A selection of 10 popular recipes for delicious eggplant blanks
Every autumn, gardeners enjoy the fruits of their hands and try to stock up by canning various vegetables. For lovers of blue, experienced chefs offer 10 recipes for eggplant blanks, which are distinguished by excellent taste. Such dishes will certainly be an original addition to pasta, mashed potatoes or as a cold snack. Detailed recipes and photos will help you imagine how the process of cooking eggplant for the winter goes. But first, let's figure out which vegetables are best for preservation, as well as how to choose them.
Read also: eggplant recipe like mushrooms for the winter!
Sticking to wise advice
- Overripe eggplants are absolutely not suitable for canning.
- A suitable fruit should be firm to the touch.
- When squeezing a vegetable, you feel firmness.
- Excellent properties have more heavy eggplant.
- If the fruit is missing a stalk, it is better to refuse such a specimen.
- Each blue one should have a green “hat”, which indicates its absolute suitability.
Adhering to these basic rules, you can only purchase high-quality eggplants, which have the following valuable properties:
- the ability to remove toxins, cholesterol, uric acid from the body;
- stimulates the digestive system;
- has a beneficial effect on the heart.
Given the positive features of the vegetable, consider 10 recipes for blanks from eggplant for the winter.
Spicy eggplant with spices and honey
Usually loving housewives try to delight their household with unusual and spicy food. When a winter blizzard is raging outside the window, and firewood is burning in the fireplace, spicy eggplants with honey can become a pleasant delight. A set of ingredients is required for preparation:
- blue (1.5 kg);
- honey (150 g);
- olive oil (400 g);
- red onion (1 piece);
- garlic (5 cloves);
- bay leaf (2 pcs.);
- a set of spices (cloves, coriander, grains mustard, fennel);
- bitter pepper (1 pod);
- wine vinegar (5 tablespoons);
- salt (2 teaspoons).
Cooking eggplant for the winter consists in the following operations:
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
- Wash and dry the fruit. Cut off the stem. Chop into slices approximately 0.5 cm thick and spread on a wide baking sheet, which is pre-greased with olive oil.
- Peel the onion, garlic cloves.
Free the pepper from seeds. Chop everything finely. Pour olive oil into the pan. Put the ingredients there and fry the mixture a little.
- When the onion becomes brownish, add spices: coriander, mustard seeds, bay leaf, fennel seeds, cloves. Mix thoroughly. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.
Next, you should prepare the marinade. First warm up a saucepan and put honey in it. Heat over low heat. Add olive oil, wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt to it. Mix thoroughly and boil.
In glass jars, you need to carefully fold the baked eggplants, sprinkling them with spices. Top vegetables are poured with marinade and rolled.
Glassware for preservation must be sterilized using a special device.
Eggplants in tandem with a sweetish lecho
When winter comes, people mainly eat potatoes, cabbage, onions, beets, and carrots. To diversify your diet, it would be nice to choose one of 10 popular recipes for eggplant blanks and cook it yourself. Particularly interesting is the combination of blue with the famous lecho. The product includes:
- eggplant;
- sweet bell pepper;
- tomato;
- several bulbs;
- vegetable oil;
- sugar;
- salt.
The number of products can be selected independently. Because the portions are different. Experienced chefs pay special attention to the consistency and taste of the dish.
To begin with, the vegetables are washed in a large amount of liquid. You can do this several times. Next, they move on to cleaning the products: removing the stalks, seeds, husks. The next step is slicing:
- tomatoes - in slices;
- onions - in rings;
- eggplant cubes;
- pepper - in halves.
The ingredients are put into a deep container. Add vegetable oil, a little boiled water and simmer for about 15 minutes. When the vegetables sit down, add sugar and salt. Then cook for about 20 more minutes over moderate heat.
It is advisable to stir the sauce constantly, as it can burn. As a result, the taste of the whole dish will deteriorate.
The eggplants, cut into pieces, are salted and then fried in a pan in a large amount of oil. When a golden crust appears, they are transferred to sterilized jars. Then the blue ones are poured with lecho sauce. The containers are rolled up. Turn upside down and leave to cool completely. Eggplants for the winter with lecho are ready.
Delicious stuffed eggplant appetizer
Some housewives try to preserve as many useful elements as possible in vegetables. Therefore, they use the classic method - fermentation. In this form, the fruits are obtained with a special taste and aroma. Using the finest blank recipes, they serve up chic snacks.
