We grow a gentle spirea in our summer cottage: tips for planting and caring for a shrub

spirea at their summer cottage The deciduous shrub of spirea has won the love of flower growers for a long time due to its flexible character and unique appearance, which the plant acquires during flowering. Well, how can you not fall in love with the snow-white ball of spring varieties of culture, reminiscent of a bride's veil, under which you can't see the leaves? Or how to get past the soft pink bushes of summer varieties?

There are over 100 plant species ranging from miniature varieties (up to 15 cm) to majestic shrubs over 2 meters in height.

Even beginners in gardening can grow spirea. It takes root well, does not require constant attention and is able to develop practically without human participation. But in order for the bush to annually please with its flowering, you should still heed the advice of more experienced specialists.

When can spirea be planted?

All types of spirea have high frost resistance, but their root system is superficial and forms a lobular root. Based on this, there are certain nuances of landing:

  • spring-flowering varieties must be planted only in autumn;
  • varieties that bloom in summer can be planted both in autumn and early spring.

The spring planting must be carried out before the leaves bloom, and the autumn planting before the end of the leaf fall.

Where to plant?

In order for the spirea to bloom profusely and magnificently, it is worth giving it a sunny place on the site. In addition, it must be borne in mind that after a few years the bush will grow strongly, therefore it is important to allocate enough space for it at the very beginning.

An unusually beautiful hedge is obtained from the spirea. To create a dense wall, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 0.5 m from each other.

How to plant spirea correctly?

To plant a seedling, you must first prepare a planting pit. It should be at least 0.5 m deep. It is imperative to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pit so that the melt water does not flood the bush. Place the seedling in the prepared recess, straightening the roots, and water abundantly.

It is impossible to deeply deepen the bush into the soil, the root collar must remain above the soil level in order to avoid putrefactive diseases.

When planting spirea in spring, all shoots should be cut in half. This will facilitate rapid rooting and the formation of young side shoots.

How to care for a shrub?

In general, spirea is unpretentious, but it still needs certain measures, like the rest of the flora:

  1. Watering... It is necessary to moisten the soil around the bush more often during the flowering period and in drought, while the rest of the time it is necessary to prevent the soil from completely drying out.
  2. Top dressing... After the shrubs have faded, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. At the end of summer, overlay the bushes with humus.
  3. Pruning... Early flowering spring varieties can be cut off only after flowering ends, but summer spirea species should be cut in March, removing half the height of the bush. In addition, in the latter, it is necessary to periodically remove faded inflorescences and cut out old branches every three years.

Spirea: planting and care - video


