We grow the cicas sago palm at home
One of the most interesting varieties of palms that are used in indoor floriculture is the cicada. This tall ornamental plant with an unusual name has a very beautiful appearance and is considered one of the most expensive and spectacular plants for "green" decor.
Characteristic features of the plant
Tsikas is like no other like a palm tree. It has a very thick trunk, resembling a big bump, which only grows with age and is covered with a shell of the remains of foliage. During the year, the plant grows no more than 3 cm, and forms (also sheds) one layer of leaves. The older the plant, the more leaves the layer has. The trunk of the cicassa expands over time and can reach a diameter of up to 30 cm.
If the lower leaves of a young palm tree began to turn yellow, it means that it begins to form a trunk - a bump.
Long leaves grow from the top of the trunk. First, the cicassus releases a long arrow, which then unfolds and “releases” lush feathery leaves like fern foliage. They are soft and light, but then darken and become hard and shiny. Read also about the date palm!
How to care for cicada?
Watering the cicasas should be very moderate, a young small plant should be moistened well enough once every 10 days. The root system of this type of palm is thin and not covered with dense bark, therefore it quickly decays from the abundance of moisture. The palm tree also does not need frequent spraying, but sometimes you can wash off the dust from the leaves, and spray them during the heating period so that the shine is not lost and the leaves do not become dull.
There is an opinion that cicas are able to grow in partial shade, but this is not entirely true. The flower will grow, and even release new leaves, but they will become long and ugly. In order for the leaves to have a rich dark green color, and the shape of the leaf plate to be lush, it needs good lighting.
In winter, the minimum room temperature should be at least 15 degrees Celsius.
With active growth, cicasas require rest once every 5-6 years.
If all the leaves on the flower gradually began to turn yellow tier by tier, and before that it developed normally and did not get sick, do not be afraid. Thus, the cicassus arranges a rest for itself, which is its peculiarity. For this period it is necessary:
- move the pot to a shady place (but not to the pantry);
- reduce watering to once every two weeks.
The palm rests for 3-4 months, and then again begins to release leaves from the stem.
There are some peculiarities in the fertilization of cicas. Unlike most palms, mineral preparations it is better not to use it for feeding a flower. But organic matter has a good effect on its growth, but it should be applied no more than once a month.