Growing geraniums from seeds
The favorite of flower growers, geraniums are easiest to propagate by cuttings - this is the simplest and most reliable method, which in 99% of cases gives positive results. But when it comes to rare varieties that are difficult to find on the shelves of flower shops in adult form, the seed method of growing is useful. The selection of seeds is always good enough, and with a little effort it is quite possible to obtain a rare geranium variety.
When can you sow seeds?
The time for sowing geraniums depends on desire and lighting. If it is possible to provide backlighting or there is enough natural light in the room, grow pelargonium you can even year round.
According to the recommendations and observations of experienced flower lovers, the best time for sowing seeds is considered to be the period from late autumn to mid-spring.
How to accelerate seed germination?
In order for the seeds to sprout faster, it is necessary to carry out scarification, that is, to violate the integrity of the shell. This can be done in two ways:
- Place the seeds in a clay pot and rub them lightly with an emery stone.
- Use a sharp knife to scrape off the brown shell from one side of the seed.
Soak the prepared seeds in water for a day.
Which soil to choose?
For successful germination of geranium seeds, the substrate must be loose. Regular garden soil will not work here, it is better to use lighter components for this purpose, such as peat and perlite in a 1: 1 ratio.
The best option is also a soil mixture, which includes:
- 2 pieces of turf;
- 1 part peat;
- 1 part sand.
How to sow seeds?
It is good to shed soil before sowing. Lay out the seeds, leaving a distance of 5 cm between them and lightly sprinkle on top. To maintain the humidity and temperature required for germination, the pot must be covered with foil.
Spray the soil in the pot periodically to prevent it from drying out.
After one and a half to two weeks from the moment of sowing, seedlings will appear, then the film can be removed. After another week, they can be dived into separate containers. At this stage, each seedling should have at least 2-4 leaves. Before removing the seedlings, the soil should be well moistened so as not to damage the fragile young roots in the process.
Care of young geranium bushes
The first feeding of geraniums should be done 2 weeks after transplantation. In the future, it is enough to apply fertilizers twice a month, using complex preparations with a low nitrogen content, otherwise the geranium will refuse to bloom.
When a young bush grows more than 6 leaves, pinch the top of the shoot - this way you can form a compact flower and achieve active flowering.