We grow seedlings without soil on toilet paper in a city apartment
Most gardeners use soil containers to prepare young seedlings of vegetables and herbs for the garden. Is it possible to grow seedlings without soil on toilet paper and collect a bountiful harvest? It turns out that enterprising townspeople have been successfully using this unique technology for more than 20 years. After all, it is difficult to find a suitable place for containers with soil in an apartment. And not everyone can afford to buy a lot of peat tablets for crops.
Unique properties of plants and toilet paper
It may be difficult for someone to imagine greens that grow successfully without traditional soil. However, scientists have noticed an unusual property of plants. It is able to economically use its resources, which are stored in the cotyledons or endosperm. In "extreme" conditions, vegetable seedlings can develop for several weeks at the expense of their own nutrients.
The original properties of toilet paper are due to the composition. It is made from cellulose and gray paper. This combination is ideal for growing seedlings of vegetables, flowers and herbs. The material can be easily broken into small particles. It is very soft, so when diving the seedlings remain undamaged.
Similarly, paper napkins and handkerchiefs are used to grow seedlings.
List of suitable crops, advantages and disadvantages of the method
Back in Soviet times, this method of growing seedlings on toilet paper without land was actively used in the northern regions of the country. The short summer and long winter encouraged gardeners not to waste precious time. As a result, they received a reward for their labor - bountiful harvests. However, this method is not suitable for every culture.
Modern gardeners successfully sow such plants on toilet paper.:
- parsley;
- basil;
- salad watercress;
- eggplant;
- cucumbers;
- tomatoes;
- zucchini;
- bow;
- carrot;
- cabbage.
If desired, seedlings of petunias, marigolds, irises and lilies of the valley are grown on toilet paper. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for thermophilic plants. They often grow very slowly and gradually consume the entire supply of nutrients, without reaching the required maturity. In addition, they lack light, which leads to various diseases.
Despite this inconvenience, the method has a number of positive aspects:
- the cheapness of the material used;
- easy care;
- lack of land;
- optimal seed germination;
- intensive development of the root system.
In addition, such a substrate is protected from all kinds of pests. Therefore, the seedlings are not susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases. When planting on a bed, damage to young roots is excluded.
The disadvantages include the following factors:
- too dense seedlings need abundant lighting;
- lack of nutrients in the paper;
- a tightly rolled roll leads to the death of plants;
- daily monitoring of seedlings.
Despite this, the method is ideal for city dwellers who are engaged in seasonal gardening.Having grown seedlings at home, they transfer the culture to the garden bed and get a good harvest. Let's take a closer look at the unique technology in order to apply it in our garden practice.
Step-by-step instructions on how to get seedlings without soil on toilet paper
There are 2 options for growing seedlings on paper.
The standard way includes simple operations:
- regular watering;
- daily control of seedling growth;
- top dressing;
- lighting adjustment.
For the second option, additional "equipment" is used - plastic bottles. Therefore, it requires more attention and strength.
Preparation of planting material
Before planting seeds in toilet paper, the seeds are carefully sorted to remove dead specimens. For this, a saline solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 30 g of salt. Pour planting material into it. Stir and wait until the empty seeds float to the surface. Then they are collected with a slotted spoon and thrown away. The remaining sowing material is dried, and then spread on paper.
Items for Standard Mode
"The job is great if all the tools are at hand." This is what popular wisdom says.
Therefore, while the seeds dry out, prepare the necessary tools and materials:
- a roll of toilet paper without aromatic additives;
- thick plastic film;
- bottle or plastic cup;
- scissors;
- spray.
For regular watering, clean water is poured into a volumetric container so that it finds the optimal temperature and is cleaned. Next, we figure out how to plant seedlings on toilet paper in the classical way.
For irrigation, it is advisable to prepare water from a natural source.
Sequence of work for the standard version
A strip 35 cm long is cut out of a thick film. The width should correspond to the parameter of toilet paper, which is applied from above. Then the "white" base is irrigated with water at room temperature so that it does not become acidic.
Having stepped back from the edge of the tape about 1 cm, spread the planting material. First, cover the top with a new piece of paper and moisten with a spray bottle. Then a thick film, the same as at the base. The resulting "structure" is carefully rolled up. At the same time, they make sure that its elements do not move along the sides, and there are no bends. The roll is dipped into a glass or cut plastic bottle, into which some water is poured. It is placed so that the seeds are at the top.
An ideal roll retains its original shape, has a moderate density and no visible damage.
Thanks to this technology, an imitation of a greenhouse is obtained. There is always water in the lower part, which contributes to the development of seedlings. Similarly, seeds are germinated on toilet paper for planting in containers with soil.
Seedlings on paper in a plastic bottle
For the convenience of work, prepare a similar list of materials. It includes paper, a spray bottle, several plastic bottles, a plastic bag, and scissors. The planting container is cut in half across its entire length. 3-4 layers of toilet paper are applied to the resulting tanks, which will serve as an original substrate. From above it is poured with water from a spray bottle. Carefully lay out the seeds, lightly pressing them against the paper. To create a greenhouse effect, the crops are covered with a plastic bag and taken to a warm place.
Gentle care for a worthwhile purpose
To get lush seedlings without soil in toilet paper rolls, you need to properly care for them. As soon as the first shoots appear, top dressing is prepared. For this, a complex of mineral fertilizers for seedlings is used, which is sold in specialized stores. The substance is diluted with water, according to the instructions. However, the amount of fertilizer is reduced by 2 times (if the dose is 1: 2, then the ratio is actually 1: 4). Otherwise, the seedlings may suffer.
The resulting top dressing is poured to the base of the roll, with the standard method of growing seedlings on toilet paper. If plastic bottles are used, the substance is carefully introduced directly into the "substrate". When the next leaf plates appear, a fresh portion of fertilizer is applied.
Without feeding, seedlings are significantly inferior to seedlings grown in containers with soil.
Regular moistening of the paper is an important aspect of seedling care. In no case should it be allowed to dry, otherwise seedling will die. When she gets stronger, they begin to dive.
The process begins by unwinding paper rolls that have a humid environment. Then the plants are carefully pulled out and placed in containers with soil. If crops are grown on toilet paper in plastic bottles, the seedlings are carefully removed from the humid environment.
Toilet paper residues are successfully dissolved in the soil, so they do not need to be completely removed from the plant root system.
Summing up, we note that seedlings on toilet paper without soil are of excellent quality. It does not require special care. It tolerates diving wonderfully and quickly takes root on the soil. In addition, this method is ideal for summer residents living in city apartments.