We drive irises by March 8: when and how to do it right
Blooming hyacinths and tulips in pots have long been used as gifts for Women's Day, but for some reason, large handsome irises have been undeservedly ignored, and in vain. With the right approach, it is not difficult to drive out irises by March 8 and it is quite possible even in an apartment.
In order for proud irises to bloom in early spring, you must adhere to specific instructions, which include the following activities:
- selection and preparation of quality seed material;
- adherence to landing dates;
- providing the necessary conditions for forcing.
Preparing bulbs for forcing
For winter forcing, bulbous are most often used types of irises... Although they are quite demanding on growing conditions, they lend themselves well to controlling growth processes and will delight with their delicate flowers. At home, the following varieties are most often used from bulbous irises:
- Denford;
- varieties of mesh iris.
Bulbs can be easily purchased in flower shops, usually on the packaging of such irises there is an inscription “for distillation”. In addition, street flowers are also suitable for this purpose.
To expel irises from your flower bed in winter, the bulbs must be dug out before the leaves completely wither, at the beginning of summer. The dried seed material should be stored for a month at a high temperature (up to 30 degrees Celsius), then kept for another month at 20 degrees and the time remaining before planting should be kept in a cool room with a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.
When to plant?
Calculate terms planting irises very simple: from the moment of planting and directly to the flowering itself, an average of 2.5 months pass (this period may be shortened or prolonged depending on the conditions of the plants).
The irises planted in the third decade of December will bloom in time for March 8.
Conditions for forcing plants
It is better to drive out irises in a greenhouse, where it is possible to control and influence the temperature. This is very important, otherwise it will be difficult to meet the deadlines. After planting the bulbs, they should take root in a cool place, no higher than 12 degrees Celsius. After two weeks, the "weather" should be made warmer, increasing the daytime temperature to 16 degrees, and at night - another 2 degrees higher.
Warmer conditions will bring flowering time closer, while cooler conditions will push it back.
The second most important factor for forcing is good lighting: the length of daylight hours should be at least 14 hours. If the irises do not have enough light, they will slowly develop, and the buds will begin to dry out without opening.
Hyacinth is brought into the heat 20 days before flowering, but how many days before flowering should irises be brought in?
It all depends on how quickly you want to bloom.But in general, after planting, the bulbs must still be kept cool for at least 2 weeks so that they take root well. In addition, the word "warm" means a temperature not higher than plus 20 ° C. If it gets hotter, then the irises will throw out blind buds and be low.
How many days does IRIS need to make it bloom ??? I planted the hyacinth at the end of November, then lowered it into the basement of the garage, on January 25th I bring the pots into the house under a lamp and on February 14th I sell FLOWERING IRISES—- HOW ???
When forcing bulbous plants, their general technology is practically the same. From the moment of attachment (that is, when the irises are brought from the cellar to a warmer room) and before flowering, on average, it takes about 2-3 weeks. Of course, temperature and quality lighting are of great importance. It's a pity about the exact timing, I can't tell you from my personal practice, because I haven't tried to kick it out yet, there is no suitable room. But on one of the forums I found information that the irises brought into a warm room in early February bloom in early March, that is, after 4 weeks. It turns out that if you need to get blooming for Valentine's Day, you need to bring the irises into the house a month before that, in mid-January.
When forcing bulbous plants, their general technology is practically the same. From the moment of attachment (that is, when the irises are brought from the cellar to a warmer room) and before the onset of flowering, on average 6 days pass