Everything you need to know about planting jasmine in spring
Garden jasmine is not only loved by bees, who are attracted by its sweet scent. The shrub is often used for landscaping the site due to its wide spreading crown and abundant flowering. Terry varieties are especially popular, attracting the eye with an abundance of stuffed buds. Experienced gardeners recommend planting jasmine in spring - in this case, before the onset of frost, young seedlings will have time to get stronger and gain strength for future wintering, and the survival rate during spring planting is higher than in autumn.
Before talking about how to plant jasmine in the spring, it's worth mentioning the planting time. It is best to do this at the end of April - at the beginning of May, when a stable temperature is established on the street, and the soil warms up enough.
Where to plant?
Basically jasmine able to grow and develop equally well both in the sun and in the shade. But if the goal is to get abundant and long-lasting flowering, it is worth taking the lightest place on the site for the plant.
Places where water stagnates are not suitable for jasmine - it does not like waterlogged soil, and will hurt.
What kind of soil does jasmine prefer?
The shrub can survive on almost any soil, but it grows best in fertile black soil. Heavy clay soil should be thinned with sand to make it more airy. Add a little clay and a nutrient mixture from black soil and organic matter to light sandy soil.
Seedling preparation
For planting, it is necessary to purchase or select from your material only the strongest and absolutely healthy seedlings. The root system is subject to careful examination: all damaged and diseased roots must be cut off.
How to plant a seedling correctly?
It is better to start planting in the evening. In a prepared planting hole up to 50 cm deep, it is necessary to lay drainage, for example, gravel. Then the earth that has been dug needs to be filled with nutrients, because the full-fledged dressing of jasmine is started only the next year. To do this, mix it with organic matter per 5 kg of soil, 1 kg each:
- wood ash;
- humus.
You can add a little more nitrophoes, but not more than 30 g.
It is impossible to deepen the root collar much - it must remain at ground level, otherwise there is a great risk of decay.
The planted jasmine should be watered abundantly. You can mulch the tree trunk circle with leaves - this way the moisture under the spring sun will evaporate more slowly.