We grow abutilone from seeds - the subtleties of sowing
Abutilon is an evergreen shrub and belongs to the Malvaceae family. At home, the plant can reach up to 1.5 m in height, although in nature there are specimens and higher (up to 3 m). The plant has earned its popularity due to its beautiful large leaves and abundant flowering, which can last almost until the onset of winter.
Abutilon is also called "indoor maple" - its leaves are very similar in shape to this tree.
One of the methods of reproduction of abutilone, widely used at home, is the seedling method. It is not always possible to find a ready-made bush in stores, but buying seeds is not a problem. Moreover, a plant obtained from seeds will be more hardy and persistent, and the seeds themselves have good germination. The main thing is that they are fresh.
Seed treatment before sowing
For growing seedlings of abutilon, seeds collected no more than two years ago should be taken. Otherwise, their germination is reduced by half.
The seeds should be ripe and have a dark color - if the seeds are light, this means that they were harvested early and did not have time to ripen, so they are unlikely to sprout. Seeds will not sprout even if their shell is damaged and in this form they were stored.
Before sowing, the seeds must be properly prepared, which will significantly increase the germination rate:
- Rub each seed with fine emery paper to leave rough marks (this will make it easier for the sprouts to hatch).
- Fold the seeds into a cotton bag.
- Make a growth stimulant solution and saturate the bag with it on a saucer.
- Leave the seeds overnight.
What soil to sow?
A versatile substrate is suitable for growing seedlings. If it is not possible to purchase it or there is a desire to prepare the soil yourself, you need to mix:
- 2 parts peat and leafy land;
- one part of sand (river) and perlite.
How to sow abutilone correctly?
Fill a low tray with a lid with soil, moisten abundantly and spread the seeds over the surface. Top them up with a small layer of soil and spray again.
For the prevention of diseases, the substrate should first be shed with diluted potassium permanganate.
Close the tray with a lid and place on a light-colored windowsill. The required temperature for germinating seeds should be maintained within 22-25 degrees Celsius.
How to care for abutilone seedlings?
During the germination period, it is necessary to open the tray from time to time to evaporate the condensate and moisten the soil. When the sprouts appear (usually it takes 3 weeks), they must be gradually accustomed to the room climate, gradually increasing the time spent outside the greenhouse. The cover can then be removed.
They start picking into separate cups when the bushes form 1-2 true leaves. It is better to take small containers so that the abutilones spend their energy not on filling the pot with roots, but on forming a compact bush.