To prepare stuffed blue you need a set of vegetables:
- large eggplants;
- red bell pepper;
- garlic;
- parsley;
- dill;
- salt.
Steps to create a snack:
- Eggplants are freed from the stalk. Put in a saucepan with salted water and cook until cooked.
- They cleanse the bell pepper from seeds and green legs. Cut into small cubes.
- The garlic is freed from the husk. Wash under running water and dry. Then it is rolled in a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous gruel with pepper.
- Boiled blue ones are put under the press. When they cool down, cut in half. Carefully select the pulp. The prepared halves are filled with a mixture of pepper and garlic. A sprig of greens is placed in each of them, and then salted.
- Parts of the eggplant are connected by tying them with a thread. Then vegetables are sent to a saucepan and oppression is placed on top. When the container is filled with juice, the vegetables are transferred to dry steamed jars.
- Cover them with ordinary nylon lids. Store stuffed eggplants in the refrigerator or in a well-ventilated basement.
The classic pickled eggplant recipe
Lovers of simple food prefer traditional dishes. To do this, you need a set of ingredients:
- elastic blue fruits;
- celery greens;
- garlic;
- parsley;
- dill;
- pepper;
- salt.
As you can see, the recipe is pretty simple. Pickles are prepared like this:
- The blue ones are thoroughly washed under the tap. The stalk is cut off. A longitudinal incision is made along each fruit and dipped into boiling water. Cook for no more than 10 minutes.
- Next, the vegetables are removed from the boiling water and immediately immersed in cold liquid. Leave for 20 minutes.
- Make boiling water for the brine. They put celery in it. Cook for about 5 minutes.They are removed and then chilled in cold water. Salt is added to the remaining broth. For 4 cups of liquid, 1.5 tablespoons are enough.
- Greens, garlic and peppers are thoroughly washed. Dry. Finely chopped. Stir in salt.
- The eggplant incisions are filled with a spicy mixture and placed in sterilized jars.
- Containers filled with vegetables are poured with cooled brine. Closed with screw or nylon caps. Store in a dry ventilated area.
Young blue ones with a thin skin are suitable for fermentation. In addition, they should be of medium size. It is better not to use damaged copies.
Appetizing tongues of ripe eggplant
The original appetizer with this name won the hearts of many gourmets. Especially when the food does not disintegrate on the plate, exudes a pleasant aroma and has an exquisite taste. And for cooking you need only a few ingredients:
- eggplant;
- tomatoes;
- garlic;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.
Little blue ones are soaked in salty liquid for 25 minutes. Then they take it out and wipe it thoroughly with a napkin or towel. The stalk is cut off. Cut into long strips.
Vegetable fat is poured into a hot frying pan, eggplant pieces are spread and fried until a brown crust appears.
Peel the garlic and then finely chop it. Then the tomatoes are washed and cut into small slices.
When the half of the blue one is fried, put a slice of tomato on it and sprinkle with garlic and cover with the second half of the eggplant. These "sandwiches" are placed in steamed jars, after which they are sterilized for approximately 50 minutes.
At the last stage, the eggplant blank for the winter is rolled up with a metal lid. Store in a dry basement with good ventilation.
Original recipe for appetizer with tomato sauce
To diversify the winter diet, many housewives have found for themselves an original way of cooking eggplant with tomato juice. To eat you need to take:
- eggplant (1 kg);
- tomatoes (the same amount);
- large onions (3 pieces);
- 2 medium carrots;
- sweet pepper (Bulgarian 3 pieces);
- vegetable oil;
- tomato juice (0.5 liters);
- greens (parsley, dill);
- bay leaf (4 pieces);
- ground pepper;
- salt.
Secrets of creating a blank:
- The washed eggplants are cut into slices no more than 1.5 cm thick and salted. So that they are well saturated, they are left for a quarter of an hour. After that, the eggplants are washed, dried and fried until golden brown.
- The tomatoes are washed and cut into slices. Peel the onion. Shred in small pieces.
Pepper is cleaned by removing the stalk and seeds. The pulp is cut into cubes.
- Wash carrots under a strong stream of water. Wipe with a paper towel or towel. Tinder on a grater with a large base.
- Vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and onions are lightly sautéed. Add chopped bell peppers, carrots. The mixture is mixed well. Season vegetables with tomato juice, pepper and salt.
