Do you know what types and varieties of pineapples exist in nature?
The history of Europeans' acquaintance with pineapples begins in 1493, when the Spaniards who landed in Central America discovered previously unknown juicy fruits on the islands. A little later, the candied pulp and the pineapples themselves were sent to the Old World, where the sweet and sour taste of an outlandish delicacy fell to the taste of the crowned persons and nobility.
Within a few decades, pineapples were brought to Asian and African colonies, where the local climate was very suitable for a tropical plant. At the same time, the cultivation of crops was established in South and Central America, as well as in European greenhouses and greenhouses.
Obviously, the desire for sweeter, larger and more juicy fruits existed in those days. Therefore, the ancestors of modern pineapple varieties appeared already in the 18th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century, work on the selection of tropical fruits went in full swing. This was facilitated by the creation of large companies engaged in both the cultivation of pineapples and their processing. The research center is a specialized pineapple research institute located in Hawaii. And planting spread to the southern states of the United States, including Florida.
Ananas comosus var. comosus
Like other varieties, large-crested pineapple is a perennial herb from the bromeliad family, and the fruit loved by many is a juicy fruit, which, depending on the species and variety, can have different shapes, sizes and weights. If the plants of the Giant Kew variety ripen fruits weighing up to 10 kg, then mini pineapples bred in the southeast of Asia have almost no hard core, but weigh no more than 500 grams.
The international trade classification is based on the existence of several large groups of pineapple varieties. These are Smooth Cayenne, Spanish, Queen, Abacaxi and Pernambuco. Since breeding work is ongoing, in addition to these classes, other varieties and varieties appear.
Group of varieties of pineapples "Smooth Cayenne"
The first, the most extensive group of "Smooth Cayenne" - is mostly plants grown in Hawaii and Honduras. Also exotic fruits pineapples with characteristic signs of belonging to this varietal group can be found in the Philippines and Cuba, on plantations in South Africa and in Mexico. Smooth Cayenne plants have a short stalk, on which, gradually turning yellow from the bottom to the outlet, fruits weighing from 1.5 to 3 kg ripen. Pineapple pulp is dense, light yellow, high in both acids and sugar, which gives the fruit some pungency.
Often the harvest from plants of this varietal group is used not only for fresh sale, but also for the production of canned fruit. It is not surprising that up to 90% of the world's canned fruit is produced from the varieties included in the group. Compared to other varieties, pineapples in the Smooth Cayenne variety group take longer to develop and can also be attacked by common crop pests and diseases.
The Cayenne variety group includes many independent varieties:
- Baron de Rothschild;
- G-25;
- Dominguo;
- Gaimpew;
- Maipure;
- Sarawak;
- La Esmeralda;
- Hilo;
- Kew;
- Champaca;
- Amritha;
- MD-2.
At the same time, plants and fruits of different varieties that are part of the same group can be strikingly different from each other. For example, the Champaka pineapple, which produces edible but truly dwarf fruits, is grown as a houseplant. And Kew pineapples are giants weighing from 4 to 10 kg, which grow only on plantations.
Among the varieties of this extensive group, one can distinguish Amritha pineapples with thorny pointed leaves and cylindrical fruits weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg, tapering to the bottom. It takes 13-15 months from the moment of planting to flowering of a plant of this pineapple variety. The variety is distinguished by the formation of a small compact rosette at the top of the fruit. The exotic fruits themselves, unripe pineapples, have an even green color, which changes to yellow when the fruit is ready to be cut.
The thickness of the bark reaches 6 mm, and the pale yellow flesh under it is dense, crispy, without noticeable fibers. Amritha pineapples are distinguished by their low acidity and rich aroma.
Almost 50% of the world market for fresh pineapples comes from the MD-2 variety, which, according to experts, is rightfully considered the standard for the international market.
Cultivation of the pineapple variety in Central and South America began in 1996, during which time the plants have shown that they can produce fruit consistently. High quality fruits have:
- high sugar content;
- smooth cylindrical shape;
- low acid content;
- average weight from 1.5 to 2 kg.
The fruits of MD-2 are distinguished by a very long shelf life of up to 30 days, which makes it possible to transport exotic pineapple fruits over long distances without loss of quality.
And yet the plant is not perfect. MD-2 is more susceptible to rot and late blight than the Kew pineapple variety.
Group of varieties of pineapple "Spanish"
The second group of pineapple varieties is called "Spanish". Red Spanish pineapples are actively grown in Central America. The main crops come from Puerto Rico. Usually such fruits, mainly for export, weigh 1-2 kilograms. Under the hard reddish peel, from which the group got its name, lies a pale yellow or almost white flesh with a mild aroma and a rather fibrous structure compared to cayenne varieties. The Spanish pineapple looks almost square when cut.
The Spanish group includes varieties:
- Pina blanca;
- Red Spanish;
- Cabezona;
- Canning;
- Valera Amarilla Roja;
Plants of these and other varieties included in the group delight with fruits weighing from 1 to 10 kg, and these are mainly table pineapples, which taste slightly inferior to dessert varieties. This translates into firmer pulp and less sugar.
