We provide our family with tasty and healthy spinach

Spinach in the garden Spinach seeds germinate in a temperature of 3-4 degrees, young plants can tolerate frosts up to - 8 grams normally.

Spinach, unfortunately, is a rare plant among gardeners; it is not very popular. Meanwhile, fresh green spinach is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and protein compounds. It is unpretentious, cold-resistant and high-yielding. Usually, there is no free area for growing spinach. Sow it, as a rule, as a compactor or a previous crop. It is good to grow spinach in greenhouses and greenhouses.

With clean sowing, spinach is sown with row spacing up to 20 cm, sowing depth - 1.5 - 2 cm. This is done in early spring. And for spinach in the fall - in the second half of summer. Having planted the seeds in September - October, you can get the finished product in early spring, but during the winter the crops need to be covered with humus or tops.

In order to significantly accelerate the arrival of the finished product in the spring and lengthen the period of its consumption in the fall, it is necessary to use portable film covers. In order for the spinach greens to turn out to be tender, they need to be watered often, and during the development of the cotyledon leaves, add bait in the form of ammonium nitrate (400 g per 10 sq. M. Area).

Spinach is valued for its nutritional value and therapeutic and prophylactic properties; it contains an incredibly large amount of nitrogenous compounds. Most of these are proteins that are easily absorbed by the body.

Leaves are consumed, they are used to prepare: sauces, mashed potatoes, side dishes, greens are used, both fresh and canned. By the way, when drying and canning, spinach practically does not lose its nutritional value. It is rich in vitamins and carotene. In this regard, even one vegetable crop can hardly be compared with it. Iron salts, protein, phosphorus, calcium, potassium - all this makes spinach not just greens, but also has a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous systems. For comparison, its leaves contain more vitamins A, C than oranges, lemons, sorrel, lettuce and green onions.

Video about the benefits of spinach for the intestines