- Bay leaves, dill and parsley are placed on the bottom of the sterilized jars. Next, a layer of eggplant is covered with tomato slices, pouring over the sauce.
- Filled cans are sterilized for at least 15 minutes. After that, they are rolled up with metal lids. The result is an excellent eggplant sauce in tomato juice.
If you don't have ready-made tomato juice at hand, you can turn the ripe tomatoes with a meat grinder and boil. Strain the prepared liquid through cheesecloth to get rid of the seeds.
Winter snack - eggplant rolls
The original preparation of vegetables makes it possible to show imagination. After all, this is not just an eggplant salad, but a real masterpiece of culinary art. Here you can experiment with different types of toppings. Blue rolls are prepared from the following list of vegetables:
- eggplant;
- tomatoes;
- carrot;
- sweet pepper);
- parsley;
- garlic;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.
Stages of creating an appetizing meal:
- The vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water. Spread out on the table to dry out.
- The eggplants are cut into thin strips along the vegetable. Fry in a pan until golden brown. Cut the tomatoes into round halves. Pepper is cleaned of seeds and stalks. Then cut into wide slices. Peel and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
- The washed parsley is dried and then finely chopped. Peeled garlic is passed through a press and mixed with herbs.
- On the fried eggplant wedges, first spread a mixture of parsley and garlic. Next come tomatoes, carrot shavings, strips of pepper.
- Little blue ones are rolled up and sent to hot steamed jars. Top vegetables are poured with boiled vegetable oil and sterilized.
It is enough to boil 0.5 liter cans for 10 minutes. Liter versions - 15 min.
Blue ones with tomatoes in vegetable oil - a spicy snack for the winter
Even an inexperienced cook can make such an eggplant salad on the shoulder. The main condition is to obediently follow a detailed recipe.
Ingredients for the snack:
- eggplant (half a kilo);
- onion red (4 pieces);
- garlic;
- 4 large tomatoes;
- a pod of hot pepper;
- cloves (spice);
- peppercorns (10 pieces);
- vinegar (30 g);
- olive oil;
- salt.
Cooking secret:
- Cut the eggplants into slices. Fry in a pan from all sides.
- Onions chopped into rings are sautéed in boiling olive oil.
- Cut the garlic into small cubes. Tomatoes - in circles. Pepper in miniature rings.
- Put in a sterilized jar in layers: peppercorns and cloves - on the bottom, then eggplant, onion rings, tomatoes, garlic slices and hot peppers. All vegetables are seasoned with salt. Pour vinegar on top and put a bay leaf.
- Olive oil is boiled in a separate container. When it cools down a little, pour the salad. Cover and sterilize for an hour and a half. At the end they roll up. Stored in the basement.
Eggplant caviar - "overseas"
Who doesn't like to enjoy delicious food when it's cold outside and snow is falling? Caring housewives try to think about it in advance, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits around. There are many ways to preserve eggplants for the winter, but making caviar out of them is truly worthwhile.
Required list of products:
- elastic eggplants;
- nuts (pine nuts);
- garlic;
- yogurt (50 g);
- lemon juice;
- vegetable oil (olive);
- red pepper (powder);
- salt.
Secrets of creating a product:
- Eggplants are washed, wiped with a napkin and laid out on the oven rack. Bake at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Then the vegetables are removed, wrapped in foil and brought to full readiness.
- Pine nuts are fried in a dry frying pan so that a golden crust appears.
- The cooled eggplants are cut into small pieces. Then they are mixed with nuts, garlic passed through a press, fresh lemon juice. The caviar is seasoned with olive oil and yogurt.
- Put the mass in a blender to make a puree. Salt and pepper are added to the finished product. All mix well and put in jars. You can store "overseas" caviar in the refrigerator
Traditional recipe for eggplant caviar with parsley
If you want to prepare a simple preparation for the winter, an option from the available products will do. You can take: eggplant, a few onions, tomatoes, garlic, parsley, oil and seasonings. To begin with, the blue ones are baked in the oven until the wrinkled skin appears. When the vegetable has cooled, it is peeled and then chopped into small cubes. Fold into a saucepan. Add finely chopped onion, garlic, parsley. Season the mixture, salt and stew until cooked. The appetizer is laid out in steamed jars, closed with lids, and then taken to home bins.