Photos of species and popular varieties of amazing Aglaonema

Different types of aglaonema The name of the plant Aglaonema comes from the Greek words "aglaos" - bright and "nema" - thread. Quite unpretentious at home, the culture blooms almost throughout the year, and sometimes forms small orange or red fruits.

However, the attention of flower growers to aglaonema is not attracted by long flowering and not even bright beads of berries. The main decoration of the plant is ornamental foliage, depending on the variety and type of aglaonema, having a green, silver, yellowish, pink or red color. The shades on the leaf plates are so bizarre that novice lovers of indoor crops sometimes doubt the natural origin of this or that spectacular specimen. The photos of aglaonema of different species and varieties with descriptions presented in the article will help you choose a plant suitable for your home.

Ornamental types of aglaonem

Variegated aglaonema

Most species of aglaonema have oval-pointed glossy foliage with well-defined veins and a strong short stalk. There are varieties with wedge-shaped leaves. At the same time, among the wild aglaonems, plants with green or variegated foliage predominate, the uniqueness of which is given to the appearance of light green, silver or white strokes.

However, Aglaonema rotundam also has foliage in nature, against a dark green background of which thin red, carmine or pink stripes running along the veins are clearly visible. And the leaf plates of Aglaonema pictum are covered with spots resembling camouflage.

Aglaonema modest or moderate (A. modestum)

Aglaonema modest or moderate (A. modestum)In nature, the humble aglaonema can be found in the tropical zone of China, Bangladesh and Taiwan. Here, as at home, it is a highly branching evergreen with a mass of bright foliage.

Of all types of aglaonem, these plants are recognized as the most unpretentious. The culture at home easily tolerates content in a shaded place, which can negatively affect the foliage of other varieties. The height of this species is 45–55 cm.

In addition to the variety with evenly colored leaves, there are subspecies with variegated oblong-elliptical foliage. The length of the sheet plate ranges from 15 to 25 cm. The surface is smooth and glossy.

Aglaonema round (A. rotundum)

Aglaonema round (A. rotundum)The decorative undersized type of aglaonema is distinguished by a heart-shaped pointed foliage of a dark green hue. On the leaves, thin stripes running along the veins look very bright and unusual. The color of such "decorations", depending on the type of aglaonema, varies from white to bright crimson.

Aglaonema ribbed (A. costatum)

Aglaonema ribbed (A. costatum)In the humid tropics in southwestern Malaysia, wild specimens of ribbed aglaonema are still found today. Among related species, this species is recognized as one of the smallest. Leaves are ovoid or oval in length, not exceeding 13–20 cm, and their width is almost two times less. On dense leathery leaf plates of bright green color, you can see whitish strokes of different saturation and size.

Aglaonema costatum immaculatum with an even green leaf bladeIn addition to the variegated variety, the aglaonema species also includes a variation of Aglaonema costatum immaculatum with an even green leaf blade, on which only the middle vein remains white.

Painted Aglaonema (A. pictum)

Painted Aglaonema (A. pictumThe trunk is densely leafy, well-branched, especially in the lower part. The leaves of this species are elliptical, somewhat elongated. Their background color is bluish or silvery green. The spots on the surface of dense leaf plates are shapeless, and their shade can be either white or gray, or light cream.

The variegated aglaonema shown in the photo differs not in two-color, but in Tricolor, that is, in a three-color foliage. The homeland of this species of aglaonema is Sumatra and Borneo, where plants up to 60 cm high are found under the canopy of the tropical forest.

Aglaonema curly (A. crispum)

Aglaonema curly (A. crispum)Plants of this popular aglaonema species grow to a height of one meter. At the same time, the trunk is densely covered with bright elliptical foliage of almost silvery color. Green streaks on the leaf blades are noticeable only along the very edge and along the longitudinal vein. The length of such a beautiful leaf usually reaches 30 cm. Its edge may be slightly wavy.

Aglaonema changeable (A. commutatum)

Aglaonema changeable (A. commutatum)The pattern on the leaves of this aglaonema is more subtle than that of the previous variety. But the dimensions of the bush and the dimensions of the leaf plates are very similar. Today, spectacular varieties of aglaonema of the presented species have been obtained with a different number and saturation of white spots on the leaf plates.

