Dangerous effects of pesticides on the human body and ways to solve the problem
To protect fruit plants from pests and weeds, farmers use a huge number of chemicals. Therefore, we are carefully studying the harmful effects of pesticides on the human body and the environment. Until the middle of the 19th century, farmers mainly used natural substances. However, over time, completely new drugs appeared, based on chemical compounds. Thanks to this, the farmers quickly solved the problems with pests and weeds. To date, the situation has hardly changed. However, logical questions arise about what pesticides are and how they are dangerous to human health. Find out the expert opinion.
Agrochemicals for good or bad
Typically these include liquid or powder mixtures that are used to protect crops from harmful creatures.:
- ticks;
- rodents;
- fungi;
- viruses;
- microorganisms.
Translated into Russian, the name "pesticides" was formed from two Latin words "infection" and "kill". The first preparations contained arsenic, copper and even mercury. Then came dust, dieldrin, aldrin, hexachlorobenzene. All of them had a detrimental effect on nature and, of course, human health. Scientists continued to look for an alternative, thanks to which organophosphates appeared in the 21st century. Are they safe for our health? Let's try to figure it out.
In some countries, dust and hexachlorobenzene are banned by the authorities for plant protection.
The effect of pesticides on the human body disclosed
Many gardeners and truck farmers dream of flawless fruits that are distinguished by amazing taste and chic appearance. Unfortunately, in modern conditions, it is impossible to achieve this goal without chemicals. All kinds of fungi, rodents or insect pests in a hurry to feast on the new harvest. Therefore, the agrarians actively defend their possessions from the "hated enemy". To reduce the danger of pesticides to humans, scientists have developed a plant treatment system.
It includes such rules:
- the number of procedures per season;
- the designated holding period;
- use strictly for the intended purpose;
- rules for combining various drugs.
If at least one point is violated, problems arise. Unfortunately, this is not reflected in the appearance of vegetables and fruits. They still look flawless. But in the human body, cardinal changes begin. Toxins affect the liver, nervous system, gallbladder and even the heart.
They often cause a number of serious problems.:
- cancer;
- hormonal disbalance;
- type II diabetes;
- obesity;
- Alzheimer's disease.
Toxins enter the body through the respiratory system or by touching the inventory with the remains of the drug.
Symptoms of poisoning appear over time.:
- Strong headache;
- loss of orientation;
- incoherent speech;
- clouding of consciousness;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- sweating;
- high pressure;
- muscle cramps;
- dyspnea;
- dry cough.
In addition, problems arise if, when processing plants, the gardener neglects the means of protecting his body. For example, does not wear gloves, respirator, hat, and rubber shoes. As a result, itching appears on the skin. The affected areas of the body become inflamed. Sometimes the case ends with severe chemical burns. Severe poisoning can be fatal. As a rule, the first signals of poor health appear 2-3 hours after contact with a chemical.
Poisoning symptoms also occur in pets that, through an oversight, have eaten pesticide-treated plants.
First aid for poisoning
One authoritative book says: "Time and opportunity for all." Therefore, no person is immune from unexpected situations that lead to serious health problems. Someone unsuccessfully crossed the road, and someone got a speck in the eye. It is sad when trouble comes after a delicious meal or hard work at the summer cottage. Therefore, we will analyze how to remove pesticides from the body before the arrival of an ambulance. Doctors suggest a number of procedures.
When a poisonous substance has entered the digestive system, do:
- gastric lavage by drinking plenty of fluids;
- after vomiting, use any sorbent (activated carbon, potato starch, egg white);
- a cleansing enema (if more than 2 hours have passed).
If a person is poisoned by pesticides by air, then he is immediately taken to fresh air. Then they take off his overalls. Wash the face and hands with running water or a damp disinfectant wipe.
You can wash the stomach with warm saline solution. 1 teaspoon of salt is added to 1 liter of water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Chemicals and the environment
Experts believe that harmful substances are the cause of the negative effects of pesticides on the body. Most often it is sulfur, mercury and a high dose of copper. In addition, the toxicity of chemicals is not least influenced by temperature and humidity. Research shows that hot weather increases the activity of the poison molecules. Humidity weakens the reaction of the substance to various pests of agricultural crops.
Chemicals target fungal infections selectively. For example, those that kill rust pathogens are completely useless for powdery mildew.
As you know, pesticides are intended for the treatment of gardens, vegetable gardens and fields. Their main goal is pest protection.
Therefore, the preparations contain additional components:
- adhesives;
- fillers;
- wetting agents.
The packaging usually indicates the dosage of the substance, which is calculated by specialists. Unfortunately, when plants are treated with pesticides, the environment also suffers. Poisonous substances often kill "feathered friends" and beneficial insects. The trees that grow nearby, the foliage turns yellow and falls. If the farmer uses strong drugs, the poison destroys the microorganisms that stimulate plant development.
To prevent the harmful effects of pesticides on the soil, experts advise using organophosphorus preparations in their areas. They degrade quickly in the ground and have a short duration of exposure to pests.
Food disinfection
There are 2 easy ways to get rid of pesticides on purchased fruits and vegetables. The first option consists of treating the products with a special solution.
It is prepared from components:
- baking soda;
- lemon juice;
- pure water.
Add a tablespoon of the indicated ingredients to a glass of liquid and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is sprayed on the products. After 10 minutes, rinse under a tap. The second method requires water and a few tablespoons of vinegar.Vegetables or fruits are soaked in liquid for about 60 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
We investigated in detail the effect of pesticides on the human body, fertile soil and food. They cause poisoning and a number of serious diseases. In emergency cases, first aid is provided to the injured, following the recommendations of specialists. And simple ways to disinfect purchased products from pesticides are available to everyone.