Cooking quince jam - the most delicious recipe, video
Fragrant, beautiful color and very tasty quince jam is obtained. It can be made homogeneous, in the form of a puree, or with whole slices. Each housewife has her favorite quince jam, the most delicious recipe, video even if she is fond of it. And really, why not share your knowledge, if you have the ability to cook unsurpassed delicacies. Personally, my favorite jam is the slightly crunchy quince with walnuts. It can be eaten just like that, or spread on a crust of fresh bread, or used to fill pies. But bagels are the best with such a filling. It is easy to wrap whole slices in the dough, the jam does not spread, and even the nuts crunch. Well, shall we cook?
Thick quince jam with nuts
Then everything is simple:
- cover the quince cut into slices with sugar, mix and let stand so that it starts up the juice;
- boil the jam in one go over low heat until it thickens and the quince acquires a brownish color;
- add nuts at the end, boil everything together for a couple of minutes and roll up.
The cooking time depends on how juicy you come across the quince, because the juice will need to be boiled. Conversely, if the fruit is dry, you can add some boiled water directly to the saucepan. On average, it takes up to 2 hours to cook, but that's how it should be. The quince should languish in its own juice with sugar, then the slices will not crumble, but, as it were, caramelized. This is the second secret of my favorite quince jam. Video, unfortunately. no, but the following recipe is a bit similar.
Quince jam - the most delicious recipe number 2, video
If you like the jam to be slightly watery, with "yushechka" and sourness, then try to cook it according to this recipe. It will take a little longer, because the quince will need to be cooked in several passes in sugar syrup... And to make it not so cloying, add a little acid in the form of lemon.
It is prepared like this:
- Peel the quince and cut into slices. You should get 1 kg of already peeled fruit.
- Prepare syrup. Pour 200 g of water into a saucepan, add 600 g of sugar, bring to a boil.
- Put quince in boiling syrup, let it boil and remove from heat. Leave covered overnight to soak the slices in the syrup.
- In the morning, repeat the procedure and leave to nourish again until evening.
- In the evening, remove the slices from the syrup and boil it down to half of the initial amount.
- Cut one lemon into slices, remove seeds.
- Put quince, lemon and 100 g of nuts in syrup. Bring to a boil and let stand for 10 minutes and roll up.
There is a video for this recipe in which you can see all the details of the preparation.