Spring plum diet

feeding under plums in spring A bountiful harvest of plums can be achieved if the plant is fed on time. For the entire season, this is done only 3 times. The first fertilization session is carried out in the spring. The procedure is carried out before, during or after flowering.

Moderation is important in this matter. You should not add too much and very often nitrogen-containing complexes. Otherwise, the tree will begin to grow intensively, giving all its energy to landscaping. So, the fruits will become small and savory.

What do plums like?

To begin with, prepare a mullein. Fresh or rotted manure is soaked in a standard 10-liter bucket. The ratio with water is 1: 4. The optimal infusion period is a day. The longer the solution is kept, the more concentrated it will be. They watered a near-trunk circle, the radius of which is 1-1.5 meters. Experts advise to be careful when irrigating, so that liquid does not get on the trunk and branches of the plum. Instead of mullein, they also use urea.

The scientific name for this fertilizer is urea... In 10 liters of cold water, it is necessary to dissolve 20 g of top dressing. Stir it followed by a wooden stick. Then the resulting mixture is poured evenly or in parts under the tree. Odorless and high solubility are special advantages of the chemical compound. In addition, it contains many useful components, including:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen (up to 46%);
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

The first mentioned element contributes to the formation of a good ovary in the plant. But without nitrogen, active growth of the trunk, branches and greenery is impossible. Together, they all give a wonderful, rich harvest.

Urea is well absorbed by scattering 2 tablespoons around the barrel. To do this, dig up a site, removing the top layer of soil. Then sprinkle top dressing and sprinkle it with earth.

Useful Tips

Very often, a crust forms on the ground around a woody plant. To avoid it, and moisture always remains in the roots, gardeners make a layer of mulch. To create it, take:

  • leaves;
  • coniferous needles, chips;
  • dry grass;
  • compost.

Sawdust must not be used. They absorb / draw nitrogen compounds from the soil.

From the prepared materials, lay out a "pillow" around the root neck. In no case should you make a mound, a hill or a pyramid. The layer should be even, up to 15 cm thick. A space of 10 cm is created near the trunk. From time to time, the shelter is raised to ventilate the area. With this care, the plum will feel like a queen in the garden.


