How to build a waterfall with your own hands on the territory of a country house

The murmur of living water brings a special flavor to the landscape design, reminiscent of earthly paradise. Realizing the long-standing dream of mankind is real if you create a waterfall in the country with your own hands. After all, the dynamic movement of liquid from top to bottom attracts the eyes and prompts one to think about the transience of life.
Even 50 years ago, such structures were considered inaccessible to ordinary people. However, in the 21st century, many building materials and devices have appeared that are available to creative people. And detailed advice from the masters is a wonderful help in creating a waterfall with your own hands at a summer cottage. Those who have already achieved this goal enjoy the pleasant murmur of the falling water. They regularly breathe in the refreshing breeze of the mountain air without leaving their residence. What do you need to build such a miracle yourself? Consider the advice of experienced craftsmen.
The waterfall is set away from buildings. The constant presence of moisture leads to the appearance of fungal deposits on the walls.
DIY waterfall: the first step is the construction of a reservoir

In the natural environment, there are various types of falling water. She flies swiftly from high mountains. Gracefully falls into the abyss from the thresholds invisible to the eye. And sometimes narrow streams of water make their way through the crevices of the rocks. And in all cases, it falls into a lake or river. When constructing a waterfall with your own hands on the territory of a country house, it is important to adhere to a similar design.
No wonder the first step to making your dream come true is artificial reservoir... Since there are no ideal forms of rivers and lakes in nature, it is advisable to follow the same principle. Curved tank options harmoniously fit into the overall landscape of the suburban area. Thanks to this approach, the building takes on a natural character.
The depth of the reservoir depends on its further use. If you plan to launch fish there and plant plants, it should be over 1 m. This will help the living creatures to endure cold winters.
Capital construction of the waterfall begins with a foundation pit. Depending on the depth, it is dug out manually or mechanically. For this, marks are placed around the entire perimeter of the future artificial reservoir using pegs and a rope. Having dug a reservoir of the required depth, an additional 10 cm of soil is removed. Later, this part is covered with sand and tamped tightly with your feet or with the help of a special device.

Next, they make high-quality waterproofing, on which the durability of the waterfall depends. To do this, use one of these materials:
- garden film folded in 4 layers;
- butyl rubber:
- PVC film.
Each option has a different service life, which significantly affects the quality of waterproofing. The selected cover is laid over the inside of the tank, leaving about 0.5 m at the top to secure it.
The most durable is concrete insulation, which is constructed by performing the following processes:
- cover the bottom of the pit with a strong film;
- lay a wire frame to strengthen the structure;
- pour concrete into the bottom of the bowl.
When it hardens, they start concreting the side walls. Such a reservoir will withstand any vagaries of the weather, remaining unchanged for several decades in a row.
If a film waterproofing is used, the water from the pool is drained for the winter.Otherwise, after freezing, it will completely destroy it.

Choosing the configuration of the structure

The variety of waterfalls that are found in nature encourages craftsmen to be creative in their work. Thanks to modern technologies, any idea can be realized and you can build a decorative waterfall in the country with your own hands. There are several types of structures that experienced builders use successfully.
Majestic miniature

When a large amount of liquid rushes down a steep cliff, it is awe-inspiring. The mesmerizing noise from the powerful currents is awe-inspiring. Therefore, many dream of creating a similar miracle at their summer cottage. Fortunately, experienced professionals know how to make a waterfall using simple construction skills.
When the bowl is already prepared, they begin to build the cascades. They are the highlight of the structure. The easiest option is to purchase any solid structure and equip it decorative stones... However, for the construction of a waterfall in a garden of an unusual configuration, it is better to show imagination.

In order for the water to fall beautifully down, dividing into many streams, several obstacles are made. They begin to spread them from the side of the reservoir, retreating about 30 cm from its surface.
For a graceful fall of water, it is advisable to build a series of cascades about 1.5 m in size. Otherwise, the streams will not emit a pleasant murmur.

For the installation of ledges, natural stones are used. Practice has shown that it is most convenient to build from sandstone. To force the flow downward, the hose is installed on the upper tier between the stones. This design is considered the simplest option, which is widely used by our compatriots.
Powerful natural stone cascades

The question of how to make a waterfall in the yard with your own hands worries many connoisseurs of a beautiful landscape. Therefore, experienced craftsmen share useful tips. One of them is to never give up, even when you give up. Having received the necessary knowledge and skills, many have achieved success.
First, let's figure out how to make a waterfall from stones on the territory of a summer cottage. The work consists of the following processes:
- site marking;
- removal of the soil layer to a depth of about 40 cm;
- filling the bottom of the pit with gravel or small pebbles;
- construction of a drainage cushion using a mixture of crushed stone with sand;
- installation of large natural stones;
- the formation of a small hill.

When performing all the points, you should take into account several nuances. Wood waste cannot be used for the bottom layer, as they begin to rot quickly. To keep the embankment in shape, stones are added to the soil, watered and compacted. It is also advisable to treat the soil with herbicides to prevent the appearance of weeds.
It is better to use stones with flat edges to form even cascades. They need to be laid out in the form of a pyramid.
Free-form decorative design

Unique small waterfalls wonderfully fit into the landscape of a country residence. They are often built in various popular styles:
- classic;
- high tech;
- loft;
- country.

The principle of operation is the same as for a large structure. First, they make a diagram of the waterfall, markup and foundation pit. Cover it with waterproofing. Then they create a suitable design. Steps are formed from the soil by laying flat stones on them.
The finished structure is decorated with decorative stones. Lovers of greenery plant curly perennials or moisture-loving flowers.

An original option for decorating a summer cottage can be a waterfall on the wall with backlight. For its construction you will need:
- wooden beams;
- pipes;
- copper sheet;
- pump;
- point fixtures waterproof character;
- fasteners.
It is better to carry out the work under the guidance of a specialist in order to get a quality waterfall. However, at first, it is desirable to present the future design as a whole. This will help to make the necessary calculations correctly.And then the cascading stream will decorate the suburban recreation area.
Unique structures without a pump

The construction of artificial waterfalls on the territory of the royal palaces was started by the ancient Greeks. The famous geometer Heron of Alexandria in the 2nd century BC started the movement of water without a pump. Then no one suspected that electricity exists. The design consisted of several vessels and tubes. Simple physics and the water is in motion.
Nowadays, experts also create waterfalls without a pump at the dacha with their own hands, imitating ancient geniuses. First, they select a suitable volume of vessels that will ensure an uninterrupted supply of water. Then narrow tubes are fixed to them. The holes are closed to prevent the liquid from seeping. At the final stage, the structure is mounted in accordance with the waterfall scheme. The visible part of the building is decorated with decorative elements so that it harmoniously fits into the overall landscape.

When designing a structure, it is advisable to leave access to the elements of the waterfall. Thanks to this, at any time it can be "launched" to enjoy the melody of the falling stream.
Summing up, we note that the construction of a waterfall with your own hands on the site is a truly interesting activity. The main thing is to choose the original type of design, and then confidently get down to business. And let the whole world envy the unique structure in the country.
Waterfalls in landscape design