A piece of the sun in the country - charming views of rudbeckia
The transience of life prompts many people to decorate their summer cottages with bright colors. All kinds of rudbeckia are ideal for this purpose. The culture was first discovered in the steppes of North America. She fascinated biologists with her sophistication and bright colors. And the romantics wrote poems about her: “You bloom in the gardens and make you happy. She took the color from the sun - to paint the petals. "
For a long time, rudbeckia has been called differently. The very first name is "Suzanne the black-eyed". In Germany, she is known as the "Sun Hat". The famous biologist Karl Liney named the culture after the Swedish scientists Rudbeks and it is considered universally recognized throughout the world. But the plant is famous not only for its name. The amazing variety of varieties and species of rudbeckia is admired by gardeners. Therefore, they are happy to grow crops in the plots.
General touches of an overseas guest
Its erect stems are covered with fine villi that shine silver in the sunlight. The leaf plates are oval and slightly elongated. The surface is painted deep green. In structure, they are whole or pinnately separated.
During the flowering period, various types of rudbeckia are full of bright inflorescences, resembling a basket. The diameter of the bud can reach 15 cm. In the center of the flower there is a bulge of black or brown color.
Around her, delicate petals of shades sway gracefully in the wind:
- yellow;
- orange;
- pink;
- purple.
There are also two-tone options:
- reddish brown;
- orange petals in light and dark colors;
- yellow-orange.
All kinds of perennial rudbeckia have been successfully developing on one site for 5 years. They are unpretentious to care for, so they often appear in front gardens and garden compositions near country houses. The culture is grown in group plantings, where it clearly stands out against the background of low-growing plants.
The flower is harmoniously combined in a flower bed with chrysanthemums, asters, echinacea, chamomile, lobelia. For a long time it retains its original appearance, being in a vase of water.
Dazzling views of rudbeckia won the hearts of Europeans
Today, scientists have about 40 varieties of solar culture, from which it is impossible to look away. They are very similar to each other, but the main difference is the growing season. Some of them are annual varieties, others are perennials. Inflorescences are gigantic or dwarf sizes. There are double, simple and two-colored rudbeckia, which adorn the gardens of our compatriots. Let's try to look into the fabulous world of this overseas culture and consider the most popular types.
A beautifully flowering perennial grows up to 70 si in height. Differs in dense erect shoots, on which are located narrow lanceolate leaf plates. The inflorescences of brilliant rudbeckia are baskets with a diameter of about 10 cm. They consist of two types of flowers: tubular and reed. The former are colored dark purple.The reed petals shine orange in the sunlight. Rudbeckia radiant (another name for the species) begins to bloom in July. The last buds can be admired even in September.
Popular varieties:
- Gold rush ("Goldsturm") is distinguished by high growth up to 80 cm. Inflorescences are orange in color. Another name for the culture is rudbeckia Golden storm.
- The gold star ("Goldstar") has golden petals about 12 cm in size. In the middle of the "basket" there is a brown bulge. The flowering period is approximately 45 days. Rudbeckia The Golden Ray is actively used by summer residents to decorate front gardens and garden plots.
Almost all types of perennial rudbeckia are frost-resistant. But due to the fact that its roots are close to the surface of the earth, it is advisable to insulate them. To do this, use straw, fallen leaves or spruce branches.
The radiant rudbeckia depicted in the photo looks perfect on the summer cottage. The plant is used to decorate gazebos, fences and the front entrance of a residential building. It goes well with phlox, asters and delphiniums.
The plant grows up to 50 cm in height. It has elongated rounded leaves. Beautiful rudbeckia buds are usually large in size. The diameter of the inflorescence is approximately 10 cm. In the center there is a bulge consisting of tubular petals. They are colored brown. It is framed by flat leaves of a yellow or orange hue. The tips of the petals of such a perennial undersized rudbeckia are jagged, which looks gorgeous against the background of the whole plant.
Perennial is considered one of the tallest varieties. It grows up to about 2 m, turning into an original garden decoration. The inflorescences resemble a bright basket, which is decorated with rich yellow reed buds. The yellow rudbeckia shown in the photo harmoniously fits into the landscape of a country house, since its flowering lasts more than a month. The most demanded variety of dissected rudbeckia is the Golden Ball. It is distinguished by double golden buds.
When planting a plant, its growth should be taken into account. Giant varieties are placed at a distance of about 70 cm from each other.
The culture has large buds that exude a pleasant aroma. In the photo of rudbeckia amber, reed petals of a golden hue are clearly visible. They stand out brightly against the background of the purple receptacle, consisting of tubular miniature flowers. An adult plant grows up to 0.5 m in height. Inflorescences remain on the shoots for about 2 months.
The flower is considered a heat-loving plant. Therefore, it is planted in open ground when the air temperature does not drop to 18 ° C.
The variety is considered the most popular among designers of green spaces and ordinary summer residents. In the provided photo of rudbeckia marmalade, you can see large buds resembling chamomile... True, her petals are golden. They appear in the middle of summer and decorate the flower bed until the autumn frosts.
Varieties of this culture are distinguished by gorgeous colors. They consist of elongated yellow petals. The middle of the glossy rudbeckia buds is colored green, which is harmoniously combined with bright petals. The diameter of the inflorescences is approximately 10 cm. Popular varieties: Golden Umbrella and Autumn Sun.
