We grow morning glory: planting time in the ground

I love climbing plants very much, and every year I look for new specimens in flower shops for giving. I plant them near a wooden gazebo, and in the summer they create a shadow for me there. This year, I came across a packet of flowers familiar from childhood, which my grandmother called "twisted panych" - they always grew along her fence and beautifully wrapped around it. But she did not plant them on purpose, the seeds themselves were sown from year to year. Tell me when you can plant morning glory in open ground?

morning glory Morning glory is a delicate vine plant from the bindweed family with a very strong character. Why is that? Yes, because seemingly thin long twigs over time are so intertwined with each other that they become akin to a rope, and you cannot take them with your bare hands. In spring, only the pruning shears help gardeners cope with trimming dry residues. At the same time, morning glory is one of the favorite plants. It is widely used to decorate gazebos, fences, and also to hide an unsightly corner on the site, thanks to its abundant flowering. Large inflorescences of the most varied colors look simply amazing.

A liana flower is easy to grow. Time when you can plant Ipomoya in open ground, depending on the method of planting. Bindweed, as the flower is also called, can be planted in a flower bed:

  • directly by seeds;
  • seedlings.

Regardless of which method is used, the seeds should be soaked before planting - this will accelerate the emergence of seedlings and, accordingly, the flowering itself.

When to sow seeds in the garden?sowing seeds

Morning glory is a very thermophilic flower and does not tolerate low temperatures. It is necessary to start sowing seeds not earlier than the threat of return frosts has passed, and the earth warms up well. This usually happens in mid-May.

Pre-soaked seeds should be placed in shallow holes, 2-3 pieces in each and lightly sprinkled with earth. If all the seeds sprout, the weaker sprouts can be removed by carefully cutting them off (without pulling out).

When to plant seeds for seedlings?Ipomoea seedlings

To get seedlings, seeds are sown earlier - in the middle or at the end of March. Then in May it will be possible to plant ready-made bushes on the flowerbed.

The transplant must be carried out in the transshipment method so as not to damage the fragile roots.

The process of growing seedlings of morning glory is no different from other plants. Pour nutritious light into shallow bowls substrate, put seeds on it (previously soaked and swollen) and sprinkle with earth. It is not necessary to deepen much, 2 cm is enough. Spray the ground abundantly from a spray bottle and cover the container with film or glass to maintain a greenhouse microclimate.

During germination periodically ventilate the greenhouse. When sprouts appear, remove the film and place the seedlings on a light windowsill. When several true leaves have formed, cut the bushes into separate cups.

In order for the seedlings to develop more actively, it is recommended that each plant be placed on a small support (for example, thin wooden pegs).

Video about the advantages and disadvantages of sowing morning glory seeds in open ground


