Choosing bright perennial flowers for a summer cottage flower bed

If you want to decorate your garden with beautifully flowering plants, then the best choice for you is to plant perennial flowers in your flower bed. You need to choose seeds for sowing in mid-July, when the beds are freed from onions and garlic. You will avoid seed stratification by planting perennial flowers at this time. If the seeds are planted in warm soil, they will sprout immediately. Sunlight and warmth will help the perennial flowers quickly grow green mass, and the perennial plants will bloom next year. If you stratify the seeds and plant them in the spring, the plants will not flower until the third year after planting. Consider the perennial flowers that are most common in gardeners' flower beds.

Pansies or viola

Viola refer to biennial flowers. In the first year, a green rosette grows in them, and in the second year, in early spring, viols bloom. Breeders have developed a variety of flowers in all sorts of colors. The Swedish Giants variety, for example, can bloom with purple or red flowers. This variety reaches 40 cm in height, so the seeds of this variety can be sown in pots. Variety "Frose chocolate" reaches a height of 5 cm. It blooms with yellow flowers with a chocolate core.

The advantage of pansies is good winter hardiness.


If you want to plant tall and unpretentious flowers along the path or in the flowerbed, then the best option for you is to plant Breath of Love carnations. Pink flowers bloom in the second year. In the first year after planting, this carnation builds up its green mass.

A perennial flower is unpretentious and winter-hardy. Therefore, the “Breath of Love” carnation can also be grown in the northern regions of Russia.


Gravilates are plants from the rose family. The flowers of the "Aurelia" variety are small, but their double yellow color favorably distinguishes gravilat against the background of other plants. Since the gravilats are tall enough, they are sown along the border to separate from their neighbors. Some varieties can grow up to 80 cm in height.


Gelenium "Autumn Jazz" blooms in autumn. Its flowers can be light brown or yellow. Heleniums are planted in a heap. The stems reach 1.2 m in height, and the original shape of the flower pleases the eye of the gardener. The flowers have a convex heart and drooping petals. Because of this, they resemble a ballet tutu.


Armeria are planted in groups. Plant bulbs under shrubs. Armeria blooms with white or light pink flowers. Armeria refers to early flowering perennial flowers.