Green wizard or sorceress
More recently, a pretty flower about 1.5 m high has appeared on the flower beds of our compatriots. Its inflorescence does not have reed buds, so it looks like a cone tower surrounded by green petals. This miracle is called Rudbeckia Green Wizard. She loves open, sunny areas. In dry periods, it needs additional moisture. To extend the flowering period of the culture, you need to regularly cut off the faded buds. Grown in group beds or mixborders.
Rudbeckia Sorceress blooms almost all summer.The first densely doubled buds appear in June, the last in September. Culture looks impressive on green lawns garden in group plantings.
To successfully grow the variety, it is advisable to sow seeds in early spring in containers. Seedlings are planted during a period when the threat of frost has passed.
To appreciate the beauty of the variety, just look at the photo of terry rudbeckia and present it in your garden. The culture is distinguished by amazing buds consisting of feather-like petals. They have a bright purple hue that attracts attention. Flowering begins in summer and continues until the onset of autumn frosts. A truly wonderful plant for a summer cottage.
The culture belongs to the tetraploid varieties, which are distinguished by giant buds. They consist of two layers of petals surrounding a dark brown core. From the side, the buds of Rudbeckia Mokka resemble a chic hat of a modern fashionista. The petals are colored purple in two tones. The plant is grown in garden vases or containers.
The herbaceous culture of this species grows up to 150 cm, so lovers of garden flowers really like it. It is distinguished by numerous branching shoots, which are covered with fine villi. The luxurious foliage of three-lobed rudbeckia usually grows up to 12 cm in length. It has an oblong ovoid shape. The surface of the plate is slightly pubescent. Basal leaves pinnately dissected into 3 or 7 parts. The edges are serrated. The buds form at the tops of the stems and are orange or yellow in color. The central disc of the bud is most often dark purple.
The variety can withstand frosts above -20 ° C.
The perennial has giant buds. Their color resembles a mixture of coffee and milk. The core consists of small tubular sections. It is decorated with oblong petals. Rudbeckia Cappuccino can also be grown as a glamorous annual. Seeds germinate in 20 days if the room temperature is stable at + 18 ° C. Rooted shoots are planted on the site in May. The first buds will appear in mid-July.
This variety is often confused with echinacea due to the similarity of the inflorescences. The plant forms an erect bush, towering 100 cm above the ground. In the photo of rudbeckia purple, its exquisite buds are clearly visible. They are large baskets that are located on long peduncles. Depending on the variety, the petals are colored lilac, purple or white. The crop prefers moderately moist soil with ample sunlight. It perfectly tolerates winter cold, so it does not need shelter.
The plant pleases the eye with buds, both in summer and autumn, which especially attracts gardeners. It is successfully grown in open sunny areas and is used to create original compositions. Rudbeckia mizou is not afraid of drought and summer heat. She always remains attractive. Bud formation lasts for 3 years, after which the culture dries up. Regular renewal of this variety of rudbeckia turns the garden into a cozy place to relax.
Popular varieties of annuals
In central Europe, gardeners successfully grow annual varieties of rudbeckia, which are sown in open ground in spring. To achieve lush flowering, seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions are often used. The main variety of annuals, which has been cultivated in Europe since the end of the 17th century, is rudbeckia hairy or hirta. It became the basis for breeding many decorative hybrids. Some of them are combined into a separate group and are distinguished by amazing colors.
The culture has erect stems with barely noticeable villi. They are simple or branched. The leaf plates of the rudbeckia hirt, located at the base of the flower, are usually ovoid.The rest have a hairy structure with a jagged frame.
Bright inflorescences are:
- simple;
- terry;
- large;
- average.
They are colored golden, yellow or orange. The core of the bud is composed of tubular purple petals. Dwarf rudbeckia, which grows to a maximum of 35 cm, is especially appreciated by gardeners.
Toto Rustic
The plant is considered the smallest variety in this group. The height of adult plants reaches only 20 cm. Despite this, it has wide leaf plates. They are colored dark green. The buds of the rudbeckia Toto Rustic are quite large and look original against the background of dense foliage. The variety is grown in flower beds and in containers.
A unique variety of hirta is Moreno shaggy rudbeckia, whose inflorescences are painted in an exquisite mahogany color. The tips of the petals smoothly turn into an orange tint. And although the culture is of short stature (from 30 cm to 50), it is actively used to decorate flower beds, garden alleys and borders. The proof of this is a photo of a terry rudbeckia, in which she opened her buds.
A cute annual, resembling a large chamomile, grows in dense thickets in garden beds. Inflorescences are:
- reddish brown;
- golden;
- deep yellow.
Elite hybrid rudbeckia blooms from early July to September. The maximum height of the bushes is about 70 cm.
This amazing variety adorns the garden until late autumn, even after flowering ends. Gorgeous golden rudbeckia gives its fans giant double and semi-double buds. Particular chic is given to them by the bulges, which glamorously rise above the green foliage before the first frost.
The plant loves open spaces and fertile soil. To grow Rudbeckia gloriosa, the photo of which is provided above, at the end of March, seeds are sown using containers. When the seedlings get stronger, they are transferred to a flower bed and watered regularly. In a few months, a piece of the sun from the sky will shine in the garden.
The original dwarf plant grows from 35 to 45 cm. It is decorated with many double flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 12 cm. As you can see in the photo, Mayan rudbeckia loves sunny places, so it is not afraid of drought and summer heat. Culture looks great in containers and group flower beds.
The amazing variety of rudbeckia species allows you to enjoy the lush beauty of the garden all season long. Each of them has its own flavor and appeal. Why not have such a cute overseas beauty in the country? Many did so.