For what purposes is Zenkor herbicide used at their summer cottage

herbicide zenkor One of the most effective ways to control weeds is to use special products. The herbicide Zenkor eradicates many types of weeds, allowing crops to grow and develop normally. It has a wide spectrum of activity, therefore it is actively used in agriculture.

Herbicide Zenkor: description of the drug, its composition

composition of the drug Zencor

The manufacturer of the herbicide Zenkor is the German company Bayer AG, which produces the drug in various forms. Suspension or powder is in great demand in the market, but recently a chemical has appeared in the form of a solution. Release form: packages of 20 g, vials and ampoules of 20 and 100 ml. For large farms, containers of 1 and 5 liters are produced.

The drug contains the active active ingredient metribuzin. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the action of this substance. Its concentration in the preparation is about 60%.

Weed remedy herbicide Zenkor is used to control annual cereals and dicotyledonous plants: shepherd's purse, ragweed, sow thistle, meadow chamomile, blue cornflower and wild radish, as well as other weeds.

Many of the weeds have a strong root system, so these plants tolerate drought and frost well, and sudden changes in temperature. It is impossible to get rid of them by regular loosening.

The product should be used exclusively outdoors. Soil cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses can lead to a concentration of the active substance.

The features of the drug include:

  • high solubility in water;
  • preservation of action up to 3 months;
  • impact on a large amount of weeds;
  • lack of addictive effect.

In addition, the manufacturer indicates the permissibility of using the product in conjunction with pesticides.

The principle of the drug

post-germination potato processingInstructions for the use of herbicide Zenkor indicates the possibility of using the drug in the pre-sowing, pre-emergence and post-emergence periods. After treatment, the death of weeds occurs after 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the drug is non-toxic to humans, animals and soil.

The drug has a number of advantages over other similar agents. Its main feature is that the active substance is able to penetrate into plant cells through the root system and leaf plates.

After weed treatment, metribuzin penetrates the cell membranes, moving acropetally, that is, from the base to the top. As the substance progresses, inhibition of electrons occurs, which take an active influence in photosynthesis. A similar process leads to the gradual death of the weed. The aftereffect of Zenkora is possible up to 2 months from the date of processing. herbicide use

Despite the safety of the drug for humans, in order to avoid possible health problems due to individual intolerance, it is necessary to use protective equipment.

The effectiveness of the herbicide depends on a number of factors.:

  • climate;
  • ambient temperature;
  • humidity of air and soil;
  • type of soil.

In the process of processing, the agent creates a kind of protective film on the soil. It disappears during mechanical processing of the soil. This action is possible before germination.

Instructions for use for different types of crops

herbicide zenkor for potato treatmentInstructions for using Zencor on potatoes indicate good results after using this herbicide.Potatoes practically do not show sensitivity to the active ingredient of the product. However, there are exceptions - you should not use Zenkor for early varieties of potatoes.

Processing must be carried out on settled soil, after breaking up clods of earth with a rake. The drug can be used after rain, but it must not be used in direct sunlight and temperatures above 25 ° C.

clean potato fieldA potato field will require two full treatments. The first must be done 5-7 days before the emergence of the culture, and the second, when the seedlings reach 5 cm. At the same time, the potato tops themselves can be sprayed, since through it the herbicide affects the weeds. The consumption of funds depends on the composition of the soil.herbicide zenkor for tomato treatment

Zenkor herbicide for tomatoes can be used for seed and seedlings. The first treatment is recommended in the pre-sowing period. It is important to apply a significant amount of the product to form a film on the soil.

When growing tomatoes with seeds, re-treatment with herbicide can be done after 2-4 leaf plates appear on the sprouts. When growing seedlings, the second treatment is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground.

processing processThe use of Zenkor on alfalfa is allowed after the second year of the growing season. The soil can be sprayed before the first crop emergence to create a protective film. The second treatment should follow when the alfalfa reaches 10-15 cm in height.

Cooking instructions

preparation of working solutionIf the form of the agent used is powder, then it will take about half an hour to completely dissolve it. Stir the drug thoroughly to completely dissolve all the granules. Otherwise, they can get stuck in the sprayer.

The suspension dissolves quickly and without residue. In addition, no foaming is observed during its preparation. The treatment process is more efficient since the solution does not clog the filters.

Do not store the rest of the solution. Unused product must be poured into a pit and covered with earth. It is necessary to restrict the access of children and animals to this place.

Contraindications to use

contraindications for the use of Zencor

The herbicide has a number of contraindications:

  1. It cannot be used when planting peppers, pumpkin, cabbage and beets. These cultures react negatively to the active ingredient of the drug.
  2. Even the accidental spillage of the product on the beds with onions, lettuce and garlic will completely destroy these crops. For this reason, the manufacturer does not recommend using the herbicide in windy conditions.

The herbicide is an excellent weed control agent. Moreover, the drug is not toxic to humans, animals and insects. It is also safe for the soil. It works well with pesticides, but is not recommended for use with fertilizers. Before using the product, you must carefully read the instructions.

How Zenkor herbicide affects currants and raspberries - video


