Tasty and healthy - preparing viburnum jam for the winter
It is not for nothing that they say that if birds or worms have tried fruits or berries, then humans can eat them. This is the case with the viburnum - birds simply devour its bushes clean in the fall. And we are preparing very tasty and healthy viburnum jam for the winter. Its scarlet bitter berries contain a whole storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, such a dessert will have a huge benefit body in winter, because it increases immunity. It also helps to fight colds, removes toxins, lowers blood pressure, and is useful for stomach diseases. Viburnum jam will also be appreciated by gourmets - it has a beautiful color, delicate texture and an original taste.
It is best to collect viburnum for blanks after the first frost. Then the characteristic bitterness disappears in it and the berries become sweet. If you have the opportunity to stock up on them only in September, put the viburnum in the freezer, and it will become sweet.
Raw viburnum jam is a source of vitamins and the best remedy for the prevention of colds

Many people do not like the fact that crushed viburnum contains bones that interfere with enjoying its taste, but this problem can be solved. It is enough to simply rub the berries through a sieve or squeeze them in a cloth bag or several layers of gauze.
Viburnum jam for the winter with tea "Pyatiminutka"
Another recipe for a healthy dessert provides for heat treatment, but minimal. Due to the fact that the workpiece is boiled down for no more than 5 minutes in several passes, more vitamins remain in it.
To make the jam:
- prepare the berries, sort and rinse them;
- boil sugar syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 350 ml of water;
- pour berries into the syrup, boil them for 5 minutes;
- let the workpiece cool slightly;
- boil again;
- put in jars and roll up.
It is also better to store such jam in the refrigerator or in the cellar.