The Queen group also includes many noteworthy pineapple varieties, for example:
- Natal Queen;
- Macgregor;
- Z-Queen.
Pineapples of these varieties can be recognized by their greenish peel. The rosette consists of small leaves decorated with thorns along the edge. The average weight of such a fruit does not exceed 1.5 kg, and the pulp is striking in bright yellow color.
Gourmets note that when comparing African pineapples and South American ones, it is difficult to give preference to one or another fruit. This is due to the dissimilarity of taste. Pineapples from South Africa are not so sweet, but their acidity is lower than that of varieties native to the American continent. The finest Natal Queen pineapples with an almost orange dessert pulp are grown in South Africa.
Group of large-crested pineapples "Abacaxi"
Under the single group name Abacaxi, varieties are combined with light or almost white juicy pulp that does not have signs of lignification. The most famous varieties here are:
- Kona Sugarloaf;
- Black Jamaica;
Most of the Sugarloaf pineapple plantings are in Mexico and Venezuela. The fruits are low in acidity, high in juiciness and sweetness. The mass of such a pineapple can range from 1 to 2.7 kg.
In addition to the listed groups and varieties, there are many others of regional importance.For example, in Australia, for 150 years, its own breeding work has been carried out, based on experiments begun in the 19th century in England. Today, an original varietal group is grown here, the fruits of which are in demand throughout the country.
Also known is the Pernambuco pineapple variety of Brazilian origin. Despite the fact that such pineapples do not store well, they are in demand due to their high sugar content and excellent quality of small portions.
In Asia, local varieties are widespread, which include the Thai pineapples Tard Sri Thong and Sriracha, the Mauritius variety from India, as well as the extremely popular Baby dwarf pineapples, which are characterized by a uniform juicy and very sweet pulp.
Mini pineapples or Baby forms fruits only 10-15 cm high. The diameter of such crumbs is about 10 cm, but with a modest size, the taste of a miniature fruit is in no way inferior to a large one. At the same time, pineapple has a delicate, aromatic and sweet pulp that does not have hard inclusions, like all fruits of standard sizes.
Ananas comosus var. comosus is not the only subspecies producing edible fruits. Although other varieties of pineapple cannot be compared with large-crested pineapple in sweetness and fruit size, these plants are in demand and are grown for low-alcohol drinks, fiber, as well as decorative and houseplants.
First of all, the following varieties of Ananas comosus act in this capacity:
- Ananassoides;
- Erectifolius;
- Parguazensis;
- Bracteatus.
Ananas comosus var. bracteatus
The subspecies, also known as red pineapple, is a native South American plant. Even today, wild specimens of this variety can be found in Brazil and Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Ecuador.
Plants about a meter in height stand out for their bright colors, combining stripes of almost white and dense green colors. The leaves are decorated with sharp thorns along the edge. If pineapple of this subspecies is grown in a well-lit place, then pink tones begin to prevail in the color of its rosette and fruits. It is thanks to this feature that the plant got its name.
The flowering of red pineapple is practically no different from how the rest of the Ananas comosus subspecies bloom. And the fertility of plants is much higher than that of large-crested pineapple.
Due to its unusual foliage and the brightness of the whole plant, Ananas bracteatus is an ornamental pineapple grown for its small red fruits. In the garden, plants can be used as a hedge or in flower beds, and in the house, red pineapple will decorate any interior.
Ananas comosus var. ananassoides
Pineapples of this variety are also indigenous to South America, namely Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela. In tropical regions and in the east of the Andes, plants with a height of 90 to 100 cm are quite common both in savannah conditions, where there is a lack of moisture, and in shady moist forests along river beds in Guiana and Costa Rica.
This subspecies of wild-growing pineapple is widespread, and its dwarf fruits attract the attention of gardeners and indoor crop lovers to the plant. A distinctive feature of the decorative pineapple is the almost complete absence of a stem, tough, sharp leaves, from 90 to 240 cm long and reddish 15-centimeter inflorescences.
The fruit of this South American pineapple can be globular. But more often, elongated cylindrical fruit stems are formed on thin flexible stalks. The pulp is white or yellowish inside, fibrous, sweet with small brown seeds.
Ornamental pineapples of the varieties erectifolius and parguazensis
The bright large pineapple variety, like other members of the genus, is native to South America and is found in several countries in the region. Although mini pineapples, which ripen on plants, have no commercial value, the crop is actively grown in gardens and indoors.
There are several varieties of pineapple of this subspecies, the most popular of which is the one shown in the photo "Chocolate".
Pineapple subspecies parguazensis is not very common.Most of the wild-growing population is found in Colombia, northern Brazil and Venezuela, Guyana, and the plant is also found in French Guiana. The characteristic feature of the plant can be considered soft jagged leaves and powerful plumes on the tiny seedlings of ornamental pineapple.