Watermelon is definitely a fruit, but what kind?
According to modern botanical classification, watermelon is a berry of the pumpkin family. But another option is also used - it belongs to the group of false berries. There is still no consensus on this matter.
Watermelon is considered a close relative:
- soft and very sweet melon;
- juicy and low-calorie cucumber;
- diet squash and pumpkin.
It has been known since the days of Ancient Egypt. Watermelons were used by the Egyptians not only for food, but also for funeral rites. It was believed that they would be fed by the dead pharaohs during their journey through the kingdom of the dead. Also, watermelon was brought to Ancient Rome and China. The Chinese not only accepted the watermelon well, but also called it the "Melon of the West." In the modern world, even now, China holds the leading position in the ranking of watermelon producers. The Romans, in turn, ate it not only fresh, but also salted.
People often define a watermelon incorrectly, turning it into a vegetable or fruit. To understand how a watermelon should be called, you need to familiarize yourself with all versions of its classification.
A bit of history and information
This makes watermelon a suitable food for diabetics as it improves metabolism. However, a large amount of carbohydrates must be taken into account, which is why it should not be used as a main food, even when losing weight. It also increases appetite. With too frequent use of the fruit in large portions, a serious load on the kidneys affects, which can lead to sad consequences.
Watermelon is the object of scientific research precisely because of the peculiarities of the absorption of lycopene by humans. In the case of watermelon, this happens directly.
And since it can prevent many diseases, not only diabetes, but even prostate and cervical cancers, it could make it an essential element for preventing these serious diseases. In addition, watermelon helps to strengthen the fight against oxidative processes in the body and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
At the beginning of the 20th century, watermelons became sweet. The artist Boris Kustodiev depicted an approximate view of the fruits of that time. In the painting "The Merchant's Wife at Tea" you can see that the watermelons of that time were not much different from the modern ones. From that time on, the watermelon began its triumphant march across the planet and gained popularity. Although in Russia it became known back in the 13th century. The word "watermelon" itself is borrowed from the Kipchak language.
Watermelon is a pumpkin plant, but its fruit?
In addition to the version that watermelon is a pumpkin, there are also claims that it can be a fruit, berry or vegetable. It is necessary to consider all versions at once, this will help to realize their erroneousness, as well as to understand the main problems of classification.
A funny fact is that, although watermelon is a pumpkin, it is also a berry, and quite officially. But the pumpkin fruit is considered a vegetable.
Vegetables are usually called annual herbaceous plants, the fruits of which have a savory taste. Also, almost everything that does not grow on trees falls here. Although watermelon can be classified as a herb, it is not a vegetable because it contains a lot of sugars.
In general, it is worth noting that the term "vegetable" can have not only botanical, but also everyday use. In this case, it usually refers to plants that bear fruit on the roots (potatoes), various root vegetables such as radishes, carrots, beets, garlic, and so on.
The vegetable category also includes plants of such families as:
- nightshade;
- legumes;
- bulbous;
- umbrella;
- gauze;
- cruciferous.
This is an incomplete list. But it is already possible to understand that despite the common designation of a watermelon as a vegetable, this formulation is incorrect. He's not a vegetable at all for a variety of reasons.
Botanists define fruit as the fruit that grows on a tree and has a juicy flesh. And although the watermelon is very juicy, it does not fit this classification, since it grows on the ground and is a vine that gradually spreads. Because of this, such an assumption is not even considered by scientists.
By its structure, the watermelon is very close to the berry. Berries grow on ornamental or fruit bushes, have juicy pulp and seeds. It is important to understand that the size is not taken into account, although most people are used to the fact that the berries should be small.
Many people think that watermelons are berries. Their claims are well founded. The fruits consist of thick bark, pulp and seeds, and they are arranged in a manner typical of most berries. But at the same time, an important detail is that the peel of the berry should be thin and tender. Currants or raspberries can be cited as an example, while watermelon does not fit this definition.
The dense skin of a watermelon allows it to retain moisture and nutrients for a long time (up to several months).
This is the main difference that does not allow you to call watermelon a berry.
Pumpkin is a multi-seeded false berry that grows on a herbaceous vine. A large unisexual flower is used for its formation. It has a dense consistency and many seeds, which are located in the very thickness of the pulp, like ordinary berries.
Pumpkins differ from berries:
- Their rind is thick and not suitable for human consumption, only if allowed to feed cattle.
- The sizes of pumpkins are much larger than the berries that fruit bushes give.
It is correct to call a watermelon a pumpkin or "false berry", since it is under this classification that it fits best. But cucumber, melon, pumpkin and zucchini belong to its closest relatives.
Almost everyone, both people and animals, loves the juicy sweet pulp of watermelon. Today, breeders have bred many different varieties of this wonderful false berry. Large-fruited watermelons are mainly consumed fresh. Small fruits of the hostess are pickled or fermented. From the peel of a watermelon, amazingly tasty jam and amazing marmalade are obtained. In the garden of the summer resident, there must be at least a few bush watermelons.