Multi-colored mosaic in a spring flower bed - popular types of crocuses
As soon as the spring rays of the sun illuminate the earth and the snow begins to melt, the first flowers appear. These are not snowdrops, but all kinds of crocuses, which constantly delight color lovers with their beauty and uniqueness. Each of them has its own characteristics, considering that there are more than 80 varieties of them. In order to somehow understand them, scientists divided the crocuses into 15 huge groups and only one of them included autumn varieties. The rest are flowers that bloom in early spring.
General information about the plant
Modern flower growers know these cute primroses as a low-growing plant up to 10 cm high. Its bulbs are round or flattened. The diameter is about 30 mm. Outside, the tubers are covered with miniature scales, and fibrous roots emerge from the center. The peculiarity of the plant is that it does not have shoots, but only basal leaves of a linear shape, which are collected in a small bunch.
During flowering, single goblet buds of the following shades appear:
- lilac;
- purple;
- blue;
- blue;
- yellow;
- Orange;
- purple;
- brown;
- white.
There are types of crocuses that have a two-tone color or variants with many blotches. Their lush bloom lasts about 20 days. In the center of the buds there is a bright orange pistil. A month after flowering, a seed capsule appears, resembling a closed bell. There, the planting material of charming spring flowers is stored.
The first buds open in early April or May. In regions with a warmer climate - at the end of February.
Crocus species that have won the hearts of gardeners
The variety of varieties of this cute spring primrose attracts the attention of flower growers. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many unique hybrids have appeared. Therefore, novice gardeners have the opportunity to choose the best varieties. Some of them can be eaten as a spice. Depending on what kind of crocuses are by color, when they bloom and how they tolerate the cold, they are divided into varieties. Let's consider the most popular types that are suitable for our territory.
Bright lights of delicate colors
Yellow saffron blossoms incredibly beautifully in early spring, illuminating the backyard of a country house. Its graceful petals shine brightly in the sun, raising the spirits of its fans. It is this kind that deserves special attention, since it grows up to 20 cm in height. During the flowering period, the buds rise above the ground by about 8 cm, framed by narrow green leaves. Crocus - yellow saffron multiplies very quickly, as a maximum of 3 flowers grow from one bulb.In the wild, it is found on the slopes of the Balkan Mountains and in Asia Minor. It dissolves in early April and swells the eye for about 20 days.
A close relative of this plant is the golden-flowered crocus. On its basis, breeders have bred more than 80 varieties with large buds. In the original, the plant grows to a maximum of 15 cm. It has narrow leaf plates that develop during flowering. The buds are colored golden yellow. The maximum diameter is approximately 4 cm.
The varieties of the group bred from the golden-flowered crocus come in a variety of shades. In addition to yellow colors, there are white, purple, blue and blue. Its large-flowered varieties are especially popular:
- Violet Queen;
- Snowbanding;
- Blue Bonnet;
- "Beauty Cream".
Gardeners plant them in group flower beds, near curbs, in rocky and open places. In addition, these varieties are used for forcing in the winter to create an oasis of beauty indoors.
Great Dutch options allow you to create gorgeous landscapes on the territory of the personal plot.
Crocus Korolkova
The plant variety was described in 1880 by two botanists who discovered it in the lowlands of the northern part of Uzbekistan. A year later, Korolkov's crocus was tested in St. Petersburg. And in the 60s of the 20th century, it was already actively grown in the botanical gardens of Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia. On the territory of Kazakhstan, the flower is under state protection. It was included in the Red Book as a valuable plant.
The flower bulb has a spherical shape with red scales. Leaf plates develop during the flowering period. They are often narrow-linear with a white center line. The buds can be single or group (up to 5 pieces).
These cute orange crocuses have a stylish twist - a delicate purple tint on the outside of the petals. Inside the bud there are three stamens with orange anthers. After the bud is fully ripe, an oblong box filled with seeds appears above the ground.
Net crocus
In its natural environment, the flower can be found in southern and central Europe, on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains and in Asia Minor. Its thin leaf plates up to 4 cm long stand out especially during flowering. Mesh crocus buds are painted in two colors. Most often it is light purple, which is diluted with dark brown stripes on the outside of the petals. The maximum diameter of the flower is about 5 cm. Flowers bloom in the first decade of April and decorate gardens and natural landscapes for 25 days.
The Crocus reticulatus species is protected by law and is listed in the Red Book.
Crocus lovely
The plant belongs to varieties that bloom in autumn. The first buds appear in September and bloom until early October. They are usually large in size. The petals are purple-blue and laced with purple veins. The leafy plates of the beautiful crocus are formed in early spring. Their maximum length reaches 30 cm, despite this they die off in summer. Florists grow such popular varieties of this type in their flower beds:
- "Albus" (snow-white buds);
- Oxonion (dark blue);
- "Bagiba" (purple crocuses);
- "Cassiole" (sky blue tone).
Before planting autumn crocuses, you need to choose bulbs with a dense shell and a small tubercle (bud).
No less attractive type of blue crocuses "Artabir" from this group, which attracts true fans of bright colors. Petals of a heavenly shade with pronounced dark streaks look beautiful on country lawns.
Banat crocus
In the wild, the plant adorns the slopes of the Carpathians and the Balkan Mountains. It is most often found in Romania, which is why it was named after the famous region. Banat saffron is distinguished by pale lilac buds, inside of which are yellow anthers.They rise 15 cm above the ground, surrounded by linear silvery foliage. It has been cultivated by gardeners since 1629.
Crocus geyfel
The species is named after the 19th century biologist I. Geyfel. In the wild, it grows in the territory of Transcarpathia and the western part of Europe. It is considered a variety of spring saffron that has large buds. Crocus Geifel begins to bloom in early April and pleases the heart until the end of the month. Purple buds grow up to 12 cm in height. The plant is used to decorate borders, alpine slides and suburban front gardens.
Sowing saffron
An amazing plant species that does not occur in the wild. It is grown to create a unique spice. The flower grows up to 30 cm and has a spherical elastic bulb. The buds are white, yellow and purple. The peculiarity of this purple crocus is its long red stigmas. They hang gracefully between delicate flower petals. It is from them that the most expensive seasoning in the world is made, which is used for exquisite high-class dishes.