We grow medicinal plants on our site

flowerbed with medicinal plants Autumn for herbalists and those who are fond of traditional medicine is the season for collecting medicinal plants. Most of them, in search of healing herbs, go to the forest, away from highways, because it is known that the herbs are ecologically clean there. However, there are those who grow useful plants right in the flower bed. This is not at all difficult to do, because many useful herbs are wild-growing, which means they can grow without additional effort on the part of humans. There are also cultivated species adapted for home cultivation, but they do not need special care.

Many plants are not only useful, but also very beautiful and can rightfully take a place in a flower bed, decorating a plot with their appearance.

What medicinal plants can be grown at home?

Some of the most common, unpretentious and at the same time beautiful and useful plants that live at home are:

  1. Mint... Grows well in any place and soil. But it should be borne in mind that it quickly spreads over the site. To restrict planting, you can dig in slate along the border of the flower bed, or plant mint directly in pots.
  2. Melissa... Perennial, depending on the species, the height of the bush can be from 30 to 120 cm. Bright green leaves and bluish-white flowers look beautiful in a flower bed, and if you rub them, you can hear a delicate lemon scent. It is used as a seasoning and in the treatment of various diseases.
  3. Monarda... Large pink, red, blue or purple inflorescences on tall (up to 1 m) stems look spectacular in the garden, and dried leaves can be added to tea - they will give it a bergamot smell.
  4. Thyme... A low perennial shrub with small leaves, purple small inflorescences bloom at the ends of the branches during flowering. Used as a spice and for medicinal purposes.
  5. Elecampane... A beautiful, erect and tall bush (can reach up to 2.5 m) in the middle of summer is decorated with large yellow flowers similar to a sunflower. It has a number of useful properties.
  6. Sage... One of the most beautiful medicinal herbs with tall purple spike-shaped inflorescences. Sage is known for its properties in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and ENT organs.
  7. St. John's wort... A rather tall erect bush with a height of more than 1 m forms golden flowers with long stamens on the tops. It is widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
  8. Yarrow... In the wild, most often there are low bushes with white small flowers, collected in an inflorescence-basket, but there are also cultivated varieties with various colors.

Most medicinal plants are perennials, but there are also annuals among them.

Where to get?

In flower shops and garden centers, there is a large selection of planting material, there are also medicinal crops among them. They can be purchased both in the form of seedlings and seeds.

There is also an easier way - to dig a bush right in the forest and plant it at home. But in this case, the choice will be limited only to those herbs that grow in a certain area. Although this is their advantage, because you no longer need to worry whether the plants will take root or not in the local climate.

Medicinal herbs in a private area - video