A video about aglaonema and its varieties will introduce you to an unusual houseplant and help you make a choice in favor of one or another variety.

Descriptions and photos of aglaonema varieties

Indoor plant lovers have at their disposal more than one hundred magnificent varieties of aglaonema with green, variegated, foliage, and also painted in all shades of white or red.

Aglaonema Crete (Crete)

Aglaonema Crete (Crete)The height of the popular variegated Aglaonema Crete reaches 70 centimeters. Plant stems are erect, densely covered with oblong-ovate leaves with incredibly bright colors. The range of this variety includes several shades of green and red, which attracts considerable attention of florists to the variety. The leaf length of the aglaonema variety shown in the photo is from 12 to 15 cm. A central depressed vein is visible on the leaf plate, which protrudes on the back of the leaf.

Aglaonema Silver King

Aglaonema Silver KingA photo of the Silver King aglaonema variety gives a complete picture of the appearance and dimensions of a houseplant that can fit into any interior without taking up too much space. A compact plant with green-silvery foliage, which is enlivened by a lighter pattern in the center of the leaf plate.

Aglaonema Maria Christina

Aglaonema Maria ChristinaThe foliage and appearance of the Maria Christina plant resembles the previous plant, but here the white color predominates on the foliage, making the indoor culture even more unusual and remarkable. The height of a perennial plant at home is about 60 cm, and elliptical pointed leaves with a curved central part reach a length of 20 cm.

Aglaonema Cutlass

Aglaonema CutlassIf the colors and foliage of the aglaonema variety shown in the photo will not surprise culture connoisseurs, then the shape of the leaves is very remarkable. It is not oval, but tapered-wedge-shaped.

Aglaonema AnYaManee

Aglaonema AnYaManeeOne of the most popular red aglaonema varieties with large heart-shaped leaves. The color of the foliage is complex, including several shades of green, located along the central vein and along the very edge of the leaf plate. The central part of the leaf of the aglaonema is red or pink, and green spots are scattered over this background. Young foliage is lighter and thinner, but as it develops, the colors become brighter and richer.

Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Aglaonema Siam AuroraThe color of the leaves of the Aglaonema cultivar of the Author of Siam, very similar to the range of the above-described plants, in fact, is their mirror image. The center of the leaf blade is variegated, green, and the edges and longitudinal vein are crimson or red. Pink and petioles, as well as a shortened, almost invisible trunk of the plant.

Red aglaonems are always loved by flower growers, but today varieties with white or almost yellow foliage are no less in demand.

Aglaonema Super White

Aglaonema Super WhiteThe “super white” aglaonema stands out from a number of congeners with bright foliage, where the green color is preserved only along the edge in the form of a thin border and dusting, as well as at the base of the petiole. The plant is compact, unpretentious, but requires maintenance in a bright place to maintain the brightness of the foliage.

Aglaonema Sapphire Suzanne

Aglaonema Sapphire SuzanneThe delicate purple cuttings and veins of compact plants of this variety stand out brightly against the background of the dark, dense foliage.If you look closely, the pink border runs along the edge of the leaf plates. For this interesting variety of aglaonema, as in the photo, in addition to bright foliage, rather large inflorescences with a yellowish cob and a white dense blanket are characteristic.

Aglaonema video

  1. Svetik

    I always wanted Aglaonema Okruglaya to my collection. I love Aglaonema for their elegance.

  2. natalia

    Hello. can i buy Aglaonema Super White

    • Natali

      Contact your local garden center. We do not sell planting material. We have an information site.

  3. Larissa

    Please tell me this is a variety of aglaonema or another plant

  4. alla

    tell me what is it?

    • Olga

      This is a species of calathea, a plant from the arrowroot family. Judging by the pattern on the leaves (and if they are reddish on the back side) - Lancifolia calathea. The flower loves abundant watering, moist air, warmth, partial shade and loose soil. Grows best in a low and wide pot. Learn more about how to care for these plants here

  5. Tatiana

    Help identify the name of the bush


