Cabbage pests and methods of dealing with them
Grown in almost all household plots, cabbage is the most common and popular vegetable along with potatoes. There are a large number of varieties and types of cabbage, but they are all susceptible to various diseases and pests. At the same time, the main difficulty in protecting cabbage from pests is the undesirability of using pesticides at any stage of development. Therefore, when protecting and treating cabbage, preventive measures and limiting the use of pesticides are so important.
Diseases of cabbage
Among the main diseases of cabbage are the following:
- White rot, the sources of infection of which are the mycelium of sclerotia.
- Gray rot arises from improper storage of the crop.
- Keela among all the enemies of cabbage is the most dangerous and widespread. Infection occurs through a fungus that damages the roots.
- The yellowness of cabbage, which is caused by a soil microorganism. Penetrating into the plant through the roots or damage to the cabbage leaf, such a fungus prevents the movement of water in the vessels and causes yellowness of the leaf, followed by its wilting.
- Cabbage mosaic is a viral disease, and it can only be fought with prevention.
- Downy mildew (peronosporosis) appears on the leaves as reddish-yellow spots with a bloom of mycelium on the underside.
- The black leg appears mainly on seedlings of different ages and causes darkening of the root part of the stem.
Methods for dealing with cabbage diseases
To successfully combat cabbage diseases, first of all, one must take into account that they can be triggered by a high moisture content in the air or dampness of the soil. Considering that causative agents of cabbage diseases can maintain their viability in the soil for several years, it is advisable to change the place of planting cabbage annually, watering abundantly vegetable and feed, protecting from pests. Using preventive measures, for example, a decoction of hot peppers, marigolds or horsetail, you can not only cure, but also protect against the spread of diseases.
The main thing is a systematic fight against cabbage diseases during flowering and head formation. Methods of dealing with a disease that has already struck cabbage depends on each specific type of disease.
To combat white rot, it is important to observe a 6-7 year old crop rotation... The same can be recommended to prevent the development of gray rot. But the fight against the keel consists in destroying the diseased plant and treating the soil with formalin or Bordeaux liquid. Plants affected by yellowness are also destroyed, and in the fall, treat the soil with a solution of copper sulfate.
To protect against powdery mildew you can use special chemicals or folk remedies. To combat blackleg, the seeds are pretreated with biological agents or more effective chemicals. To destroy spores in the soil, it is disinfected with boiling water, freshly slaked lime or a solution of potassium permanganate.
Cabbage pests with photo
The causes of cabbage diseases can be pests, among the most dangerous are cabbage scoop, cabbage aphids and moleas well as the cruciferous flea and other insects.
- The cruciferous flea is a small jumping beetle (2-3 mm) that overwinters in the surface layer of the soil.For prophylaxis, it is necessary to carefully remove all weeds before planting, and in sunny weather, cover the seedlings with a transparent non-woven material that allows air to pass through. When fleas appear, folk remedies or more harmful chemicals are used.
- Cabbage aphids overwinter in the egg stage on cabbage stumps, cabbage testes and weeds. The massive appearance of aphids on the leaves, sucking the sap from the plants, leads to a halt in the growth of the heads of cabbage, and seeds do not form on the testes. Careful processing of the site after harvesting, regular destruction of weeds prevent the appearance of aphids. Aphids are destroyed by many beneficial insects that are attracted by umbrella crops (dill, carrot testes). At the first appearance, aphids are destroyed by wiping the leaves with a cloth soaked in soapy water, as well as sprinkling with decoctions and tinctures of potato tops and tomato, tobacco, henbane, garlic, Luke and others.
- Cruciferous bugs are variegated in color, depending on the type of bug. Adult bugs and their larvae cause mechanical damage, sucking out sap, and killing leaf cells. The cabbage bug is the most common pest. They are very fertile and one female can lay up to 300 eggs per season. Their harmful activity is especially active in hot dry weather. The best methods of dealing with bedbugs are preventive measures and the use of deterrents before the bedbugs start flying. To scare away, use naphthalene, fluff lime, tobacco, mixed with other ingredients. Spraying with soapy water or decoctions of chamomile, potato tops, and onion peels is also used. With a large number of bugs, chemicals are used - insecticides.
- Cabbage leaf beetle has a large habitat. A small beetle (3-4.5 cm), ovoid, eats large holes on the leaves or gnaws at the edges. Traditional methods of pest control.
- The adult cabbage moth is a moth, but the caterpillar stage is harmful. Butterflies can be caught on molasses or on night fires. Trichogramma destroys eggs of scoops, and microbiological preparations are used to destroy caterpillars.
Cabbage seedlings pests
Almost all existing pests are especially dangerous for cabbage seedlings. Therefore, the fight against them must begin with the preparation of the soil before sowing seeds in greenhouse... Before planting seedlings it is necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of insects, midges. If necessary, timely process with infusions and broths tested over many years. Recipes on how to deal with cabbage pests and diseases are posted in large numbers on the Internet and the most suitable for this particular case are selected.
Detailed article with a full description of pests and diseases. There is nothing to add. Thanks for the info. You can avoid some of them, I will share my experience. For sowing cabbage seeds, I take only disinfected soil, because the seedlings grow in a cool place, otherwise they will stretch out. True, I do not spoil young seedlings with watering until a real leaf appears, and even then I add a little potassium permanganate to the water. This is so that there is no black leg. I dig a hole early for planting, yet returnable frosts are possible. I am preparing the hole the day before, adding everything I need, and on top of a handful of ash to drive all the earth inhabitants away. Tomorrow I will pour warm water, plant the plant and cover it for several days with plastic bottles with a cut off bottom and unscrewed caps. Seedlings should not touch the walls with leaves. I twist the plugs at night. It will be warm in ten days, and my cabbage will take root by this time and add a couple of leaves.In the chill she began, not wilted, well developed. After that, the plant leaves traditional pests due to early planting. I advise everyone to try it.