meat.

Beetroot is prepared stuffed cabbage and vinaigrette, added to beetroot. Also mix chopped beet leaves with green onions and season with sour cream. Boiled and then breaded cuttings of beetroot have a pleasant taste.

In Italy, the traditional dish "Bite" is prepared from young chard, which means "Red". The dish is named so because there are small, red stripes on the sheets of the vegetable.

Mangold is a unique plant that contains a huge amount of useful components. In addition, it is low in calories, which is not unimportant for people watching their figure. Eating leaf beets will benefit the entire body and prevent many diseases.

Medicinal beet chard in the garden - video


