Viola ampelnaya - a luxurious beauty for hanging pots
Ampel flowers can be safely called a separate class, because without them it is difficult to imagine a summer yard. Among them, the ampelous viola is especially popular due to its unpretentious nature and abundant flowering. Starting in April, chic spherical bushes tirelessly dissolve rather large flowers on their hanging shoots. In structure, they are very similar to violets, only very large. In addition, the culture is characterized by rapid development and resistance to temperature changes. She will endure an unexpected spring cold snap without problems, and it still keeps well until next season.
For charming buds, flower growers affectionately call viola pansies or a tricolor violet.
General characteristics of the plant
The first buds bloom around mid-spring. All flowers have the same shape according to the type of structure of a violet and a diameter of about 5 cm on average. They can be larger or smaller, depending on the variety. The variety also determines the color of the flowers. Monochromatic yellow, white, lilac viols look elegant. Particularly chic are two-tone views with contrasting colors. Flowering lasts until frost.
Viola ampelnaya - features of growing
Viola is grown from seeds, mainly by seedlings. To get an earlier flowering, sowing should be done at the end of winter. In a permanent place, in a pots, a pot or on a flower bed, seedlings can be planted at the end of April. Viola loves good lighting, in which it gives larger flowers, but in summer it burns out under direct rays. In a shady place, it can also grow, however, the flowers are crushed, but the leaves will remain green for a long time. The best option is diffused lighting or light partial shade.
The bush tolerates well spring cool nights with temperatures dropping to 5 ° C.
It is necessary to water the viola often, not allowing the soil to dry out, but making sure that moisture does not stagnate. You can increase the number of buds by feeding the flower every week with a mineral complex.
Mostly the culture is grown as a one-year-old, but it is able to survive the winter. To do this, before the autumn cold snap, the pot must be removed to a cool, bright room (veranda, insulated balcony). In the spring, cuttings can be taken from these bushes.
The most beautiful varieties of ampelous viola
Among the huge species diversity of the plant, it is worth highlighting such elegant varieties of viola:
- Plenschiefol Lavender Blue with multi-colored petals painted in white-purple or lilac-purple.
- Wonderfall Blue Picoti Scheides with delicate white and lilac flowers encircled with purple border.
- Black waterfall with deep purple flowers.
- Fashionista butterfly with yellow-purple buds.