Types of fittonia for your windowsill

types of fittonia Fans of ornamental plants will appreciate Fittonia - a perennial with unusual foliage. Depending on the type of fittonia, it can have a different color. However, the leaf plates are always speckled with contrasting color veins in the form of a grid. A flower grows in the form of a lush bush. Stems, erect at first, droop and spread over time. They are covered with light fluff, which gives the plant additional charm. Today we want to introduce you to the most unusual and popular types of Fittonia.

In nature, Fittonia grows where it is warm and high humidity. In appropriate conditions, it also needs the quality of room culture. Not everyone and not always manage to provide it with such comfort. However, to date, many unpretentious varieties have been bred. They withstand drier and cooler conditions and are ideal for indoor use.

Fittonia types

Most often, on room windowsills you can find the following fittonias:

  • Vershaffelt;
  • silvery;
  • large.

Although Fittonia is considered by many to be an ornamental crop, it can also bloom. However, long greenish inflorescences look inconspicuous against the background of the original leaves.

Fittonia Vershaffelt

The species that gave birth to many hybrid varieties is distinguished by highly branching branches. The shoots are covered with dense fluff, at first they are silvery, but with age they become olive. The leaves have the same color, quite large - up to 10 cm in length. They are painted with pink and red mesh. Despite active branching, the height of the bush is compact - no more than 20 cm.Most of the species varieties do not exceed 10 cm at all.

Fittonia of this species need moisture and warmth.

Fittonia silvery

This species is often called silvery-veined or mosaic. And all thanks to the white shiny mesh on the leaves, painted green. The leaf plates are large, oval in shape.

On the basis of silvery fittonia, a miniature variety Nana was bred. It retained its silvery pattern, but the leaves themselves became lighter and smaller (no more than 2.5 cm in length). The hybrid adapts well to dry indoor air.

Fittonia large

The second name of the species is fittonia giant... Its flower is well deserved, because it is large in size. The height of the bush can reach 60 cm. The foliage of the giant fittonia most closely resembles the natural state of the plant. It is also large: the length of a leaf can be 15 cm and a width of 10 cm. The leaf itself is olive green, shiny. It is painted with bizarre patterns of dark pink stripes.

This is the most demanding type of air humidity. In addition, it is the only one whose stems are erect and do not droop.

Video about growing and varieties of Fittonia


