Spring mineral dressing of roses as a guarantee of lush flowering
It has long been noticed that roses feel great after organic dressing. However, "you will not be full" with manure alone, with high doses of nitrogen, the growth of green mass and shoots will prevail in the development of the bush, and flowering either will not occur or will be very scarce. But roses are grown precisely because of their amazing flowers. Therefore, it is so important to give the shrub those trace elements that will help it bloom magnificently.
What do roses need for abundant flowering?
In order for roses to bloom actively, they need the following trace elements:
- Phosphorus - promotes the formation of new buds and large flowers, prolongs flowering.
- Potassium - responsible for the rich color of roses, prolongs flowering.
- Magnesium - stimulates the emergence of a new ovary, gives the petals a bright color.
Roses respond well to feeding superphosphate: dilute the preparation in the amount of 50 g in a liter of warm water and dilute the solution in a bucket of water. Pour the rose under the root. In dry form, superphosphate must be scattered under the bush and embedded in the soil with a hoe (25 g per bush) a month before the roses bloom.
The greatest effect is obtained by the complex application of mineral fertilizers, especially potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. As a result of such dressings, strong buds and lush flowers are formed.
To do this, add 10 liters of water in the month of May:
- 10 g potassium sulfate;
- 10 g superphosphate.
Use the resulting solution for watering roses. After a month, repeat the procedure.
Complex fertilizers for lush flowering
Today in specialized stores there is a wide selection of preparations consisting of a whole complex of trace elements that make the rose bloom abundant and long-lasting and even bring it closer.
Fertilizers such as:
- Agricola. As soon as the roses start to grow, water them with a solution of 10 ml of fertilizer per liter of water at an interval of 10 days before flowering, and also after it ends.
- Pocon for roses... At the beginning of spring, sprinkle the preparation once under the bush (60 g per square meter). Close up the granules into the soil, water. Young seedlings should be fertilized at the time of planting.
- Greenworld for roses... In March, add 25 g of the preparation under the bush, mix with the ground and water. Re-feeding should be carried out in May and July.
- Florovit... Apply to the soil under the bush, starting in April and ending in July. The break between feeding is at least 3 weeks. For one separately growing bush, you will need from 25 to 50 g of the drug, depending on the age of the rose.