Growing peas in the garden beds is within the power of everyone
Peas are a plant from the legume family. Peas are related to beans. Colonies of beneficial bacteria settle on its root system, which are able to absorb nitrogen from the air and accumulate it in the soil. Colonies of these bacteria settle on the roots of peas. They look like small tubers, these beneficial microorganisms are called nodule bacteria. Nodule bacteria live in symbiosis with legumes, helping them to absorb nutrients. These microorganisms form new colonies within three years, and without nodule bacteria in the soil, the peas will die.
If crops from the legume family have already grown on your site, take some land from the last planting site, then microorganisms will enter into symbiosis with peas and begin to enrich the soil with nitrogen faster.
Peas are grown not only to fertilize the beds for future planting, but this legume plant produces delicious fruits. In order to get a good harvest of peas, it is necessary to properly grow the seedlings, choose a suitable planting site and install the trellis for the peas. Depending on the purpose for which the peas are grown, brain or solid varieties of this crop are planted on the site.
Choosing a landing site
The best precursors for peas are:
- cucumbers;
- pumpkin;
- potatoes;
- cabbage.
For peas to be sweet and soft, potash and phosphorus fertilizers must be added to the soil when growing these crops. When planting pea seeds, a little compost or vermicompost should be added to the groove. The distance between the furrows should be 50 cm, and between the seeds - 5-10 cm.The depth of planting seeds into the soil is 3-5 cm.
Peas can withstand frosts up to -6ABOUTC, but you need to plant seeds in the ground no earlier than April 20th. In summer, early ripening pea varieties are planted until July 10.
Pea care
Peas are an unpretentious culture. Plant care consists in weeding, timely watering and harvesting. When the first shoots appear, the soil must be loosened, and the shoots must be slightly hilled. Pegs are driven in near the plants and the net is pulled, thus equipping the trellis. After 30-50 days, the peas will bloom, and a month after the mass flowering, you can harvest.